Thursday, 9 August 2018

ઓ પૂર્ણયોગના સાધક!

જીવનમાં ભરપૂર સ્વતંત્રતા 
છતાં આત્માનો દ્યોતક ઉદ્ધાર!
ઓ પૂર્ણયોગના સાધક!
તું જન્મ લે વારંવાર...

જીવતર વીતે માપ પ્રમાણ
મન,પ્રાણ સરીખાં સાથ
ઓ પૂર્ણયોગના સાધક!
તું અભીપ્સા ધર વારંવાર...

ન રીત,પ્રીત ન રિવાજ, વિચાર
બસ! અર્પણ-સમર્પણ અપનાવ 
ઓ પૂર્ણયોગના સાધક!
તું નવલું નોતર વારંવાર...

સંધાન સાયુજ્ય ને વળી વિસ્તાર 
પણ સાધનાનો ન કોઈ ભાર
ઓ પૂર્ણયોગના સાધક!
તું પળેપળ પોકાર, વારંવાર...

નિશ્ચિંત થઈ, કર્તવ્યો જીવ
મહર્ષિ-માતૃચેતનાને સંગાથ
ઓ પૂર્ણયોગના સાધક!
તું ભવોભવ ઊજાળ વારંવાર...

તવ ચેતનાને આધીન...પ્રભુ...

ઓગસ્ટ, ૨૦૧૮

Central purpose of the Integral Yoga
Transformation of our superficial, narrow and fragmentary human way of thinking, seeing, feeling and being into a deep and wide spiritual consciousness and an integrated inner and outer existence and of our ordinary human living into the divine way of life.

Integral yoga
This yoga accepts the value of cosmic existence and holds it to be a reality; its object is to enter into a higher Truth-Consciousness or Divine Supramental Consciousness in which action and creation are the expression not of ignorance and imperfection, but of the Truth, the Light, the Divine Ananda (Bliss). But for that, the surrender of the mortal mind, life and body to the Higher Consciousness is indispensable, since it is too difficult for the mortal human being to pass by its own effort beyond mind to a Supramental Consciousness in which the dynamism is no longer mental but of quite another power. Only those who can accept the call to such a change should enter into this yoga.

Sâdhanâ of the Integral Yoga
The Sâdhanâ [practice] of the Integral Yoga does not proceed through any set mental teaching or prescribed forms of meditation, mantras or others, but by aspiration, by a self-concentration inwards or upwards, by a self-opening to an Influence, to the Divine Power above us and its workings, to the Divine Presence in the heart and by the rejection of all that is foreign to these things. It is only by faith, aspiration and surrender that this self-opening can come.

Integral method
The method we have to pursue is to put our whole conscious being into relation and contact with the Divine and to call Him in to transform our entire being into His, so that in a sense God Himself, the real Person in us, becomes the sâdhaka of the sâdhana* as well as the Master of the Yoga by whom the lower personality is used as the centre of a divine transfiguration and the instrument of its own perfection. In effect, the pressure of the Tapas, the force of consciousness in us dwelling in the Idea of the divine Nature upon that which we are in our entirety, produces its own realisation. The divine and all-knowing and all-effecting descends upon the limited and obscure, progressively illumines and energises the whole lower nature and substitutes its own action for all the terms of the inferior human light and mortal activity. (Sâdhana, the practice by which perfection, siddhi, is attained;
Sâdhaka, the Yogin who seeks by that practice the siddhi.)

Aim of the Integral Yoga
It is not merely to rise out of the ordinary ignorant world-consciousness into the divine consciousness, but to bring the supramental power of that divine consciousness down into the ignorance of mind, life and body, to transform them, to manifest the Divine here and create a divine life in Matter.

* 'Dictionary of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga', compiled from the writings of Sri Aurobindo by M.P. Pandit, published by Dipti Publications,

Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Flower Name: Albizia lebbeck
Siris tree, Woman's tongue tree, Lebbeck tree
Significance: Integral Wisdom
The wisdom one obtains through union with the Divine.

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