"સમજી લે, સમભાવમાં જ સાર,
એકત્વ જ શાણપણનો આધાર.
સર્વ વિકાસ જ જેને પંડપ્રવાસ,
એ જ ખરો! ખરો જીતનો હકદાર.
પ્રગતિ સર્વેનો મૂળભૂત અધિકાર,
સંગઠિતવૃત્તિમાં શોધનાર દાવેદાર.
બહુજન હિતાય, કૌટુંબિક સર્વભાવ
એ સંવેદક જ વિધાયક સર્જનકાર.
સ્મિતધારી, હેતાળ, કર્મી દરકાર,
પ્રભુ ખોળેથી જીવે, ધરે પ્રભુ સંસ્કાર..."
વાહ પ્રભુ...સર્વ તવ બાળ...
ઓક્ટોબર, ૨૦૧૮
“The first business of the Sadhaka is to see whether he has the perfect equality, how far he has gone in this direction or else where is the flaw, and to exercise steadily his will on his nature or invite the will of the Purusha to get rid of the defect and its causes.”
“There are four things that he must have; first equality in the most concrete practical sense of the word, samata, freedom from mental, vital, physical preferences, an even acceptance of all God’s workings within and around him; secondly, a firm peace and absence of all disturbance and trouble, shanti; thirdly, a positive inner spiritual happiness and spiritual ease of the natural being which nothing can lessen, sukham; fourthly, a clear joy and laughter of the soul embracing life and existence.”
“To be equal is to be infinite and universal, not to limit oneself, not to bind oneself down to this or that form of the mind and life and its partial preferences and desires.”
“To accept them is at first inevitable, to go beyond them exceedingly difficult and not, perhaps, altogether possible so long as we are compelled to use the mind as the chief instrument of our action. The first necessity therefore is to take at least the sting out of them, to deprive them, even when they persist, of their greater insistence, their present egoism, their more violent claim on our nature.”
“There are four things that he must have; first equality in the most concrete practical sense of the word, samata, freedom from mental, vital, physical preferences, an even acceptance of all God’s workings within and around him; secondly, a firm peace and absence of all disturbance and trouble, shanti; thirdly, a positive inner spiritual happiness and spiritual ease of the natural being which nothing can lessen, sukham; fourthly, a clear joy and laughter of the soul embracing life and existence.”
“To be equal is to be infinite and universal, not to limit oneself, not to bind oneself down to this or that form of the mind and life and its partial preferences and desires.”
“To accept them is at first inevitable, to go beyond them exceedingly difficult and not, perhaps, altogether possible so long as we are compelled to use the mind as the chief instrument of our action. The first necessity therefore is to take at least the sting out of them, to deprive them, even when they persist, of their greater insistence, their present egoism, their more violent claim on our nature.”
* The Synthesis of Yoga,
Part Four: The Yoga of Self-Perfection,
Chapter 13, The Action of Equality, pp. 693-694
Collaboration and reciprocal goodwill are indispensable for good work.
It is only in harmonious collaboration that effective work can be done. The important thing is to find the point on which you can all agree — and after this is firmly established, each one must be ready to yield his personal will in order to keep intact this point of harmony. TM
It is only in harmonious collaboration that effective work can be done. The important thing is to find the point on which you can all agree — and after this is firmly established, each one must be ready to yield his personal will in order to keep intact this point of harmony. TM
Flower Name: Dianthus caryophyllus
Carnation, Clove pink
Significance: CollaborationCarnation, Clove pink
Always ready to help and knows how to do it.
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