Friday, 31 May 2019

Welcome ... સ્વાગત ...

Hi there!

In a few days, this daily blog post is about to reach 2000 entries and ready to publish the book of the 6th year! 
જૂજ દિવસોમાં રooo સુધી પહોંચવા તૈયાર આ દૈનિક બ્લોગપોસ્ટ, છઠ્ઠા વર્ષની આવૃત્તિ માટે તૈયાર!

Today is the first day of June 2019!
આજે ૦૧૯, જુન મહિનાનો પ્રથમ દિવસ!

With lots of gratitude and joy, I am happy to announce the new book 'Divya Aikya'!
સહર્ષ, સાદર આભાર સાથે આ વર્ષનાં નવીન પુસ્તક 'દિવ્ય ઐક્ય'ની જાહેરાત.

Your visits to the blog with love, elevate the purpose to a new level, that too, from many different countries! And that can not go unnoticed...Grateful!
આપ સહુની રસસભર મુલાકાત આ પ્રસ્તુતિને વધુ રસપ્રદ બનાવે છે. અલગ અલગ દેશોમાંથી લેવામાં આવતી મુલાકાત આ સ્ત્રોતમાં જરૂર નોંધાય છે, ત્યાંથી ધન્યવાદ!

May the Divine Grace shower immensely forever...
અસીમ કૃપા અનંતો સુધી વહે...

From the Lotus feet of the Mother...

Thank you...

Thursday, 30 May 2019

શાખા ભિન્ન વૃક્ષ અખંડ ...

ધર્મ નામે ના પંપાળ પ્રપંચ
હદ પાર, ભેદભાવ અનહદ!

ધર્મમાં છે તો ધર્મહાર્દ સમજ 
ખાસિયતને પાયે ધર્મ ચણતર.

નાત જાત નથી મૂળ સરહદ
કે નથી માન્યતા જોગ નિયમન.

એક અમર અજરની જ ઉપજ
સઘળી નાની મોટી કે સમાંતર.

શાખા ભિન્ન વૃક્ષ તો એ જ  અખંડ
પછી વાઢકાપથી કોને દર્દ અસહ્ય?

સમજીને અપનાવ સર્વ અલગ
ખરતો રાખ તિરસ્કાર અણસમજ. 

સર્વે જન ને જે તે જન્મધર્મ ગોઠવણ
વિધાન પ્રભુનું તો શાને રચવો વિધ્વંસ?

પ્રભુ ચરણે...

મે ૨૦૧

Amid her clashing creeds and warring sects
Religion sat upon a blood-stained throne.
A hundred tyrannies oppressed and slew
And founded unity upon fraud and force.
Only what seemed was prized as real there:
The ideal was a cynic ridicule's butt;
Hooted by the crowd, mocked by enlightened wits,
Spiritual seeking wandered outcasted,—
A dreamer's self-deceiving web of thought
Or mad chimaera deemed or hypocrite's fake,
Its passionate instinct trailed through minds obscure
Lost in the circuits of the Ignorance.
BOOK II: The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds
CANTO VII: The Descent into Night

Religion's real business is to prepare man's mind, life and bodily existence for the spiritual consciousness to take it up; it has to lead him to that point where the inner spiritual light begins fully to emerge. It is at this point that religion must learn to subordinate itself, not to insist on its outer characters, but give full scope to the inner spirit itself to develop its own truth and reality. In the meanwhile it has to take up as much of man's mentality, vitality, physicality as it can and give all his activities a turn towards the spiritual direction, the revelation of a spiritual meaning in them, the imprint of a spiritual refinement, the beginning of a spiritual character. SA

Flower Name: Wrightia tinctoria
Pala indigo plant
Significance: Religious Thoughts
Can only be utilised when it is freed from the influence of religions.

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

સ્વસ્થતા ...

સ્વસ્થતા ...
ધરપતથી ઉગતી અવસ્થા 

ન મનકારણની નાસભાગ,
ન જીત, હાર કે નાસીપાસ,
પસંદ નાપસંદ કે વૈકલ્પિક પ્રાસ,
સ્થિર સ્થિતિમાં મનભાવ વિચાર.

ન પ્રાણપ્રેર્યા હઠ કે માંગ,
બળવો, હુમલો કે સુષ્ક ત્યાગ,
ન દાવપેચ કે ભોગ વિલાસ
ધૈર્યથી કેળવાતાં ઈચ્છા અનુરાગ.

ન દેહ આધારિત અપક્વ પ્રયાસ,
પ્રતિક્રિયા વર્તન બાળ સમાન, 
હાવભાવ અસ્વસ્થ કે હાલચાલ
મેરુસમ સ્થાપિત મજ્જા, ચેતાજાળ.

સ્વસ્થતા ન ફક્ત મનોદશા,
પ્રાણવૈરાગ કે ફક્ત દેહ સભાન!
સંપૂર્ણ અસ્તિત્વે ઉચ્ચ લક્ષ્યવિધાન ને
સ્વસ્થતાનો વાતાવરણમાં આવિર્ભાવ.

જય પ્રભુ!

મે ૨૦૧

Be very careful to remain always calm and peaceful and let an integral equanimity establish itself more and more completely in your being. Do not allow your mind to be too active and to live in a turmoil, do not jump to conclusions from a superficial view of things; always take your time, concentrate and decide only in quietness.

Mother, for several days I have been suffering a lot. It is the inner being that suffers and always wants to unite with the divine consciousness but cannot because of the outer consciousness. Mother, really I am suffering.

You know that it is indispensable to be calm; you must try hard to become calm. Then in the calm, pray to Sri Aurobindo to give you the right consciousness; pray in all sincerity, with faith and trust. Your prayer will surely be granted one day.

Sometimes I become absolutely quiet, I speak to no one, but just remain within myself, only thinking of the Divine. Is it good to keep this state constantly?

It is an excellent state which one can keep quite easily, but it must be sincere; I mean, it should be not a mere appearance of calm but a real and deep calm which spontaneously keeps you silent.
9 March 1933

The first step is perfect calm and equanimity.
28 September 1937

You must learn to be calm and quiet even in the midst of difficulties. This is the way to overcome all obstacles.

Can "calm" give a solution to all problems?

Yes, but for this the calm must be perfect, in all the parts of the being, so that the power may express itself through it.

So that the experience does not become dangerously distorted and painful, you must keep an absolute calm.

It is only in peace and calm that the Divine Force expresses itself and acts.
26 June 1967

It is very good to have recovered the calm.

It is in the calm that the body can increase its receptivity and gain the power to contain.

Do not confuse calm with inertia. Calm is self-possessed strength, quiet and conscious energy, mastery of the impulses, control over the unconscious reflexes. In work calm is the source of efficiency and an indispensable condition for perfection.

Increase the inner rest, it must become a rest always present even in the midst of the greatest activity and so steady that nothing has the power to shake it--and then you will become a perfect instrument for the Manifestation.

Flower Name: Crinum
Crinum lily, Spider lily
Significance: Joy of Integral Peace
Calm and tranquil, an unfailing smile.

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

હ્રદયની ઊંડે બેઠું જ્ઞાન ...

હ્રદયની ઊંડે બેઠું જ્ઞાન 
બુદ્ધિ તો બસ! માધ્યમ સભાન.

નથી જ્ઞાનનું ઉદ્-ગમ સ્થાન
મતિ તો બસ! શણગારી પીરસે થાળ!

હ્રદય? એ તો પ્રેમ પ્રતિક પ્રમાણ 
કુણું, પોચું, લાગણીવેડા માટે વપરાય.

જ્ઞાનનો વળી ક્યાં હ્રદયે નિવાસ?
તર્ક નીતિ ચાતુર્ય એ તો બુદ્ધિનો વ્યાપ.

વાત ખરી! પણ હ્રદયે થાય સ્વીકાર  
અવતરે સીધું ત્યાં શુદ્ધ સત્ય જ્ઞાન.

હ્રદયને તળિયે આંતરજ્ઞાનની ખાણ
સ્ફૂરણાથી ભરે સપાટી, સમાન્ય કરે પ્રવાહ.

બુદ્ધિને ભાગે પછી આદેશનો અંગીકાર 
જ્ઞાન વિતરણ ને આવનજાવનની ઝીણાશ.

બુદ્ધિ કહે, " બુદ્ધિનું જ સમગ્ર સામ્રાજ્ય!
માનવવિકાસનું કારણ જ બુદ્ધિમાર્ગ."

અબોધ બુદ્ધિ ન સમજે હ્રદય વિશાળ
ને જ્ઞાનનો સ્ત્રોત, ધોધ ને વ્યાપક વિસ્તાર.

અનુભવ જ શીખવે કોણ સીમાંત કો અમાપ, 
અનરાધાર કોણ ને કોણ કોનો પાલનહાર...

મે ૨૦૧

... the knowledge we have to arrive at is not truth of the intellect; it is not right belief, right opinions, right information about oneself and things, that is only the surface mind's idea of knowledge. To arrive at some mental conception about God and ourselves and the world is an object good for the intellect but not large enough for the Spirit; it will not make us the conscious sons of Infinity. Ancient Indian thought meant by knowledge a consciousness which possesses the highest Truth in a direct perception and in self-experience; to become, to be the Highest that we know is the sign that we really have the knowledge..... For the individual to arrive at the divine universality and supreme infinity, live in it, possess it, to be, know, feel and express that one in all his being, consciousness, energy, delight of being is what the ancient seers of the Veda meant by the Knowledge.
* The Life Divine, pp. 685-6

By Knowledge we mean in yoga not thought or ideas about spiritual things but psychic understanding from within and spiritual illumination from above. SA

The knowledge that seems to come to you from outside is only an occasion for bringing out the knowledge that is within you. Let all circumstances, all happenings in life be occasions, constantly renewed, for learning always more and more.

True knowledge is precisely knowledge by identity, and wisdom is the state one attains when one is in this true knowledge. TM

Flower Name: Acacia farnesiana
Sweet acacia, Mimosa bush, Sweet wattle, Scented wattle
Significance: Knowledge
Is conversant with all sides of a question, whatever it may be.
Intuitive Knowledge
Innumerable and vast for exploration, it is pure and fragrant.
Supramental Knowledge
An infallible vision of problems.

Monday, 27 May 2019

Just look back!

Just look back! 
And get mesmerized with the sequence.
The way life has come till here and still set for the further!

Just step back!
And understand the consequence.
The way options operate, depending on which was why taken!

Just sit back!
And observe the magnificence.
The way hustle bustle creates, creativity or a few in the process yet!

Just affirm back!
And see the contact wondrous... 
The way Grace works and how it starts working again in an instance!

Just remain connected again and or the other way...just stay there!

Thank you Lord!

May, 2019

Flower  Name: Ageratum houstonianum
Flossflower, Pussy-foot
Significance: Vital Patience
Indispensable for all progress.

Sunday, 26 May 2019

જુઓ! આ ઘટતી ઘડી!

જુઓ! આ જ ઘડીમાં, અહીંથી
જીવનની આ ઘટતી ઘડી!
ન તંતુ તણી કે કોઈ તંત ભણી
બસ! સ્વતંત્ર અણનમ વહી...

એ શાણ, સાન ઘડીની ઘડી ઘડી
વહેતાં સમયમાં સ્થિર ટકવવી 
ક્રિયાશીલ એવાં સાક્ષી બની 
બસ! કર્તા થઈનેય નિરખવી રહી...

નથી રહેતી ફક્ત ઘડિયાળ ઘૂમતી
રાત કે દિવસ કે ક્રમવાર ગણતરી
અડધો, પા કે કલાકમાં ફર્યા કરતી
પણ માપ વગર જીવે એવી ઘણી...

ઘડીમાં ખૂંપીને બસ! ઓઢ ઘડી
જે પીરસે તેની મસ્તમોજ ભલી.

ધન્ય ઘડીને ધન્યવાદ અહીંથી...

મે ૨૦૧

Flower Name: Ocimum basilicum
Common basil, Sweet basil
Significance: Joy of Union with the Divine
Abundantly scented, it fills the heart with joy.

Saturday, 25 May 2019

MIND! My Friend!

O MIND! My Friend!
In full potential you extract!

In the Mother's guidance 
Be receptive, stay and from there operate.

Take along all, each is important 
Small or big, every member is significant.

Use your capacity to project
The assimilated grace exactly as graced.

I am not the mere observer, understand!
Taking the command of the Lord each instance

Let's not let it spill or go waste 
Utilize optimum and optimize the Divine mandate...

Lord! Within and out and everywhere...

Thank you...

May 2019

Flower Name: Trachymene coerulea
Blue lace flower
Significance: Perfect Working of the Mind
Can happen when the mind is determined exclusively to fulfill its role.

Friday, 24 May 2019

જગ્યા ભાતભાતની અલાયદી ...


કંઈ કેટલાંય વપરાશે વણાયેલી કંઈક પ્રકારે ઓળખાતી

વ્યાખ્યાયીત રીતે ખાલી પણ હકીકતે ઠસોઠસ ભરાયેલી

કહેવાતો અવકાશ પણ હકીકતે અદ્રશ્ય કણોની સાંકળી

રિક્તતા લાગે અજાણી પણ હકીકતે ગૂંથતી બાંધણી

જણાય ખાલીપો સીંચતી પણ હકીકતે ઉંડાણની હયાતી

વ્યવહારમાં અળખામણી પણ હકીકતે અંતરથી માપણી

સંબંધે કહેવાતી વિનાશી પણ હકીકતે એકમેકને સન્માનતી 

દેખીતી રીતે સ્થાનસ્થાયી પણ હકીકતે લાયકાતની તાજપોશી 

સમયાંતરે ડોકાતી પણ હકીકતે ગતિમાં વિગત રુઝાવતી

શૂન્યમનસ્ક તકાવતી પણ હકીકતે અકલ્પ્યભાવિ નોતરતી

જગ્યા ભાતભાતની અલાયદી હકીકતે પછી જ સક્ષમ કૂદની તૈયારી...


મે ૨૦૧

In the dead wall closing us from wider self,
Into a secrecy of apparent sleep,
The mystic tract beyond our waking thoughts,
A door parted, built in by Matter's force,
Releasing things unseized by earthly sense:
A world unseen, unknown by outward mind
Appeared in the silent spaces of the soul.
He sat in secret chambers looking out
Into the luminous countries of the unborn
Where all things dreamed by the mind are seen and true
And all that the life longs for is drawn close.
He saw the Perfect in their starry homes
Wearing the glory of a deathless form,
Lain in the arms of the Eternal's peace,
Rapt in the heart-beats of God-ecstasy.
He lived in the mystic space where thought is born
And will is nursed by an ethereal Power
And fed on the white milk of the Eternal's strengths
Till it grows into the likeness of a god.
BOOK I: The Book of Beginnings
CANTO III: The Yoga of the Soul’s Release
27 28

In the silent space where all is for ever known.
Indifferent to doubt and to belief,
Avid of the naked real's single shock
10 He shore the cord of mind that ties the earth-heart
And cast away the yoke of Matter's law
BOOK I: The Book of Beginnings
CANTO V: The Yoga of the Spirit’s Freedom and Greatness

When the consciousness is narrow and personal or shut in the body, it is difficult to receive from the Divine - the wider it expands, the more it can receive. A time comes when it feels as wide as the world and able to receive all the Divine into itself. SA

Flower Name: Sinningia speciosa
Florists' gloxinia, Gloxinia, Brazilian gloxinia, Violet slipper gloxinia
Significance: Broadening of the Being
All the parts of the being broaden in order to progress.

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Only remedy!

Remember and offer!
Only remedy that has inbuilt assurance.

'Throw out' says old tradition,
All troubling 'popup's, unwanted intruders

Once thrown, remain in outer atmosphere 
That means green signals to mere repetitions.

Any less-aware moment and 'pop'! They reappear
In and out - keep moving but still so much here!

Only offering offers permanent solution,
If done each time perfectly in aspiration sincere.

The moment offered - absolves all the required
Cleared made the path, the 'troubling's quiet

No more repition, no more same circulations
But new and finer set to deal and know the succession.

The same self and layers in submission!
God, your majestic mechanism!

Thank you Lord...

May 2019

It is by the constant remembrance that the being is prepared for the full opening. By the opening of the heart the Mother's presence begins to be felt and, by the opening to her Power above, the Force of the higher consciousness comes down into the body and works there to change the whole nature. SA

Flower Name: Myosotis sylvatica
Garden forget-me-not
Significance: Lasting Remembrance
The remembrance of that which has helped the being to progress.
In activity and in silence, in taking and in giving, always the glad remembrance of Thee.