Before you evoke the force
Know the real source.
Every force has two tones
Creative and destructive strokes.
All depend upon the intent in hold
The invoker's plan and the goal.
Understand first! One cannot know,
The force has nature of its own.
Only if the Divine Supreme is the call
The safe and secure remains overall
Not every is considerate, soft
Not every holder is tamed to behold.
Let surrender be the mode
Leave on the Divine Mother, her's is the Force.
Know the difference between force and The Force.
Thank you beloved Mother.
May 2019
“We are entitled to see in this general fact the proof of a conscious Force at work in the animal and the insect which is more intelligent, more purposeful, more aware of its intention, its ends, its means, its conditions than the highest mentality yet manifested in any individual form on earth."
“Man’s consciousness can be nothing else than a form of Nature’s consciousness.”
“The Force that builds the worlds is a conscious Force, the Existence which manifests itself in them is conscious Being and a perfect emergence of its potentialities in form is the sole object which we can rationally conceive for its manifestation of this world of forms.”
*The Life Divine, Chapter 10, Conscious Force
“The Force that builds the worlds is a conscious Force, the Existence which manifests itself in them is conscious Being and a perfect emergence of its potentialities in form is the sole object which we can rationally conceive for its manifestation of this world of forms.”
*The Life Divine, Chapter 10, Conscious Force
The normal resistance of the lower Nature in human beings and the action of the Hostiles are two quite different things. The former is natural and occurs in everybody; the latter is an intervention from the non-human world. But this intervention can come in two forms. (1) They use and press on the lower Nature forces making them resist where they would otherwise be quiescent, making the resistance strong or violent where it would be otherwise slight or moderate, exaggerating its violence when it is violent. There is besides a malignant cleverness, a conscious plan and combination when the Hostiles act on these forces which is not evident in the normal resistance of the forces. (2) They sometimes invade with their own forces. When this happens there is often a temporary possession or at least an irresistible influence which makes the thoughts, feelings, actions of the person abnormal — a black clouding of the brain, a whirl in the vital, all acts as if the person could not help himself and were drawn by an overmastering force. On the other hand instead of a possession there may be only a strong Influence; then the symptoms are less marked, but it is easy for any one acquainted with the ways of these forces to see what has happened. Finally it may be only an attack, not possession or influence; the person then is separate, is not overcome, resists.
They [the hostile attacks on the outer being] are felt as suggestions, or a touch on the surface mind, vital, physical or as movements in the atmosphere (the personal or the general environmental consciousness) — but for the inner being it is like gusts or storms outside. If they penetrate by chance into the house, they are immediately ejected and the doors and windows banged on them — there is nothing that accepts them or tolerates them inside.
There has been progress in all these parts, but they seem to be subject still to a response to the suggestions of the hostile forces. Everybody gets these suggestions, but they ought not to be allowed to enter inside, especially in the heart, or to be accepted by the vital. Evidently, they enter through the physical mind (from the throat upwards meant that) and affect the surface vital and emotional being. You must get the power to reject them from there by a constant and steady denial and refusal of their suggestions. So long as anything in you says “yes” or accepts, there is always the possibility of a return.
*Letters on Yoga
Volume 3 Part 4
7. Opposition of the Hostile Forces
7. Opposition of the Hostile Forces
Flower Name: Kigelia africana [Kigelia pinnata]
Sausage tree
Sausage tree
Significance: First Response of the Inconscient to the Divine Force
The first step towards transformation.
Opening to Sri Aurobindo’s ForceThe first step towards transformation.
Sri Aurobindo's help is constant. It is for us to know how to receive it.
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