Thursday, 9 November 2017

The 4th Anniversary... Gratitude for Grace ...

The core is touched
You have made rippled
Divine tunes just drizzle 
The outpour glittery eternal!

Each vowel, consonant 
Carry the ocean vibrant
Resonance from the Divine metre
The symphony of soothing syllables!

Sung story in that heard
Truth faced, truth structured
Means of the Divine stratum 
The revelation from sanctum sanctorum...

Oh! How festive the occasions!
Each time gratitude in celebration!
Marvel experiences the beholder!
Crores of grateful Bows to the Divine Masters...

Thank you...

Oft inspiration with her lightning feet, 
A sudden messenger from the all-seeing tops, 
Traversed the soundless corridors of his mind 
Bringing her rhythmic sense of hidden things. 
A music spoke transcending mortal speech.
As if from a golden phial of the All-Bliss, 
A joy of light, a joy of sudden sight, 
A rapture of the thrilled undying Word 
Poured into his heart as into an empty cup, 
A repetition of God's first delight 
Creating in a young and virgin Time. 
In a brief moment caught, a little space, 
All-Knowledge packed into great wordless thoughts 
Lodged in the expectant stillness of his depths 
A crystal of the ultimate Absolute, 
A portion of the inexpressible Truth 
Revealed by silence to the silent soul.
BOOK I: The Book of Beginnings 38

Translated the unthinkable into thought: 
A silver-winged fire of naked subtle sense, 
An ear of mind withdrawn from the outward's rhymes 
Discovered the seed-sounds of the eternal Word, 
The rhythm and music heard that built the worlds, 
And seized in things the bodiless Will to be.
BOOK II: The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds 273

This word was seed of all the thing to be: 
A hand from some Greatness opened her heart's locked doors 
And showed the work for which her strength was born. 
As when the mantra sinks in Yoga's ear, 
Its message enters stirring the blind brain 
And keeps in the dim ignorant cells its sound; 
The hearer understands a form of words 
And, musing on the index thought it holds, 
He strives to read it with the labouring mind, 
But finds bright hints, not the embodied truth: 
Then, falling silent in himself to know 
He meets the deeper listening of his soul: 
The Word repeats itself in rhythmic strains: Thought, vision, feeling, sense, the body's self 
Are seized unutterably and he endures 
An ecstasy and an immortal change; 
He feels a Wideness and becomes a Power, 
All knowledge rushes on him like a sea: 
Transmuted by the white spiritual ray 
He walks in naked heavens of joy and calm,
Sees the God-face and hears transcendent speech: 
An equal greatness in her life was sown.
BOOK IV: The Book of Birth and Quest 376

Flower Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Significance: Beauty of Tomorrow Manifesting the Divine
A beauty that exists only by and for the Divine.

Let Beauty be your constant ideal:
beauty of soul
beauty of sentiment
beauty of thought
beauty of action
beauty in work
so that nothing comes out of your hands which is not an expression of pure and harmonious beauty. And the Divine help will always be with you. TM

Beauty is his footprint showing us where he has passed, Love is his heart-beats' rhythm in mortal breasts, Happiness the smile on his adorable face.
Beauty is Ananda taking form - but the form need not be a physical shape. One speaks of a beautiful thought, a beautiful act, a beautiful soul. What we speak of as beauty is Ananda in manifestation. ...SA

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