Thursday, 2 November 2017

Attained inner-outer peace!

Nonreactive to any provocation
Real attainment of calm quietence...

If corresponding inner then question -
Why quiet within responsive to stimulus?

If constant offering, being surrendered
Sincerely sinceres never prompt or pop up

Steady in contact with inner kingdom
Win over inner chatter of back and forth manner

Established silence of that stature 
Attained inner-outer peace! A real indicator...

Thank you...

"A blank pure consciousness had replaced the mind. 
Her spirit seemed the substance of a name, The world a pictured symbol drawn on self, 
A dream of images, a dream of sounds 
Built up the semblance of a universe 
Or lent to spirit the appearance of a world. 
This was self-seeing; in that intolerant hush 
No notion and no concept could take shape,
There was no sense to frame the figure of things, 
A sheer self-sight was there, no thought arose. 
Emotion slept deep down in the still heart 
Or lay buried in a cemetery of peace: 
All feelings seemed quiescent, calm or dead, 
As if the heart-strings rent could work no more 
And joy and grief could never rise again. 
The heart beat on with an unconscious rhythm 
But no response came from it and no cry. 
Vain was the provocation of events; 
Nothing within answered an outside touch, 
No nerve was stirred and no reaction rose. 
Yet still her body saw and moved and spoke; 
It understood without the aid of thought, 
It said whatever needed to be said, 
It did whatever needed to be done. 
There was no person there behind the act, 
No mind that chose or passed the fitting word: 
All wrought like an unerring apt machine. 
As if continuing old habitual turns, 
And pushed by an old unexhausted force 
The engine did the work for which it was made:
Her consciousness looked on and took no part; 
All it upheld, in nothing had a share."
BOOK VII: The Book of Yoga 545 546

Flower Name: Guettarda speciosa
Significance: Peace in the Nerves
Indispensable for good health.

Peace was the very first thing that the yogis and seekers of old asked for and it was a quiet and silent mind - and that always brings peace -that they declared to be the best condition for realising the Divine.

Peace is a deep quietude where no disturbance can come- a quietude with a sense of established security and release.

Peace is a calm deepened into something that is very positive amounting almost to a tranquil waveless Ananda. SA

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