Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Just keep doing ...

Live your part, sincerely and straight 
Just keep doing that with an intend
Let the rest remain whatever, the way, 
The universe knows to align at best!

Everything becomes scribe, gets noted
The imprints, though invisible are there
Keeps account well and well maintained 
The universe has the mechanism best.

If lived the part with the Lord in witness
From the thread from him, in his interest
Follow that lead and genuinely his steps
The universe can't help but all for, for the Lord's best!

Do not worry but
Do wonder the universe...
The Lord be with all always...

Thank you...

September, 2018

Whatever is our work and whatever we do, we must do it sincerely, honestly, scrupulously, not in view of any personal profit, but as an offering to the Divine, with an entire consecration of our being. If this attitude is sincerely kept in all circumstances, whenever we need to learn something to do the work more effectively, the occasion to acquire this knowledge comes to us and we have only to take advantage of the opportunity.
If in the work you meet with some difficulties, look sincerely into yourself and there you will discover their origin.

The difficulties in work come not from circumstances or petty outer occurrences, they come from something which is wrong in the inner attitude, especially in the vital attitude: egoism, [old p. 332]ambition, fixity of mental conceptions regarding work, vanity, etc. And it is always good, in order to correct the disharmony, to look for the cause in oneself rather than in others.
19 April 1938

To recognise the presence of a "disharmonious atmosphere" is useful only so far as it wakes in each one the will to change it into a harmonious atmosphere and to do that the first important step is for each one to get out of his own limited point of view in order to understand the point of view of others. It is more important for each one to find the mistake in himself than to insist on the mistake of others.

It is only in harmonious collaboration that effective work can be done.

The important thing is to find the point on which you can all agree--and after this is firmly established, each one must be ready to yield his personal will in order to keep intact this point of harmony.
29 March 1966

When we have to work collectively, it is always better to insist, in our thoughts, feelings and actions, on the points of agreement rather than on the points of divergence.

We must give importance to the things that unite and ignore, as much as possible, those that separate.

Even when physically the lines of work differ, the union can remain intact and constant if we keep always in mind the essential points and principles which unite, and the Divine Goal, the Realisation which must be the one unchanging object of our aspiration and works.

Your work can never be good if you go on thinking of the next thing. For work, it is the present that is most important. The past should not drag you behind, the future should not pull you forward. You must be fully concentrated on the present, on what you are doing. You must be so concentrated on what you are doing that it is as if the salvation of the whole world depended only upon your work.

* Collected Works of The Mother, First Edition,
Volume 14, pp. 319-348

Those who are not straightforward cannot profit by the Mother's help, for they themselves turn it away. Unless they change, they cannot hope for the descent of the supramental Light and Truth into the lower vital and physical nature; they remain stuck in their own self-created mud and cannot progress. SA

Flower Name: Ixora pavetta [Ixora arborea]
Torch tree
Significance: Straightforwardness
Shows itself as it is, without compromise.

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