In the Vital, It's all about the nature's fury
All those ups and downs and topsy turvy
The life situations and their nittygritties
The human life is with examples tricky
Good and bad and sad and happy
Cycles keep emerging with grapplings
Poor human fights and accepts fighting
Unaware that cyclical is not forwarding
Step out or overcome or surpass with
Dignity, relevance possible, whichever still be
The route of finding Self or equanimity
Sure shot with progressive future promising...
And refuge in the God almighty.
Thank you...
February, 2019

...The seeker who has established some immobility within himself will find that this immobility dissolves all shocks, because it is wide; because the seeker is no longer a small constricted person, but a consciousness overflowing the limits of its body. Like the silent mind, the quieted vital universalizes itself spontaneously: In yoga experience the consciousness widens in every direction, around, below, above, in each direction stretching to infinity. When the consciousness of the yogi becomes liberated, it is not in the body but in this infinite height, depth and wideness that he lives always. Peace, Freedom, Power, Light, Knowledge, Ananda.20 The least pain, of any kind, is the immediate sign of a contraction in the being and of a loss of consciousness.
A very important corollary follows upon this widening of the being, which will make us appreciate the absolute necessity of vital immobility, not only for the sake of clarity of communications, efficiency in action, and joy in life, but simply for our own safety. As long as we live in the small frontal person, the vibrations are small, the blows are small, the joys are small; we are protected by our very smallness.

But when we emerge into the universal Vital, we find the same vibrations, or forces, on a gigantic, universal scale, for these are the very forces that move the world as they move us; and if we have not acquired a perfect equanimity or inner immobility, we are blown away. This is true not only of the universal Vital but of all the planes of consciousness. Indeed, one can, one must (at least the integral seeker) realize the cosmic consciousness on all levels: in the Superconscient, the mind, the vital, and even in the body. When he rises into the Superconscient, the seeker will find out that the intensities of the Spirit also can be overpowering (it is actually always the same divine Force, the same Consciousness-Force above or below, in Matter or in Life, in the Mind or higher up, but the farther it descends, the darker, more distorted and broken up it becomes by the medium it has to pass through), and if the seeker, just emerging from his heavy density, tries to rise too rapidly, to skip some stages without having first established a clear and firm foundation, he may well burst like a boiler. Vital clarity, therefore, is not a matter of morality, but a technical or even organic requirement, one could say. In practice, the great Solicitude is always there to keep us from premature experiences; perhaps we are narrow and small only as long as we need to be narrow and small.
*Satprem CH 6 Quieting the Vital
Flower Name: Gladiolus callianthus Acidanthera bicolor
Peacock orchid
Significance: The Vital’s Possibility of Perfection
The day the vital will be converted it will have much to give.