ઓ ભૂતકાળમાં રાચનાર! સમજી લે...
ભૂતકાળને ક્યાં પાંખ કે પગ બે ચાર
તે ઊડે કે ચાલે બધે, તમ સંગ સંગાથ?
એ તો વિભાજીત મન! સતત આકર્ષનાર,
અથાગ. વિગતને વળગીને વાગોળનાર.
અત્રસંપર્ક ભૂલવે. એ જ ક્રમમાં ક્રમવાર,
પરિચિતતા ને અનુકૂલનને આવકાર.
જીવી લીધેલાં એ પળ પ્રમાણ પડકાર,
હોંશે હોંશે હજીયે મમળાવે. સદંતર અભાન!
આ ઘડીની ઘડીઓ ઘડીકમાં સરકે આમ!
ને ક્યાં તું મન, વિચાર, સમયથી પામે હાર?
ન સીમટ ક્ષમતાને. બંધ કર કપાટ, નકાર.
એને એનાં જ સમયમાં પધરાવ. સમાપ્ત.
એ પ્રસાદ નથી કે નથી આવકાર્ય મહેમાન!
તું સવિશેષ સર્જન! થા, સર્જક જાગ્રત, જવાબદાર...

“The past can be both a drag and a force
for progress. It is all that has created the present and a great part of the force that is creating the future. For the past is not dead; its forms are gone and had to go, otherwise the present would not have come into being: but its soul, its power, it essence lives veiled in the present and ever-accumulating, growing, deepening will live on in the future. Every human being holds in and behind him all the past of his own race, or humanity and of himself; these three things determine his starting point and pursue him through his life’s progress. It is in the force of this past, in the strength which its huge conservations give to him that he confronts the unillumined abysses of the future and plunges forward into the depths of its unrealized infinities. But also it is a drag, partly because man of the unknown to the old forms of which he is sue, the afraid old foundations which feel so safe under his feet, the old props round which so many of his attachments and associations cast their treacherous tendrils, but also partly because the forces of the past keep their careful hold on him so as to restrain him in his uncertain course and prevent the progress from becoming a precipitation.”
* Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, p.128.
“the past has not to be kept,-- one has to go into the future realization. All that is necessary in the past for the future will be taken up and given a new form.”
* Letters on Yoga III, Pondicherry:
Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1995.
“To get rid of the past is something so
difficult that it seems almost impossible.”
* Collected Works of the Mother,
14th June, 1967, v.16 p.364
“So long as you have not learned the lesson the past had to teach you, it comes back on you. Notice carefully what kind of remembrances come, you will see that they are connected with some psychological movements in you that have to be got rid of. So you must be prepared to recognize that all was not right in you and is still not connected, not allow any vanity or self-righteousness to cloud your vision.”... “us has still not been corrected that is a painful one and so makes us cling to the past. We consciously or subconsciously try to justify our own feelings and actions and blame the other or the circumstances.”
* Letters on Yoga III, Pondicherry:
Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1995
“Yes—one should always have one’s look turned forwards to the future—retrospection is seldom healthy as it turns one towards a past consciousness.”
* Letters on Yoga III, p.1713.
“Do not brood on the past but turn your face with a patient hope and confidence towards the future. To brood on past failure will prevent you from recovering your health and will weaken your mind and will, hampering them in the work of self conquest and rebuilding of the character.”
* Letters on Yoga III, p.1658
Flower Name: Gliricidia sepium
Madre de cacao, Nicaraguan cocoa-shade
Significance: Habits
Refinement of Habits
Orderly, clean and well-organised.