Saturday, 30 June 2018

Straight to their domain...

As soon as something subtle,
Of not from senses!
Offer all of it to the Divine
Straight to their domain...

Do not wander here and there
Try to seek from intellect!
Limited is it's kingdom
Not the proper domain...

Do not boast on or insist
To repeat the experience!
Originality is always spontaneous 
Muttering is of the mind domain...

Just loosen up the self
Be at ease and let it work there.
Enveloped all with, ever since
Protection and guidance, above all domains...
Love you Lord ... the Divine Mother ...

July, 2018

When we are in close contact with the Divine, a protection can come which helps or directly guides or moves us; it does not throw aside all difficulties, sufferings or dangers, but it carries us through them and out of them - except where for a special purpose there is need of the opposite. SA

When you think of the Lord's Peace it acts as a call, and the more you think of it the " more you surround yourself with it, which is the most powerful protection. TM

Flower Name: Bougainvillea
Significance: Protection
Let us give ourselves entirely and sincerely to the Divine and we shall enjoy His protection.

Psychic Protection
The protection resulting from surrender to the Divine.

Emotional Protection
Surrender to the Divine is the best emotional protection.

Vital Protection
Surrender to the Divine is the best vital protection.

Physical protection
Is possible only with a total surrender to the divine and absence of all desire.

Triple Protection
Protection in the mind, the vital and the physical.

Integral Protection
That which can be given only by the Divine.

Manifold Protection
A protection working not only on life as a whole but on each of its details.

Protection of the Gods
Luminous and clear-visioned.

Friday, 29 June 2018

Take care ...

Take care of the spiritual hygiene 
Though may not seem to be in one's genes...

Nurture a strong character, a built 
That can support every curve and lit!

Carefully develop a neutral being
That is straightforward with simplicity.

Be open to openness and receive
That can gradually lead the aspiring...

Let the material and the spirit world meet
That can transmit eachother integrally...

Be the balance for all the new possibilities
Be the hunt, hand and the house of Supreme!

Love and power to all of the Lord...

Thank you...

June, 2018

It must therefore be emphasised that spirituality is not a high intellectuality, not idealism, not an ethical turn of mind or moral purity and austerity, not religiosity or an ardent and exalted emotional fervour, not even a compound of all these excellent things; a mental belief, creed or faith, an emotional aspiration, a regulation of conduct according to a religious or ethical formula are not spiritual achievement and experience. These things are of considerable value to mind and life; they are of value to the spiritual evolution itself as preparatory movements disciplining, purifying or giving a suitable form to the nature; but they still belong to the mental evolution, the beginning of a spiritual realisation, experience, change is not yet there. Spirituality is in its essence an awakening to the innerreality of our being, to a spirit, self, soul which is other than our mind, life and body, an inner aspiration to know, to feel, to be that, to enter into contact with the greater Reality beyond and pervading the universe which inhabits also our own being,to be in communion with It and union with It, and a turning, a conversion, a transformation of our whole being as a result of the aspiration, the contact, the union, a growth or waking into a new becoming or new being, a new self, a new nature. SA

Flower Name: Pelargonium
Geranium, Storksbill
Significance: Spiritual Happiness
Calm and smiling nothing can disturb it.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

ભરી રહો ... વિશુદ્ધ મધ્યે ...

બ્રહ્મનાદે ઊતરવું રહ્યું કંઠે 
સર્વાંગ વાક શ્રુંખલા રૂપે...

ઉદ્ધાર ઉચ્ચાર ઉદ્દેશ્ય વચને
મર્મ સમજ અર્થઘટન રૂપે...

ભાષા સંકલન ભાષ્ય માર્ગે
અક્ષર શબ્દ વાક્ય વાત રૂપે...

અભિવ્યક્ત આરોહ અવરોહે
સુરીલા સચોટ અખંડ સત્ય રૂપે...

ॐકારથી ઉદભવતા તરંગરંગે
અનન્ય સ્વર ને સાતત્ય મૂળે.

ભરી રહો એક એક વિશુદ્ધ મધ્યે
દિવ્યવિષયી વાણી, ખરી ખરી અમલે...


જૂન, ૨૦૧૮

Flower Name: Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri'
Sprenger asparagus, Sprengeri, Emerald fern,Emerald feather
Significance: Spiritual Speech
All-powerful in its simplicity.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

The real receptive ...

Be the real receptive 
Flexible, accepting, allowing
Not the fearful sceptic!

In general or for specific
At ease, trusting, trustworthy 
Systematic, disciplined!

Aspirant genuine 
Open, self giver, flowy
With atmosphere unique!

Happy, steady in harmony 
Believer, faithful in synchronicity
Receptive only to the divine directives.

Thank you...

June, 2018

With raw material drawn from the outside world,
The patterns sketched out by an artist God.
Often our thoughts are finished cosmic wares
Admitted by a silent office gate
And passed through the subconscient's galleries,
Then issued in Time's mart as private make.
For now they bear the living person's stamp;
A trick, a special hue claims them his own.
All else is Nature's craft and this too hers.
Our tasks are given, we are but instruments;
Nothing is all our own that we create:
The Power that acts in us is not our force.
The genius too receives from some high fount
Concealed in a supernal secrecy
The work that gives him an immortal name.
The word, the form, the charm, the glory and grace
Are missioned sparks from a stupendous Fire;
A sample from the laboratory of God
Of which he holds the patent upon earth,
Comes to him wrapped in golden coverings;
He listens for Inspiration's postman knock
And takes delivery of the priceless gift
A little spoilt by the receiver mind
Or mixed with the manufacture of his brain;
When least defaced, then is it most divine.
* Savitri
BOOK VII: The Book of Yoga 542

Receptivity - the power to receive the Divine Force and to feel its presence and the presence of the Mother in it and allow it to work, guiding one's sight and will and action. SA

The help is always there. It is you who must keep your receptivity living. The Divine Help is much vaster than what any human being is able to receive. TM

Flower Name: Erythrina variegata
Coral tree
Significance: Matter Prepares Itself to Receive the Supramental
Matter strives to free itself from old habits in order to prepare for the new realisation.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

દર્પણ ... અર્પણ ...

વર્તમાને ચખવ્યાં માન
ને સણકે દુખતાં ભૂતકાળ,
ભવિષ્ય મથતાં મમળાવ
અર્પણ ... અર્પણ ... અર્પણ  ...

સમયમાં સરકતાં સાનપાન,
ઘાવ, નિશાન ને રિસાવ,
લોભાવતાં શિરપાવી સ્થાન
અર્પણ ... અર્પણ ... અર્પણ  ...

સમય ભવ કાળ અબાધ 
ઈન્દ્રિયો સદૈવ સ્ફૂરણકાજ
સ્થાયી પ્રતિબિંબ સંધાન
દર્પણ ... દર્પણ ... અર્પણ ...


જૂન, ૨૦૧૮

There is no joy more perfect than to give oneself totally to that which is greater than oneself. God, Supreme Origin, Divine Presence, Absolute Truth--it doesn't matter what name we give Him or what aspect we most easily approach Him through--to forget oneself totally in an integral consecration is the surest path towards Realisation.
13 January 1952
How beautiful, grand, simple and calm everything becomes when our thoughts turn to the Divine and we give ourselves to the Divine!
11 May 1954
We must know how to give our life and also our death, our happiness and also our suffering.
28 December 1954
Three typical modes of total self-giving to the Divine:
(1) To prostrate oneself at His feet, giving up all pride in perfect humility.
(2) To unfold one's being before Him, open one's whole body from head to foot, as one opens a book, exposing one's centres so as to make all their movements visible in a complete sincerity that allows nothing to remain hidden.
(3) To nestle in His arms, to merge in Him in a loving and absolute trust.
These movements may be accompanied by three formulas or any one of them according to the case:
(1) Let Thy Will be done and not mine.
(2) As Thou willest, as Thou willest.
(3) I am Thine for eternity.
Generally, when these movements are done in the true way, they are followed by a perfect identification, a dissolution of the ego, giving rise to a sublime felicity.

Three Steps towards the Supreme Identification.
Give all you have, this is the beginning.
Give all you do, this is the way.
Give all you are, this is the fulfilment.
I have read and heard that one should "give oneself" to the Divine. I don't understand how one should "give oneself".
With your thought, give your thoughts.
With your heart, give your feelings.
With your body, give your work.
21 March 1965
Above all words, above all thoughts in the luminous silence of an aspiring faith give yourself totally, unreservedly, absolutely to the Supreme Lord of all existences and He will do of you what He wants you to be.
With love and blessings.
5 March 1966

Yoga means union with the Divine, and the union is effected through offering — it is founded on the offering of yourself to the Divine. . . . You must feel at every step that you belong to the Divine; you must have the constant experience that, in whatever you think or do, it is always the Divine Consciousness that is acting through you. You have no longer anything that you can call your own; you feel everything as coming from the Divine, and you have to offer it back to its source. When you can realise that, then even the smallest thing to which you do not usually pay much attention or care, ceases to be trivial and insignificant; it becomes full of meaning and it opens up a vast horizon beyond. TM

Flower Name: Alcea rosea
Significance: Integral Offering
The surest road to realisation.
The only offering that truly enriches is the one that is made to the Divine.

Monday, 25 June 2018

... in the Purusha ...

Once one lives in the Purusha
Everything is asked 
Respond in a clear tone,
Without a broadcast!

There the world, single 
Not duel, not in parts
Things come and meet.
Choose or discard!

The being then conscious constant.
A little ajar!
Consciousness - the key and cart
Carries one to the worlds afar...

The Divine Will at work
Through within, here and now!
One whole finer being
Sincere in the task!

Thank you Lord!

June, 2018

What we mean by Spirit is self-existent being with an infinite power of consciousness and unconditioned delight in its being.

Spirit is Sat or pure existence, pure in self-awareness (Chit), pure in self-delight (Ananda). Therefore Spirit can be regarded as a triune basis of all conscious being.

All things here are expression, form, energy, action of the Spirit; matter itself is but form of Spirit, life but power of being of the Spirit, mind but working out of consciousness of the Spirit. All Nature is a display and a play of God, power and action and self-creation of the one spiritual Being.

This world is, no doubt, based ostensibly upon Matter, but its summit is Spirit and the ascent towards Spirit must be the aim and justification of its existence and the pointer to its meaning and purpose. SA

Flower Name: Viscum album
Significance: Sign of the Spirit
The Spirit says, “I am here”.

Sunday, 24 June 2018


શાંતિ શાંતિ શાંતિ...
શાંતિની સરવાણી ફુટે 
મસ્તિષ્ક મથાળેથી સરકે
વહી, કણ કણે ઊભરે 
શીત લહેરખી સમ પ્રસરે...

એક એક કોષે પ્રવર્તે 
અસ્તિત્વ સમગ્ર શમ શ્વસે
નીરવ કૂણું ઉષ્ણ ધબકે
ૠજુ વહેણ સમ દેહ ભીંજવે...

નત, તવ સ્વીકાર, મસ્તકે 
ઊતરો સ્વરૂપે આંતર બાહ્યે
ભરી રહો ગતિવિધિ વચાળે 
શાંતિ શાંતિ શાંતિ...સમસ્તે...


જૂન, ૨૦૧૮

Peace was the very first thing that the yogis and seekers of old asked for and it was a quiet and silent mind - and that always brings peace -that they declared to be the best condition for realising the Divine.

Peace is a deep quietude where no disturbance can come- a quietude with a sense of established security and release.

Peace is a calm deepened into something that is very positive amounting almost to a tranquil waveless Ananda. SA

Flower Name: Crinum
Crinum lily, Spider lily
Significance:Joy of Integral Peace
Calm and tranquil, an unfailing smile.

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Suffering ...


Not a state to believe
Not a feel to cling
Not a stage to live...

If come, let it flit
If stay, let it shift
If persist, let it slip...

If a cause, transmute
If a solution, dig deep
If a liking, offer complete...

No life is meant for suffering
No human is structured for suffering
No condition is customized for suffering...

It's bottom has Ananda stream
Pull out and get out of it
No such, in conscious divinity...

Lord! Your Grace!

Thank you...

June, 2018

It is the incompleteness and weakness of the Consciousness-Force manifested in the mental, vital and physical being, its inability to receive or refuse at will, or, receiving, to assimilate or harmonise the contacts of the universal Energy cast upon it, that is the cause of pain and suffering.” The greater susceptibility is due to the fact that greater conscious awareness does not bring with it an equal measure of force to meet or withstand the external shocks. “the body becomes more subtle, more finely capable, but less solidly efficient in its external energy…”
As the evolution thus proceeds to finer and more subtle development of consciousness, it is necessary to develop new responses to the pain and suffering which, to a less subtle form, were not as intensely experienced, or at least more easily borne. “man has to call in his will, his mental power to dynamise, correct and control his nervous being, force it to the strenuous tasks he demands from his instruments, steel it against suffering and disaster.”
“In the spiritual ascent this power of the consciousness and its will over the instruments, the control of spirit and inner mind over the outer mentality and the nervous being and the body, increases immensely; a tranquil and wide equality of the spirit to all shocks and contacts comes in and becomes the habitual poise, and this can pass from the mind to the vital parts and establish there too an immense and enduring largeness of strength and peace; even in the body this state may form itself and meet inwardly the shocks of grief and pain and all kinds of suffering.”

The entire reaction of the body to the pressures that cause pain and suffering can be transformed. Still more significant is the power that comes on the level of spiritual Mind or Overmind to change the vibrations of pain into vibrations of Ananda: even if this were to go only up to a certain point, it indicates the possibility of an entire reversal of the ordinary rule of the reacting consciousness…”
“turns away the shocks that are more difficult to transmute or to endure.”
“The gnostic evolution at a certain stage must bring about a completeness of this reversal and of this power of self-protection which will fulfil the claim of the body for immunity and serenity of its being and for deliverance from suffering and build in it a power for the total delight of existence. A spiritual Ananda can flow into the body and inundate cell and tissue; a luminous materialisation of this higher Ananda could of itself bring about a total transformation of the deficient or adverse sensibilities of physical Nature.”

*The Life Divine, Book 2, Part 2, Chapter 27, “The Gnostic Being”

Flower Name: Saraca indica
Asoka, Sorrowless tree
Significance: GRIEF
Without Grief
The contemplation that leads you beyond suffering.