Tuesday, 26 June 2018

દર્પણ ... અર્પણ ...

વર્તમાને ચખવ્યાં માન
ને સણકે દુખતાં ભૂતકાળ,
ભવિષ્ય મથતાં મમળાવ
અર્પણ ... અર્પણ ... અર્પણ  ...

સમયમાં સરકતાં સાનપાન,
ઘાવ, નિશાન ને રિસાવ,
લોભાવતાં શિરપાવી સ્થાન
અર્પણ ... અર્પણ ... અર્પણ  ...

સમય ભવ કાળ અબાધ 
ઈન્દ્રિયો સદૈવ સ્ફૂરણકાજ
સ્થાયી પ્રતિબિંબ સંધાન
દર્પણ ... દર્પણ ... અર્પણ ...


જૂન, ૨૦૧૮

There is no joy more perfect than to give oneself totally to that which is greater than oneself. God, Supreme Origin, Divine Presence, Absolute Truth--it doesn't matter what name we give Him or what aspect we most easily approach Him through--to forget oneself totally in an integral consecration is the surest path towards Realisation.
13 January 1952
How beautiful, grand, simple and calm everything becomes when our thoughts turn to the Divine and we give ourselves to the Divine!
11 May 1954
We must know how to give our life and also our death, our happiness and also our suffering.
28 December 1954
Three typical modes of total self-giving to the Divine:
(1) To prostrate oneself at His feet, giving up all pride in perfect humility.
(2) To unfold one's being before Him, open one's whole body from head to foot, as one opens a book, exposing one's centres so as to make all their movements visible in a complete sincerity that allows nothing to remain hidden.
(3) To nestle in His arms, to merge in Him in a loving and absolute trust.
These movements may be accompanied by three formulas or any one of them according to the case:
(1) Let Thy Will be done and not mine.
(2) As Thou willest, as Thou willest.
(3) I am Thine for eternity.
Generally, when these movements are done in the true way, they are followed by a perfect identification, a dissolution of the ego, giving rise to a sublime felicity.

Three Steps towards the Supreme Identification.
Give all you have, this is the beginning.
Give all you do, this is the way.
Give all you are, this is the fulfilment.
I have read and heard that one should "give oneself" to the Divine. I don't understand how one should "give oneself".
With your thought, give your thoughts.
With your heart, give your feelings.
With your body, give your work.
21 March 1965
Above all words, above all thoughts in the luminous silence of an aspiring faith give yourself totally, unreservedly, absolutely to the Supreme Lord of all existences and He will do of you what He wants you to be.
With love and blessings.
5 March 1966

Yoga means union with the Divine, and the union is effected through offering — it is founded on the offering of yourself to the Divine. . . . You must feel at every step that you belong to the Divine; you must have the constant experience that, in whatever you think or do, it is always the Divine Consciousness that is acting through you. You have no longer anything that you can call your own; you feel everything as coming from the Divine, and you have to offer it back to its source. When you can realise that, then even the smallest thing to which you do not usually pay much attention or care, ceases to be trivial and insignificant; it becomes full of meaning and it opens up a vast horizon beyond. TM

Flower Name: Alcea rosea
Significance: Integral Offering
The surest road to realisation.
The only offering that truly enriches is the one that is made to the Divine.

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