The egoless within, the soul!
The paramount lover, the soul!
The ageless within, the soul!
The eternal stream, the soul!
The limitless within, the soul!
The infinite extreme, the soul!
The edgeless within, the soul!
The vast, sole, the still, the soul!
The constant within, the soul!
The steady samurai, the soul!
The original within, the soul!
The real, the life lever, the soul!
Thank you...
- Morli Pandya
January, 2018
“It is given different names according to our view of the universe. The Vedantins spoke of the Self and Maya, meaning according to their predilections by the Self the Immutable and by Maya the power the Self has of imposing on itself the cosmic illusion, or by the Self the Divine Being and by Maya the nature of conscious-being and the conscious-force by which the Divine embodies himself in soul-forms and forms of things. Others spoke of Ishwara and Shakti, the Lord and His force, His cosmic power. The analytic philosophy of the Sankhyas affirmed their eternal duality without any possibility of oneness, accepting only relations of union and separation by which the cosmic action of Prakriti begins, proceeds or ceases for the Purusha; for the Purusha is an inactive conscious existence,–it is the Soul the same in itself and immutable forever,–Prakriti is the active force of Nature which by its motion creates and maintains and by its sinking into rest dissolves the phenomenon of the cosmos.
Leaving aside these philosophical distinctions, we come to the original psychological experience from which all really take their start, that there are two elements in the existence of living beings, of human beings at least if not of all cosmos,–a dual being, Nature and the soul.”
Leaving aside these philosophical distinctions, we come to the original psychological experience from which all really take their start, that there are two elements in the existence of living beings, of human beings at least if not of all cosmos,–a dual being, Nature and the soul.”
The Synthesis of Yoga, Part Two: The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, Chapter 17, The Soul and Nature, pp. 409-410
The true soul of man is ... in the true invisible heart hidden in some luminous cave of the nature: there under some infiltration of the divine Light is our soul, a silent inmost being of which few are even aware; for if all have a soul, few are conscious of their true soul or feel its direct impulse. There dwells the little spark of the Divine which supports this obscure mass of our nature and around it grows the psychic being, the formed soul or the real Man within us. It is as this psychic being in him grows and the movements of the heart reflect its divinations and impulsions that man becomes more and more aware of his soul, ceases to be a superior animal, and, awakening to glimpses of the godhead within him, admits more and more its intimations of a deeper life and consciousness and an impulse towards things divine. It is one of the decisive moments of the integral Yoga when this psychic being liberated, brought out from the veil to the front, can pour the full flood of its divinations, seeings and impulsions on the mind, life and body of man and begin to prepare the upbuilding of divinity in the earthly nature. SA
Flower Name: Petunia Xhybrida
Significance: Cheerful Psychic EnthusiasmPetunia
An assurance of success in spite of obstacles.
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