Wednesday, 13 March 2019

પરાજયવાદ...પરાજય શોધતું વલણ...

પરાજયવાદનાં મુખોટા હજાર!
નાસીપાસ કરતા છૂપા હથિયાર,

સંતાઈ બેઠા બળવત્તર પ્રહાર,
તાકી બેઠેલા કરવા હારનો પ્રચાર!

શક્યતાઓ, શરતોનાં હિસાબ, 
જોડે તોડ મરોડમાં હરાવવા તૈયાર!

કંઈક કરીને રોકાવતા વાદવિવાદ,
ખુદને ખુદનાથી જ હંફાવવા બેકરાર!

ગ્રસી રહે સતત મન બુદ્ધિ ખબરદાર
નબળા પાડે, ઉપાડવા ડગલાં અજાણ.

"અણધાર્યા એટલે પરિણામે ખરાબ"
માન્યતાઓ એવી કંઈક ઉછેર્યા કરે અથાગ!

સતર્ક રહી સમજવો જરૂરી વિના અપવાદ
પરાજય શોધતા વલણ પર સ્થાપવો વિજયવાદ.

પ્રભુ, બને માર્ગદર્શક...


માર્ચ, ૨૦૧૯

If these things [wrong movements] had disappeared already, there would be the victory already. What I mean1 is the certitude of the eventual victory which is a matter of faith and an inner reliance upon the Divine. The peace born of this certitude carries one through all persistence or return of difficulties.

I don't believe much in this Divine Darkness. It is a Christian idea. For us the Divine is Peace, Purity, Wideness, Light, Ananda.

Doubt, struggle, efforts and failures, lapses, alternations of happy and unhappy or good and bad conditions, states of light and states of darkness are the common lot of human beings. They are not created by yoga or by the effort after perfection; only, in yoga one becomes conscious of their movements and their causes instead of feeling them blindly, and in the end one makes one's way out of them into a clearer and happier consciousness.

this contradiction has been given a special and very discomforting kind of intensity by a hereditary weakness of the nervous parts which has always shown itself in you by fits of despondency, gloom, unrest and self-tormenting darkness and spoiled for you the savour of life. Your mistake is to think that this is something to which you are bound and from which you cannot escape, a fate which makes a spiritual change of your nature impossible.

This despondency, this adverse conviction is the real danger for you; it prevents you from making a quiet and settled resolution and a permanent effective effort; because of it the return of this darker condition makes you quickly yield and allow the adverse external Force which uses this defect to play and do its will with you. It is this false idea that makes more than half the trouble.
*Letters on Yoga
Volume 3 Part 4

6. Difficulties of the Path

Flower Name: Zinnia elegans
Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Significance: Victorious Endurance
It will endure till the end of the battle.

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