Sunday, 31 December 2017

એકમાત્ર સત્ય સાધના...

નવ વર્ષે વધામણાં!
નિતદિન હોજો પારણાં...

માન્યતા ને ધારણા!
ને બદલે સત્ય પારખા...

શતશત ઓવારણાં!
સત્ય ભર્યા સંભારણા...

ન શક્ય ન સંભાવના!
સત્ય સજી આરાધના...

ન જૂઠ મઢ્યા વાયદા!
સત્યનાં સત્ય સરવાળા...

ન આચરણ ભષ્ટ નર્યા!
સત્ય, સાતત્ય, સત્યનિષ્ઠા...

યુવાન વૃધ્ધ ભૂલકાં
સર્વે સત્યસિદ્ધ રખવાળા...

હ્રદયે હ્રદયે ઊગે અભીપ્સા 
એકમાત્ર સત્ય સાધના...

સત્ય હોજો દર આધાર ક્રિયા
સત્ય હોજો સાર શ્વસન કેરાં...

સત્ય અમર હો...
સત્ય જય હો...

ધન્ય પ્રભુ... જય હો પ્રભુ...


- મોરલી પંડ્યા 
જાન્યુઆરી, ૨૦૧

O Lord! Grant that this year may be the year of Thy Victory.
We aspire for a perfect faithfulness which would make us worthy of it. 

Glory to Thee, O Lord, who triumphest over every obstacle!
Grant that nothing in us may be an impediment to Thy work. 

Lord, grant that everything in us may be ready for Thy Realisation. On the threshold of the new year we bow down to Thee, O Lord, Supreme Realiser.

Will be the year of purification.
O Lord, all those who take part in the divine work implore Thee that by a supreme purification they may be liberated from the domination of the ego.

A year of silence and expectation… Let us find, O Lord, our entire support in Thy Grace alone. 

The world is fighting for its spiritual life menaced by the rush of hostile and undivine forces.
Lord, we aspire to be Thy valiant warriors so that Thy glory may manifest upon the earth.  

Glory to Thee, O Lord, conqueror of every foe ! Give us the power to endure and share in Thy victory.  

The hour has come when a choice has to be made, radical and definitive.
Lord, give us the strength to reject falsehood and emerge in Thy truth, pure and worthy of Thy victory. 

O Lord, the world implores Thee to prevent it from falling back always into the same stupidities.
Grant that the mistakes recognised may never be renewed.
Grant lastly that its actions may be the exact and sincere expression of its proclaimed ideals.  

The earth will enjoy a lasting and living peace only when men understand that they must be truthful even in their international dealings.
O Lord, it is for this perfect truthfulness that we aspire.

Lord, it is Thy Peace we would have and not a vain semblance of peace, Thy Freedom and not a semblance of freedom, Thy Unity and not a semblance of unity. For it is only Thy Peace, Thy Freedom and Thy Unity that can triumph over the blind violence and the hypocrisy and falsehood that still reign upon earth.
Grant that those who so valiantly struggled and suffered for Thy Victory, may see the true and genuine results of that victory realised in the world.  
At the very moment when everything seems to go from bad to worse, it is then that we must make a supreme act of faith and know that the Grace will never fail us.  

Forward, for ever forward!
At the end of the tunnel is the light…
At the end of the fight is the victory !
Don’t speak. Act.
Don’t announce. Realise. 

Lord, we are upon earth to accomplish Thy work of transformation. It is our sole will, our sole preoccupation. Grant that it may be also our sole occupation and that all our actions may help us towards this single goal.  

O Lord, Thou hast decided to test the quality of our faith and to pass our sincerity on Thy touchstone. Grant that we come out greater and purer from the ordeal.  

Lord, Thou hast told us: Do not give way, hold tight. It is when everything seems lost that all is saved.  

 My Lord, here is Thy advice to all, for this year: “Never boast about anything, let your acts speak for you.”

No human will can finally prevail against the Divine’s Will. Let us put ourselves deliberately and exclusively on the side of the Divine, and the Victory is ultimately certain.

The greatest victories are the least noisy. The manifestation of a new world is not proclaimed by beat of drum.  

A Power greater than that of Evil can alone win the victory. It is not a crucified but a glorified body that will save the world.  

O Nature, Material Mother, thou hast said that thou wilt collaborate and there can be no limit to the splendour of this collaboration.

At the very bottom of the inconscience most hard and rigid and narrow and stifling I struck upon an almighty spring that cast me up forthwith into a formless limitless Vast vibrating with the seeds of a new world.  

To know is good,
to live is better,
to be, that is perfect.  

This wonderful world of delight waiting at our gates for our call, to come down upon earth… 

Let us prepare for the Hour of God.

Are you ready?

Salute to the advent of Truth.

Let us serve the Truth.

Men, countries, continents !
The choice is imperative:
Truth or the abyss.

Remain young, never stop striving towards perfection.

No words - acts.

The world is preparing for a big change.
Will you help?

Blessed are those who take a leap towards the Future.

Let us all try to be worthy of Sri Aurobindo’s centenary.

When you are conscious of the whole world at the same time, then you can become conscious of the Divine.

Flower Name: Salix discolor
Pussy willow
Significance: The Future
A promise not yet realised.

Saturday, 30 December 2017

Thank you! The year ...

Thank you! 
The year, the day, every second...
You brought the moments,
Worth lived and captured...

Thank you!
The occassions, happenings, every facet
You made the moments,
Amazing journey and progress...

Thank you!
The resource, the set, every person
You created the moments,
Lifetime wealth and strength...

Thank you!
The Will Divine, the force, every act
You bestowed the moments,
Blessed of now and of future gamut...

Thank you...The year 2017...

- Morli Pandya 
December, 2017

Let the past be past. Concentrate only on the Eternal Blessings.

 Let the birth of the new year be the new birth of our consciousness.
Leaving the past far behind us, let us run towards a luminous future.

Lord, the year is dying and our gratitude bows down to Thee.
Lord, the year is reborn, our prayer rises up to Thee.
Let it be for us also the dawn of a new life.  

We surrender to Thee this evening all that is artificial and false, all that pretends and imitates. Let it disappear with the year that is at an end. May only what is perfectly true, sincere, straight and pure subsist in the year that is beginning.

Lord, on the eve of the new year I asked Thee what I must say. Thou hast made me see two extreme possibilities and given me the command to keep silent

Flower Name: Merremia tuberosa
Wood rose, Yellow morning glory, Spanish woodbine, Hawaiian wood rose
Significance: Mental Gratitude
The gratefulness of the mind for what makes it progress.

Friday, 29 December 2017



Divine explorations and nothing but
Or formations out of or of any box!

Straight! A down fall such as waterfall 
Beneath on to a ground of silenced shore

Intellect runs, analyses as the staunch
Desperate to catch even a bit of notch

Glittery vibrant words, in truth sentence
Each implores unquestionable galore

Imperative instincts from primitive host
Man moved past from, now an open hollow!

The race must graduate to world intuition
Mind-Intellect duo to quiet and obedient.

Intuitive kingdom - a new earth to bring in
Through truth intuition man must live deep...

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
December, 2017

“The thought of the intuitive mind proceeds wholly by four powers that shape the form of the truth, an intuition that suggests its idea, an intuition that discriminates, an inspiration that brings in its word and something of its greater substance and a revelation that shapes to the sight its very face and body of reality. These things are not the same as certain movements of the ordinary mental intelligence that look analogous and are easily mistaken for the true intuition in our first inexperience. The suggestive intuition is not the same thing as the intellectual insight of a quick intelligence or the intuitive discrimination as the rapid judgment of the reasoning intellect; the intuitive inspiration is not the same as the inspired action of the imaginative intelligence, nor the intuitive revelation as the strong light of a purely mental close seizing and experience.”
The Synthesis of Yoga – II: The Gradations of the Supermind

“But these two stages of the ascent [i.e. Higher and Illumined Minds] enjoy their authority and can get their own united completeness only by a reference to a third level; for it is from the higher summits where dwells the intuitional being that they derive the knowledge which they turn into thought or sight and bring down to us for the mind's transmutation. Intuition is a power of consciousness nearer and more intimate to the original knowledge by identity; for it is always something that leaps out direct from a concealed identity. It is when the consciousness of the subject meets with the consciousness in the object, penetrates it and sees, feels or vibrates with the truth of what it contacts, that the intuition leaps out like a spark or lightning-flash from the shock of the meeting; or when the consciousness, even without any such meeting, looks into itself and feels directly and intimately the truth or the truths that are there or so contacts the hidden forces behind appearances, then also there is the outbreak of an intuitive light; or, again, when the consciousness meets the Supreme Reality or the spiritual reality of things and beings and has a contactual union with it, then the spark, the flash or the blaze of intimate truth-perception is lit in its depths. This close perception is more than sight, more than conception: it is the result of a penetrating and revealing touch which carries ill it sight and conception as part of itself or as its natural consequence. A concealed or slumbering identity, not yet recovering itself, still remembers or conveys by the intuition its own contents and the intimacy of its self-feeling and self-vision of things, its light of truth, its overwhelming and automatic certitude. 

In the human mind the intuition is even such a truth-remembrance or truth-conveyance, or such a revealing flash or blaze breaking into a great mass of ignorance or through a veil of nescience: but we have seen that it is subject there to an invading mixture or a mental coating or an interception and substitution; there is too a manifold possibility of misinterpretation which comes in the way of the purity and fullness of its action. Moreover, there are seeming intuitions on all levels of the being which are communications rather than intuitions, and these have a very various provenance, value and character. The infrarational "mystic", so-styled, -- for to be a true mystic it is not sufficient to reject reason and rely on sources of thought or action of which one has no understanding, -- is often inspired by such communications on the vital level from a dark and dangerous source. In these circumstances we are driven to rely mainly on the reason and are disposed even to control the suggestions of the intuition, -- or the pseudo-intuition, which is the more frequent phenomenon, -- by the observing and discriminating intelligence; for we feel in our intellectual part that we cannot be sure otherwise what is the true thing and what the mixed or adulterated article or false substitute. But this largely discounts for us the utility of the intuition: for the reason is not in this field a reliable arbiter, since its methods are different, tentative, uncertain, an intellectual seeking; even though it itself really relics on a camouflaged intuition for its conclusions, -- for without that help it could not choose its course or arrive at any assured finding, -- it hides this dependence from itself under the process of a reasoned conclusion or a verified conjecture. An intuition passed in judicial review by the reason ceases to be an intuition and can only have the authority of the reason for which there is no inner source of direct certitude. But even if the mind became predominantly an intuitive mind reliant upon its portion of the higher faculty, the co-ordination of its cognitions and its separated activities, -- for in mind these would always be apt to appear as a series of imperfectly connected flashes, -- would remain difficult so long as this new mentality has not a conscious liaison with its suprarational source or a self-uplifting access to a higher plane of consciousness in which an intuitive action is pure and native. 

Intuition is always an edge or ray or outleap of a superior light; it is in us a projecting blade, edge or point of a far-off supermind light entering into and modified by some intermediate truth-mind substance above us and, so modified, again entering into and very much Minded by our ordinary or ignorant mind-substance; but on that higher level to which it is native its light is unmixed and therefore entirely and purely veridical, and its rays are not separated but connected or massed together in a play of waves of what might almost be called in the Sanskrit poetic figure a sea or mass of "stable lightnings''. When this original or native Intuition begins to descend into us in answer to an ascension of our consciousness to its level or as a result of our finding of a clear way of communication with it, it may continue to come as a play of lightning-flashes, isolated or in constant action; but at this stage the judgment of reason becomes quite inapplicable, it can only act as an observer or registrar understanding or recording the more luminous intimations, judgments and discriminations of the higher power. To complete or verify an isolated intuition or discriminate its nature, its application, its limitations, the receiving consciousness must rely on another completing intuition or be able to call down a massed intuition capable of putting all in place. For once the process of the change has begun, a complete transmutation of the stuff and activities of the mind into the substance, form and power of Intuition is imperative; until then, so long as the process of consciousness depends upon the lower intelligence serving or helping out or using the intuition, the result can only be a survival of the mixed Knowledge-Ignorance uplifted or relieved by a higher light and force acting in its parts of Knowledge. 

Intuition has a fourfold power. A power of revelatory truth-seeing, a power of inspiration or truth-hearing, a power of truth-touch or immediate seizing of significance, which is akin to the ordinary nature of its intervention in our mental intelligence, a power of true and automatic discrimination of the orderly and exact relation of truth to truth,-these are the fourfold potencies of Intuition. Intuition can therefore perform all the action of reason, -- including the function of logical intelligence, which is to work out the right relation of things and the right relation of idea with idea, -- but by its own superior process and with steps that do not fail or falter. It takes up also and transforms into its own substance not only the mind of thought, but the heart and life and the sense and physical consciousness: already all these have their own peculiar powers of intuition derivative from the hidden Light; the pure power descending from above can assume them all into itself and impart to these deeper heart-perceptions and life-perceptions and the divinations of the body a greater integrality and perfection. It can thus change the whole consciousness into the stuff of Intuition; for it brings its own greater radiant movement into the will, into the feelings and emotions, the life-impulses, the action of sense and sensation, the very workings of the body-consciousness; it recasts them in the light and power of truth and illumines their knowledge and their ignorance. A certain integration can thus take place, but whether it is a total integration must depend on the extent to which the new light is able to take up the subconscient and penetrate the fundamental Inconscience. Here the intuitive light and power may be hampered in its task because it is the edge of a delegated and modified supermind, but does not bring in the whole mass or body of the identity-knowledge. The basis of Inconscience in our nature is too vast, deep and solid to be altogether penetrated, turned into light, transformed by an inferior power of the Truth-nature.”
The Life Divine pp.946-50

Flower Name: Caesalpinia coriaria
Significance: Intuitive Knowledge
Innumerable and vast for exploration, it is pure and fragrant.

Thursday, 28 December 2017

Compassion ...

Divine Mother's compassion
Turns 'this' to the extreme...

Venomous to sweet
Ugliness to beauty

Hatred to love deep
Envy to power friendly

Compition to being complimentry 
Indifference to empathetic

Depressive to energetic
Depreciative to constructive

Verbalize to calm steady
Abhorring to empty active

Regressive to creative
Apathetic to flexible fixing 

What not in revealing!
O Grace! Ample grand openings...

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
December, 2017

One day I will return, a bringer of strength, 
And make thee drink from the Eternal's cup; His streams of force shall triumph in thy limbs 
And Wisdom's calm control thy passionate heart. 
Thy love shall be the bond of humankind, 
Compassion the bright key of Nature's acts:
Misery shall pass abolished from the earth; 
The world shall be freed from the anger of the Beast,
From the cruelty of the Titan and his pain. 
There shall be peace and joy for ever more.
BOOK VII: The Book of Yoga 507 508

Sri Aurobindo's Compassion
Q: Why is the flower symbolising your compassion so delicate and why does it wither away so soon?
A: No, the compassion does not wither with its symbol—flowers are the moment’s representations of things that are in themselves eternal.
SABCL On Himself
Sri Aurobindo on Himself (Notes and Letters on His Life) The Master and the Guide

The truth of Sri Aurobindo is a truth of love and light and mercy. He is good, great, compassionate and divine. And it is he who will have the final victory.
I always saw him with a perfectly peaceful and smiling face, and above all, the dominant expression was one of compassion. That was what stood out in his appearance. An expression of compassion so ... so peaceful, so tranquil, oh, magnificent. TM

Flower Name: Portulaca grandiflora
Rose moss, Sun plant, Eleven-o'clock
Significance: Sri Aurobindo’s Compassion
Innumerable, ever present and effective in every instance.

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Remain centred ...

Remain centred
In purpose, in one's own momentum!

Remain none dependent
In knowing, in one's own dedication!

Remain non expectant 
In doing, uncarved resultant!

Remain unclonged
In passing joy of moment gone!

Remain without crave
Ingrained, in creation zone!

Remain open
In offering of what, how or whatever...

- Morli Pandya 
December, 2017

Detachment [from the imperfections and weaknesses of one's nature] means that one stands back from them, does not identify oneself with them or get upset or troubled because they are there, but rather looks on them as something foreign to one's true consciousness and true self, rejects them and calls in the Mother's force into these movements to eliminate them and bring the true consciousness and its movements there. SA

You must always step back into yourself— learn to go deep within - step back and you will be safe. Do not lend yourself to the superficial forces which move in the outside world. Even if you are in a hurry to do something, step back for a while and you will discover to your surprise how much sooner and with what greater success your work can be done. If someone is angry with you, do not be caught in his vibrations but simply step back and his anger, finding no support or response, will vanish. Always keep your peace, resist all temptation to lose it. Never decide anything without stepping back, never speak a word without stepping back, never throw yourself into action without stepping back. All that belongs to the ordinary world is impermanent and fugitive, so there is nothing in it worth getting upset about. What is lasting, eternal, immortal and infinite — that indeed is worth having, worth conquering, worth possessing. It is Divine Light, Divine Love, Divine Life — it is also Supreme Peace, Perfect Joy and All-Mastery upon earth....TM

Flower Name: Ipomoea cairica
Railway creeper
Significance: Detachment from all that is not the Divine
A single occupation, a single aim, a single joy-the Divine.

Tuesday, 26 December 2017



Unlike showcase, to prove or expect.
Self emergent, spontaneous express...

Unlike obey, blindly copy, always be same
Honouring of viewpoint, way and space...

Unlike enforced, emotionalised, compelled
Regarding the worth and deserving place...

Unlike mutual ego fulfillment, need based.
Admiration for each others lives and selves...

Revisit the standards of understated 'Respect' 
'What one puts out gets the same back'...

- Morli Pandya 
December, 2017

Only a few, the rare aristocrats of the earth, can really and truly think. That is now the true aristocracy, not the aristocracy of the body and birth, not the aristocracy of vital superiority, wealth, pride and luxury, not the aristocracy of higher emotions, courage, energy, successful political instinct and the habit of mastery and rule, — though these latter cannot be neglected, — but the aristocracy of knowledge, undisturbed insight and intellectual ability. SA

Flower Name: Dahlia

Significance: Aristocracy
Incapable of baseness and pettiness, it asserts itself with dignity and authority.

Monday, 25 December 2017

Stand strong!

Shake off!
All those harboured influences
Drop each, even the recent most!

Wear off!
All those other's garnered suggestive
Let go each, even from the deepest zone!

Stay off!
All those adversities, identified 
Offer each, even of the farthest long!

Stand strong!
All those of Divine directives
Be driven by each, even in the success high!

Let the Divine over...

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
December, 2017

Whatever the appearance we must bear, 
Whatever our strong ills and present fate, 
When nothing we can see but drift and bale,
A mighty Guidance leads us still through all.
BOOK I: The Book of Beginnings 59

As a star, uncompanioned, moves in heaven 
Unastonished by the immensities of Space, 
Travelling infinity by its own light, 
The great are strongest when they stand alone.
A God-given might of being is their force, 
A ray from self's solitude of light the guide; 
The soul that can live alone with itself meets God
BOOK VI: The Book of Fate 460

Flower Name: Amaranthus caudatus
Love-lies-bleeding, Velvet flower, Tassel flower

Significance: Illumined Strength in the Vital