ચેતનાનો પ્રથમ સંવાદ જ્યારે બુદ્ધિ સુણે
અચંબિત થઈ સાતત્ય મૂલવે...
આજે સુધી સુણ્યો હોય ખુદનાં કારણે.
ખુદ મૂક! તો કોણ કરે સંવાદ વિષય ધરીને?
નીરવ રહેવાનું બુદ્ધિ પણ શીખે હળવે હળવે,
એ ઉતરતાં અવતરણો ઝીલાવાં નિ:સ્પંદે.
ક્યાંક પૂઠળે વરતાય ખુલતી સરવાણી ને
સંવાદ, વાર્તાલાપ જીવંત ક્યાંક કોક છેડે!
સઘળું ય પાછું અવ્યક્ત ચાલે આમ ભીતરે
ને સપાટી ગતિવિધિ વ્યસ્ત હોય બહારે.
સૂચન પણ જાય બુદ્ધિને જો અણસુણે અનાદરે,
ભૂમિકા પ્રત્યેકની ને પ્રત્યેક અંદરથી સાક્ષીયે.
ખરું આંતરિક વાતાવરણ! અસરદાર!
પ્રભુ સૂત્રધાર...
મે ૨૦૧૯
“But for real knowledge something more is necessary, since real knowledge is by our very definition of it supra-intellectual.”
“In the first place we have seen that intellectual thought is in itself inadequate and is not the highest thinking; the highest is that which comes through the intuitive mind and from the supramental faculty. So long as we are dominated by the intellectual habit and by the lower workings, the intuitive mind can only send its messages to us subconsciously and subject to a distortion more or less entire before it reaches the conscious mind; or if it works consciously, then only with an inadequate rarity and a great imperfection in its functioning.”
“The remedy is to train first the intellect to recognise the true intuition, to distinguish it from the false and then to accustom it, when it arrives at an intellectual perception or conclusion, to attach no final value to it, but rather look upward, refer all to the divine principle and wait in as complete a silence as it can command for the light from above. In this way it is possible to transmute a great part of our intellectual thinking into the luminous truth-conscious vision,–the ideal would be a complete transition,–or at least to increase greatly the frequency, purity and conscious force of the ideal knowledge working behind the intellect. This demands a passive stance of the intellectual faculty to recognise and be receptive to this higher form of knowing that originates beyond the framework of the intellect.
“But for the knowledge of the Self it is necessary to have the power of a complete intellectual passivity, the power of dismissing all thought, the power of the mind to think not at all which the Gita in one passage enjoins.”
“But this power of silence is a capacity and not an incapacity, a power and not a weakness. It is a profound and pregnant stillness. Only when the mind is entirely still, like clear, motionless and level water, in a perfect purity and peace of the whole being and the soul transcends thought, can the Self which exceeds and originates all activities and becomings, the Silence for which all words are born, the Absolute of which all relativities are partial reflections manifest itself in the pure essence of our being. In a complete silence only is the Silence heard; in a pure peace only is its Being revealed.”
*The Synthesis of Yoga, Part Two: The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, Chapter 3, The Purified Understanding, pp. 301-302
*The Synthesis of Yoga, Part Two: The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, Chapter 3, The Purified Understanding, pp. 301-302
Flower Name: Phlox drummondii
Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Significance: Skill in Mental WorkAnnual phlox, Drummond phlox
To know how to observe in silence is the source of its skillfulness.
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