Saturday, 23 June 2018

Suffering ...


Not a state to believe
Not a feel to cling
Not a stage to live...

If come, let it flit
If stay, let it shift
If persist, let it slip...

If a cause, transmute
If a solution, dig deep
If a liking, offer complete...

No life is meant for suffering
No human is structured for suffering
No condition is customized for suffering...

It's bottom has Ananda stream
Pull out and get out of it
No such, in conscious divinity...

Lord! Your Grace!

Thank you...

June, 2018

It is the incompleteness and weakness of the Consciousness-Force manifested in the mental, vital and physical being, its inability to receive or refuse at will, or, receiving, to assimilate or harmonise the contacts of the universal Energy cast upon it, that is the cause of pain and suffering.” The greater susceptibility is due to the fact that greater conscious awareness does not bring with it an equal measure of force to meet or withstand the external shocks. “the body becomes more subtle, more finely capable, but less solidly efficient in its external energy…”
As the evolution thus proceeds to finer and more subtle development of consciousness, it is necessary to develop new responses to the pain and suffering which, to a less subtle form, were not as intensely experienced, or at least more easily borne. “man has to call in his will, his mental power to dynamise, correct and control his nervous being, force it to the strenuous tasks he demands from his instruments, steel it against suffering and disaster.”
“In the spiritual ascent this power of the consciousness and its will over the instruments, the control of spirit and inner mind over the outer mentality and the nervous being and the body, increases immensely; a tranquil and wide equality of the spirit to all shocks and contacts comes in and becomes the habitual poise, and this can pass from the mind to the vital parts and establish there too an immense and enduring largeness of strength and peace; even in the body this state may form itself and meet inwardly the shocks of grief and pain and all kinds of suffering.”

The entire reaction of the body to the pressures that cause pain and suffering can be transformed. Still more significant is the power that comes on the level of spiritual Mind or Overmind to change the vibrations of pain into vibrations of Ananda: even if this were to go only up to a certain point, it indicates the possibility of an entire reversal of the ordinary rule of the reacting consciousness…”
“turns away the shocks that are more difficult to transmute or to endure.”
“The gnostic evolution at a certain stage must bring about a completeness of this reversal and of this power of self-protection which will fulfil the claim of the body for immunity and serenity of its being and for deliverance from suffering and build in it a power for the total delight of existence. A spiritual Ananda can flow into the body and inundate cell and tissue; a luminous materialisation of this higher Ananda could of itself bring about a total transformation of the deficient or adverse sensibilities of physical Nature.”

*The Life Divine, Book 2, Part 2, Chapter 27, “The Gnostic Being”

Flower Name: Saraca indica
Asoka, Sorrowless tree
Significance: GRIEF
Without Grief
The contemplation that leads you beyond suffering.

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