Monday, 24 September 2018

ખુદ ખુદને મેળવીને જ જંપતો...

આભાર માનું, આત્મા મારો!
તેં જન્મ ધર્યો આ દેહ તણો.
છતાંય કહું છું કોણ કોનો કયો
ખુદના ખુદનો આભાર માનતો?

આ જીવનમાં આવો સંભવ ખરો!
સ્પર્શ જમીની ને પરમ અનુભવતો
છતાંય કહું છું તૃતીય પક્ષ નિહાળતો
ખુદથી ખુદને અવલોકનમાં રાખતો?

સંવાદ દેવો ને જગજનની સહિતનો 
અંતરે સત્યદર્શન ને ઉદ્ગાર દરિયો!
છતાંય કહું છું એ વ્યવહાર અદ્રશ્ય શો!
ખુદમાં ખુદનો આવિર્ભાવ પામતો!

ધન્ય કહે, કોણ કોને કયાને મારો?
કહેનાર સુણનાર નરસિંહનો કાન્હો
છતાંય શું? આ આત્માનો નજારો,
ખુદ ખુદને મેળવીને જ જંપતો.

પ્રણામ માતૃચરણે...

સપ્ટેમ્બર, ૨૦૧૮

Naturally, from one point of view, they are one. But your being, though one, is composed of many distinct beings. Just as your mental being is different from your physical or vital beings, so the psychic being, the soul, is different from the central being.

The psychic being is the transmitter which receives the light and transmits it to the lower personality. It is that which remains at the back and governs the personality. The psychic being is in direct communica­tion with the truth, which it organises and transmits to the outer being. The central being cannot organise the truth: it is above all evolution. It is the psychic being which develops spiritually through the different personalities.

*Pavitra. Conversations with Sri Aurobindo

The Jivatman, spark-soul and psychic being are three different forms of the same reality and they must not be mixed up together, as that confuses the clearness of the inner experience.

The Jivatman or spirit, as it is usually called in English, is self-existent above the manifested or instrumental being—it is superior to birth and death, always the same, the individual Self or Atman. It is the eternal true being of the individual.

The soul is a spark of the Divine which is not seated above the manifested being, but comes down into the manifestation to support its evolution in the material world. It is at first an undifferentiated power of the divine consciousness containing all possibilities which have not yet taken form, but to which it is the function of evolution to give form. This spark is there in all living beings from the lowest to the highest.

The psychic being is formed by the soul in its evolution. It supports the mind, vital, body, grows by their experiences, carries the nature from life to life. It is the psychic or chaitya purusha. At first it is veiled by mind, vital and body, but as it grows, it becomes capable of coming forward and dominating the mind, life and body; in the ordinary man it depends on them for expression and is not able to take them up and freely use them. The life of the being is animal or human and not divine. When the psychic being can by sadhana become dominant and freely use its instruments, then the impulse towards the Divine becomes complete and the transformation of mind, vital and body, not merely their liberation, becomes possible.

The Self or Atman being free and superior to birth and death the experience of the Jivatman and its unity with the supreme or universal Self brings the sense of liberation, it is this which is necessary for the supreme spiritual deliverance: but for the transformation of the life and nature the awakening of the psychic being and and its rule over the nature are indispensable.

The psychic being realises its oneness with the true being, the Jivatman, but it does not change into it.

* Letters of Sri Aurobindo, 1947,
The Central Being and the Soul

Flower Name: Viscum album
Significance: Sign of the Spirit
The Spirit says, “I am here”.

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