Monday, 22 October 2018

ચૈત્યચિત્ત શાસન ...


મનસની બહુરુપી રીત
સામ દામ દંડ ભેદ મિશ્રિત 
અંકુશ ને દબાવમય સંકુચિત! 

સ્થિતપ્રજ્ઞતા પહેલી જીત
સમતા બીજી નિસ્પૃહ હિત
ચૈત્ય ઉઘાડથી જન્મે ચિત્ત.

ન કર, ન ભય, ન પ્રીત.
નિર્મળ, સહજ, સ્થિત 
ચિત્ત ધરે સમત્વ સ્થિર.

ઉર્ધ્વગતિ થવી કિંચિત્
મનને ઊઠવું રહ્યું નિશ્ચિત
ચૈત્યચિત્ત શાસન નિર્ણિત...

વંદન પ્રભુ...

ઓક્ટોબર, ૨૦૧૮

Chit, the divine Consciousness, is not our mental self- awareness; that we shall find to be only a form, a lower and limited mode or movement. As we progress and awaken to the soul in us and things, we shall realise that there is a consciousness also in the plant, in the metal, in the atom, in electricity , in everything that belongs to physical nature; we shall find even that it is not really in all respects a lower or more limited mode than the mental, on the contrary it is in many "inanimate" forms more intense, rapid, poignant, though less evolved towards the surface. But this also, this consciousness of vital and physical Nature is, compared with Chit, a lower and therefore a limited form, mode and movement.
But this evolution is really a manifestation and just as we have in us these subnormal selves and subhuman planes, so are there in us above our mental being supernormal and superhuman planes. There Chit as the universal conscious-stuff of existence takes other poises, moves out in other modes, on other principles and by other faculties of action. There is above the mind, as the old Vedic sages discovered, a truth-plane, a plane of self- luminous, self-effective Idea, which can be turned in light and force upon our mind, reason, sentiments, impulses, sensations and use and control them in the sense of the real Truth of things just as we turn our mental reason and will upon our sense-experience and animal nature to use and control them in the sense of our rational and moral perceptions.

There there is no seeking, but rather natural possession; no conflict or separation between will and reason, instinct and impulse, desire and experience, idea and reality , but all are in harmony, concomitant, mutually effective, unified in their origin, in their development and in their effectuation. But beyond this plane and attainable through it are others in which the very Chit itself becomes revealed, Chit the elemental origin and primal completeness of all this varied consciousness which is here used for various formation and experience. There will and knowledge and sensation and all the rest of our faculties, powers, modes of experience are not merely harmonious, concomitant, unified, but are one being of consciousness and power of consciousness. It is this Chit which modifies itself so as to become on the Truth-plane the supermind, on the mental plane the mental reason, will, emotion, sensation, on the lower planes the vital or physical instincts, impulses, habits of an obscure force not in superficially conscious possession of itself. All is Chit because all is Sat; all is various movement of the original Consciousness because all is various movement of the original Being.
When we find, see or know Chit, we find also that its essence is Ananda or delight of self-existence.

* Modes of Consciousness
SABCL Vol 20 page 371-73

Consciousness is not only power of awareness of self and things, it is or has also a dynamic and creative energy. It can determine its own reactions or abstain from reactions; it can not only answer to forces, but create or put out from itself forces. Consciousness is Chit but also Chit Shakti.

Sri Aurobindo — Nahar, Prithwi Singh

October 13, 1935

When we use Manas in the general and wider sense it means the mind, meaning the whole mental activity – reflection, emotion and mental sensa­tion, all taken together.
* A.B. Purani.  Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo,
second series, pp 227-228

Manas, the sense mind: In man the chitta develops the life-mind and the sense-mind to a much greater extent than in the animal. The sense-mind throws out a thought-mind, a very elementary state of which we find in some of the advanced species of animals; but in the generality of men this thought-mind is tied to the sense-mind and can, with a greater precision, be called a sensational thought-mind. This sensational thought-mind works on the basis of the data of the senses, and cannot rise superior to them and move in an ether of unfettered thinking. Or, it works on the basis of the subjective reactions generated in the citta by the outer impacts.
* Rishabchand
“Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo”

Flower Name: Rosa ‘Peace’
Significance: Mental Love under the Psychic Influence
The mind influenced by the psychic knows how to express its love for the Divine in magnificent terms.

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