સ્વીકાર ન હોય મારો, તારો
સાચો સ્વીકાર, 'સ્વીકાર' તણો.
વગર પસંદ! ન વિશેષ કે વાંધો
મૂળત્વમય, વિના 'છેકછાકો'.
વર્ગીકરણનો ન જ્યાં તાળો
ગણિતશાસ્ત્ર વગર સરવાળો.
કલ્પિત, વૈકલ્પિક પ્રભાવ વિહોણો
ન સુધાર અવકાશ કે ફેરફારો.
અર્પણમાં મૂકાતા સતત પ્રયાસો,
સંવાદિતામાં દેખાતા પરિણામો,
જો એ ધરી ને બિંદુથી ઊગતો માન્યો
પલટે સર્વકંઈ, શેષ ફક્ત દિવ્ય ઉદગારો.
જય હો પ્રભુ...
- મોરલી પંડ્યા
જાન્યુઆરી, ૨૦૧૮
This seed-self sown in the Indeterminate
Forfeits its glory of divinity,
Concealing the omnipotence of its Force,
Concealing the omniscience of its Soul;
An agent of its own transcendent Will,
It merges knowledge in the inconscient deep;
Accepting error, sorrow, death and pain,
It pays the ransom of the ignorant Night,
Redeeming by its substance Nature's fall.
Himself he knew and why his soul had gone
Into earth's passionate obscurity
To share the labour of an errant Power
Which by division hopes to find the One.
BOOK III: The Book of the Divine Mother 331
The word, the form, the charm, the glory and grace
Are missioned sparks from a stupendous Fire;
A sample from the laboratory of God
Of which he holds the patent upon earth,
Comes to him wrapped in golden coverings;
He listens for Inspiration's postman knock
And takes delivery of the priceless gift
A little spoilt by the receiver mind
When least defaced, then is it most divine.
Although his ego claims the world for its use,
Man is a dynamo for the cosmic work;
Nature does most in him, God the high rest:
Only his soul's acceptance is his own.
This independent, once a power supreme,
Self-born before the universe was made,
Accepting cosmos, binds himself Nature's serf
Till he becomes her freedman — or God's slave.
This is the appearance in our mortal front;
Our greater truth of being lies behind:
Our consciousness is cosmic and immense,
But only when we break through Matter's wall
In that spiritual vastness can we stand
Where we can live the masters of our world
And mind is only a means and body a tool.
BOOK VII: The Book of Yoga 542 543
For all problems of existence are essentially problems of harmony. They arise from the perception of an unsolved discord and the instinct of an undiscovered agreement or unity. To rest content with an unsolved discord is possible for the practical and more animal part of man, but impossible for his fully awakened mind, and usually even his practical parts only escape from the general necessity either by shutting out the problem or by accepting a rough, utilitarian and unillumined compromise. For essentially, all Nature seeks a harmony, life and matter in their own sphere as much as mind in the arrangement of its perceptions. SA
This manifestation of beauty and harmony is part of the Divine realisation upon earth, perhaps even its greatest part. TM
Flower Name: Antigonon leptopus
Coral vine, Confederate vine, Mexican creeper, Chain of love
Significance: Harmony
Let us work for the day when this will become both the means and the end.
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