Friday, 31 August 2018

એ મૌન મહોરેદાર!

ખૂબ સંભળાય એ સંવાદો, 
જે મૌનમાં ઊચ્ચારાય
બૂમો, ચીસો, ઘોંઘાટ આક્રમક 
ને ક્યાં સૌમ્ય, સૂરતાલ!

જોખમી છે એ વલણ, ઝોક 
જો વપરાય વારંવાર 
કૃત્રિમ કેળવણી ને સદંતર નકલી 
એ મૌન મહોરેદાર!

ચેતજો, જાગજો! જો આ રીત 
રીતસરની ન અપનાવાય
વિષસમ પ્રસરી રહેશે, 
ડંખમય ભીતર ને આડંબર બહાર!

વહેતું કરવું, નહેર શોધી, 
ન લેવું ન આપવું આશયકાજ
ખુલ્લા રહી, નિખાલસ વહેવું, 
ન શોરબકોર ન વેરભાવ.

અંતર - સમર્પિત પ્રમાણિક 
નીરવ, શુભભાવમય ધારદાર
ઊગી ઊઠશે સહસા ત્વરિત, 
ઊંડે શ્વસતો ધ્વનિ વાક...

ને આરંભાય નવી શરૂઆત...

જય હો...પ્રભુ!

સપ્ટેમ્બર, ૨૦૧૮

Flower Name: Mirabilis jalapa
Marvel of Peru, Four-o'clock, False jalap, Beauty of the night
Solace in the Mind
A silent peace.

Thursday, 30 August 2018

This is the Earth ...

"Lord! This is the Earth,
From its existence!
I have an urge to put forward
Kindly, hear the heart of this evolver...

My core is black with a hole.
Why even the surface is under that influence?

My journey is just that of a planet any other,
Why mine is taken over by the race called human?

My being is with resources in abundance.
Why the life owners want to exhaust?

My lap is filled with myriad creatures.
Why the habitat is dominated by the mental?

I am your creation, unique, unusual!
Why my role is just limited to host the numerous?

I, too, am blessed with rich in substance.
Why cannot I have my share of growth and progression?

Do not let me get dark, dull and inert
Here, I aspire from all my being,
To be my own Sun,
Bright enough to contribute to the flames of inhabitants, 
Nurture them such as a mother...

Grant Lord! I, too, am your child in your cosmos..."

August, 2018

Flower Name: Helichrysum bracteatum
Strawflower, Golden everlasting. Yellow paper daisy
Supramental Immortality upon Earth
This still remains to be realised.

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

કેવી નિખરે જિંદગી!

જિંદગીનો સ્વભાવ જિંદગી 
એક નહીં તો બીજા મુદ્દે વહી પડે ધસમસતી...

કેટકેટલું વારશો જિંદગી!
એમાં ખજાનો છે મબલખ ને વૈવિધ્ય ભરી...

અટકવાનું ક્યાં કામ જિંદગી!
ધોધમાર ધોધમાર દિનરાત જાણે અનાવૃષ્ટિ...

અસ્ખલિત કેવી જાય જિંદગી!
વાત,વાયુ, વય, વર્ષ, વિશ્લેષણ છત્તે અતિક્રમી...

ન રોકાય ન સમેટાય જિંદગી!
ક્રમ એનો ન પરખાય, લહેર વચાળેથી પરાક્રમી!

આત્મપ્રધાનતામાં કેવી નિખરે જિંદગી!
નતમસ્તક, આજ્ઞાંકિત, રુંવેદાર, રૂહાધાર, રણકતી...

આભાર પ્રભુ...

ઓગસ્ટ, ૨૦૧૮

Flower Name: Petunia Xhybrida
Cheerful Enthusiasm in the Most Material Vital
The most material vital will find its joy in enthusiastic action when it is governed by the Supermind.

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

1700th... Grow and evolve further!

O Divine Mother!

How beautiful is your world!
Harmoniously flowing, undisturbed!

For a second, scant of a variation
Still steady as ever, in flow! firm, in unison! 

Myriad ways and forms and arrangements
Yet all, in that One whole contribution.

The Existence, with its small huge portions
Exists forever, immortal, indigenous...

Still, those gamut, infinitesimal!
Spread and grow and evolve further!

What a system...
What a mechanism...

Thank you.

August, 2018

But there is also this other and indubitable experience that the Divine is here in everything as well as above and behind everything, that all is in That and is That when we go back from its appearance to its Reality. It is a significant and illumining fact that the Knower of Brahman even moving and acting in this world, even bearing all its shocks, can live in some absolute peace, light and beatitude of the Divine.

Everything seems to point to such a progression as a fact -- to a spiritual and not merely a physical evolution. Here too there is a justifying line of spiritual experience in which we discover that the Inconscient from which all starts is apparent only, for in it there is an involved Consciousness with endless possibilities, a consciousness not limited but cosmic and infinite, a concealed and self-imprisoned Divine, imprisoned in Matter but with every potentiality held in its secret depths. Out of this apparent Inconscience each potentiality is revealed in its turn, first organised Matter concealing the indwelling Spirit, then Life emerging in the plant and associated in the animal with a growing Mind, then Mind itself evolved and organised in Man.

This evolution, this spiritual progression -- does it stop short here in the imperfect mental being called Man? Or is the secret of it simply a succession of rebirths whose only purpose of issue is to labour towards the point at which it can learn its own futility, renounce itself and take its leap into some original unborn Existence or Non-Existence? There is at least the possibility, there comes at a certain point the certitude, that there is a far greater consciousness than what we call Mind, and that by ascending the ladder still farther we can find a point at which the hold of the material Inconscience, the vital and mental Ignorance ceases; a principle of consciousness becomes capable of manifestation which liberates not partially, not imperfectly, but radically and wholly this imprisoned Divine. In this vision each stage of evolution appears as due to the descent of a higher and higher Power of consciousness, raising the terrestrial level, creating a new stratum, but the highest yet remain to descend and it is by their descent that the riddle of terrestrial existence will receive its solution and not only the soul but Nature herself find her deliverance. This is the Truth which has been seen in flashes, in more and more entirety of its terms by the line of seers … and the divine-seekers and which may now be nearing the point of readiness for its full revelation and experience.
*Letters on Yoga, SABCL Vol. 22, pp. 24-32

Flower Name: Scabiosa atropurpurea
Mournful widow, Sweet scabius, Pincushion flower, Egyptian rose
Blessings on the Material World
Puissant and innumerable, they answer all needs.

Monday, 27 August 2018

રૂપાંતરે પ્રગટ ...

જા પ્રકૃતિ! સમય દીધો તને.
તારાં વાના, જો! સમજી લે!

અવળા સવળા વારાફરતે
એક પછી બીજું, ચક્કર ચકરાવે.
ન કાયમી ઈલાજ, ન તંત મૂૂૂકે
ન લૂંટી શકે, ન કોઈ છૂટી શકે!

નક્કી કર. અંતે, સમજી લે!
અંતઃસ્થ પુરુષ છે જાગ્યો હવે.
સ્થાયી સ્થિરતા જગાવશે સઘળે,
લઈ જાશે અંતરિયાળથી આત્મા સંચાલને.

તું જાણે છે, એ પ્રભાવ અમર્ત્યને.
ઝૂકી જા, કહું છું. છોડ એ ઊતર-ચડને.
લેશે આશ્લેષમાં, શાંતિ લય ને સ્વયં પૂરશે.
વરી જો એને, એ બિરાજમાન છે પરમને ખોળે...

સમગ્રે શાશ્વતી, તું છે સમસ્તે!
રૂપાંતરે પ્રગટ શક્તિસ્વરૂપે...

વંદન ભગવતી સર્જન...

ઓગસ્ટ, ૨૦૧૮
If it is the sole intention of Nature in the evolution of the spiritual man to awaken him to the supreme Reality and release him from herself, or from the Ignorance in which she as the Power of the Eternal has masked herself, by a departure into a higher status of being elsewhere, if this step in the evolution is a close and an exit, then in the essence her work has been already accomplished and there is nothing more to be done. The ways have been built, the capacity to follow them has been developed, the goal or last height of the creation is manifest; all that is left is for each soul to reach individually the right stage and turn of its development, enter into the spiritual ways and pass by its own chosen path out of this inferior existence. But we have supposed that there is a farther intention, -- not only a revelation of the Spirit, but a radical and integral transformation of Nature. There is a will in her to effectuate a true manifestation of the embodied life of the Spirit, to complete what she has begun by a passage from the Ignorance to the Knowledge, to throw off her mask and to reveal herself as the luminous Consciousness-Force carrying in her the eternal Existence and its universal Delight of being. It then becomes obvious that there is something not yet accomplished, there becomes clear to view the much that has still to be done, bhūri aspaṣṭa kartvam; there is a height still to be reached, a wideness still to be covered by the eye of vision, the wing of the will, the self-affirmation of the Spirit in the material universe. What the evolutionary Power has done is to make a few individuals aware of their souls, conscious of their selves, aware of the eternal being that they are, to put them into communion with the Divinity or the Reality which is concealed by her appearances: a certain change of nature prepares, accompanies or follows upon this illumination, but it is not the complete and radical change which establishes a secure and settled new principle, a new creation, a permanent new order of being in the field of terrestrial Nature. The spiritual man has evolved, but not the supramental…

This then must be the nature of the third and final transformation which finishes the passage of the soul through the Ignorance and bases its consciousness, its life, its power and form of manifestation on a complete and completely effective self-knowledge. The Truth-Consciousness, finding evolutionary Nature ready, has to descend into her and enable her to liberate the supramental principle within her; so must be created the supramental and spiritual being as the first unveiled manifestation of the truth of the Self and Spirit in the material universe.

* The Life Divine, SABCL Vol. 18/19, p. 918

Flower Name: Rosa
Balance of the Nature in the Love for the Divine
Passive and active, calm and ardent, sweet and strong, silent and expressed.

Sunday, 26 August 2018

Knows its mandate ...

The energy that is deep in, static
Waiting eagerly to get its release
Knows its mandate - to be Dynamic...

If it is stored up tensed in the body
The body will wither, starts dying
The body is yet limited in its capcity...

For decades, now! The same, same-things!
Get up now! Clear up the dead withholding
It's time to move, to start a fresh beginning...

The energy that is stuck, ready to go free
To give the host renewed retreats 
In its utmost dynamism from the Divine origin...

O Lord! Your grace and bliss...

Thank you...

August, 2018

“For the supermind is a Truth-Consciousness in which the Divine Reality, fully manifested, no longer works with the instrumentation of the Ignorance; a truth of status of being which is absolute becomes dynamic in a truth of energy and activity of the being which is self-existent and perfect. Every movement there is a movement of the self-aware truth of Divine Being and every part is in entire harmony with the whole. Even the most limited and finite action is in the Truth-Consciousness a movement of the Eternal and Infinite.”
* The Synthesis of Yoga, Part One: The Yoga of Divine Works, Chapter 13, The Supermind and the Yoga of Works, pp. 265-266

Consciousness is a fundamental thing, the fundamental thing in existence it is the energy, the motion, the movement of consciousness that creates the universe and all that is in it not only the macrocosm but the microcosm is nothing but consciousness arranging itself. For instance, when consciousness in its movement or rather a certain stress of movement forgets itself in the action it becomes an apparently unconscious” energy; when it forgets itself in the form it becomes the electron, the atom, the material object. In reality it is still consciousness that works in the energy and determines the form and the evolution of form. When it wants to liberate itself, slowly, evolutionarily, out of Matter, but still in the form, it emerges as life, as animal, as man and it can go on evolving itself still farther out of its involution and become something more than mere man.
* The Life Divine, pp. 236-7.

Consciousness is not only power of awareness of self and things, it is or has also a dynamic and creative energy. It can determine its own reactions or abstain from reactions; it can not only answer to forces, but create or put out from itself forces. Consciousness is Chit but also Chit Shakti, awareness but also conscious force.

* Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, p. 234

Flower Name: Dendranthema Xgrandiflorum Chrysanthemum Xmorifolium
Florists' chrysanthemum
Purified Dynamic Life Energy
Superb, indomitable, all-powerful in its purity.

Saturday, 25 August 2018

ને સમજાય છે વજૂદ...

જ્યારે સંવેદનાથી નવાજે છે પ્રભુ
મર્મ હોય છે કંઈક વિશેષ કાર્ય વસ્તુ .

વળી પ્રેમ ને દરકાર ભાવ ભરપૂર
જરૂર કોઈ પૂર્વતૈયારી રૂપ છે મૌજુદ.

ધીરે ધીરે અનુભવો ઘડે છે મજબૂત
સમજ ઊતરે છે ને સમજાય છે વજૂદ.

એ સંવેદના નથી હોતી ફોગટ કે ભૂખ
પૃષ્ઠભૂ છે કરુણાકૃપા ઝીલવા ફળદ્રુપ.

દિવ્ય યોજન, પ્રયોજન ઊંડે મૂળભૂત
જીવતે જીવત કેળવાતું એ તત્વરૂપ.

જરૂરી હોય છે ખુલવું, સંતુલનમાં પૂર્ણ 
સપ્રમાણ માત્રા, હળવી ગતિ, ખુદથી ખુદ!

પ્રણામ...સાભાર પ્રભુ...

ઓગસ્ટ, ૨૦૧૮

It is a matter of temperament. Some are psychically and vitally sensitive and responsive to all that comes from anywhere; others are solid of nerve and walled against invasion. It is not at all a question of strength or weakness. The first have a greater sense of life and answer to life; they suffer more from life and get more from it. It is the difference between the Greek and the Roman. Even without egoism the difference remains because it is of the temperament. In yoga the first type are more able to feel everything directly and know everything in detail by close experience; it is their great advantage. The others have to use the mind to know and their grasp is less intimate.
* SABCL volume 23, pages 803-843 your inner life you develop intensity in such a way that at will whenever you want, that intensity will come, not by pulling it, not by artificially creating it, but whenever you want a certain state of consciousness it will come by will. Allow that kind of thing to happen instead of feeling that now you are going up and going down and so on. These divisions will remain until we arrive at a great harmony.

Question:  But this makes you more sensitive, more emotional and more prompt to get hurt. If you have to vacillate between ...

No. Why do you get hurt? That is the important question, I do not understand. You have become sensitive because of intensity and now you come back from that state of intensity in a situation.

Question:  But you get more subtle vibrations, you are able to take them in.

Yes you have become more tender you might say as a result of your intensity and therefore anything that happens in the outside world affects you very intensely.

Question: How do you cope with that? Do you not carry the power and strength that that intensity has provided you with?

You can but if you have not, then this question does arise and we have to find a remedy for it. Do not allow tenderness to be lost that is the first thing. It is very precious but there should be developed simultaneously a strength without losing tenderness. Actually ideally speaking, one has to become softer than the petals of the flower and harder than steel, the two things when combined together gives you the right condition of your consciousness. There are people who work very hard, they fight a big battle for the truth, courageously; for them to come in a state of tenderness is very difficult; they are fighting a hard fight, courageous fight accepting all kinds of difficulties, surmounting difficulties and in that state to enter into intensity of sensitivity, tenderness, sweetness, is very difficult. That is deficiency from the other side. But both the things have to be developed. In fact in our process of integral yoga we have to burn the candles on both the ends, the development of intensity of emotions and to divinise it and the intensity of hardest work requiring greatest courage, and strength, hardihood, both have to be developed. If you can keep a balance between the two, very good…
* The Life Divine Chapter XXV

Flower Name: Malpighia coccigera
Miniature holly, Singapore holly
Significance: Sensitivity
One of the results of refinement of the being.

Friday, 24 August 2018

Nothing is permanent or static...

In silence,
 the truth speaks.
Evident that no 
consciousness is nil.

Everything is consciousness 
even that is felt empty
Certainly, different 
that feels like nihil.

One moves past
 from that void
Thus, clear that nothing 
Is permanent or static.

Just due to the consciousness 
mobile and varying 
Stops when human mind
 decides to cling.

That association then becomes
 conscious in the within
As a part of personality then, 
starts developing.

The moment one stops 
identifying with
Dissects the thread, discontinuation 
starts happening.

Understand! Consciousness is 
the friend, the ally
Depends on, how one masters
 or allows it to be mastering!

May the Divine beloved be the guiding light for all...

Thank you...

August, 2018

Consciousness is a fundamental thing, the fundamental thing in existence — it is the energy, the motion, the movement of consciousness that creates the universe and all that is in it - not only the macrocosm but the microcosm is nothing but consciousness arranging itself.

Consciousness is made up of two elements, awareness of self and things and forces and conscious-power. Awareness is the first thing necessary, you have to be aware of things in the right consciousness, in the right way, seeing them in their truth; but awareness by itself is not enough. There must be a Will and a Force that make the consciousness effective. SA

The only thing that is truly effective is the change of consciousness; it is inner liberation through a close and constant union, absolute and inevitable, with the vibration of the supramental forces. The preoccupation of every second, the will of all the elements of the being, the aspiration of the whole being, including all the cells of the body, is this union with the supramental forces, the divine forces. And there is no longer any need at all to be concerned with what the consequences will be. What has to be in the play of the universal forces and their manifestation will be, quite naturally, spontaneously, automatically; there is no need to be concerned about it. The only thing that matters is the constant, total, complete contact - constant, yes, constant — with the Force, the Light, the Truth, the Power, and that ineffable delight of the supramental consciousness. TM

Flower Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Significance: Supramental Consciousness
Gloriously awake and powerful. Luminous, sure of itself, infallible in its movements.

Thursday, 23 August 2018

શાને તું ... સમય મહોતાજ!

ઇન્દ્રિયો શોધી બતાવે છે પૂરાવા અપાર,
બુદ્ધિસીમાને ક્યાંથી હોય સમસ્તનો ક્યાસ?
મંજૂરી આપે છે, નમે છે નિમ્નને. હતાશ!
બસ! રાહ જૂએ છે ને ચૂકવે છે ક્ષણો હજાર.

ઓ માનવ! તને મળ્યું છે મન અદ્ભૂત અગાધ. 
સાથે છે પરમનો અખંડ વિશ્વાસ, ઠોસ સાથ.
શાને તું માને ખુદને નિર્બળ, સમય મહોતાજ!
ઊઠ, લગાવ દોડ. નથી હરીફ કે તું એને હંફાવ.

ન અટકતો કે ટકતો. વહેતો પ્રવાસી પ્રવાહ.
માનવને નથી હોતો એ વૃદ્ધિગતિનો અંદાજ,
ન સમજાય પ્રગતિમય એટલે લાગે ખરાબ.
સમય તો છે બસ! જાડું ઝીણું - શીખવતો સંગાથ.


ઓગસ્ટ, ૨૦૧૮

The "Mind" in the ordinary use of the word covers indiscriminately the whole consciousness, for man is a mental being and mentalises everything; but in the language of this yoga the words "mind" and "mental" are used to connote specially the part of the nature which has to do with cognition and intelligence, with ideas, with mental or thought perceptions, the reactions of thought to things, with the truly mental movements and formations, mental vision and will, etc., that are part of his intelligence. SA

Flower Name: Thevetia peruviana
Yellow oleander. Be-still tree, Lucky nut

Significance: Supramentalised Mind
Mind has become an instrument for transformation.
Its true value depends on its surrender to the Divine.
Purified Mind
Mind ready to surrender to the Divine.

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

A simple psychological act ...

Offering has a power deep
Opens up profound openings...

A simple psychological act,
In a sheer concentrated self will!

Willingness gives the inner lead
Discreets right or wrong for the self indeed.

Unwilling to accomodate certain strings,
That are pulling downwards towards opposites!

Clears the clutters, to,  glitters, fill
The luminous stream that flows beneath. endless offering...
At beloved Lord and the Mother's lotus feet.

Thank you...

August, 2018

Flower Name: Alcea Rosea
Significance: Offering
The only offering that truly enriches is the one that is made to the Divine.
Combined Offering of Two parts of the Being
This heralds the progress and effectiveness of the being.