Saturday, 30 March 2019

પૂર્ણતા ...

વિલુપ્તિમાં નથી સમાઈ પૂર્ણતાની ચાવી
નિષેધથી નથી ઓળખાતી પૂર્ણતા સાચી

ત્યાગમાં નથી મેળવાતી પૂર્ણતાની પ્રાપ્તિ 
તર્કવાદથી નથી સમજાતી પૂર્ણતા સર્વાંગી

રિક્તતા નથી પર્યાપ્ત, હતી પૂર્ણતા પુરાણી
એકલતા નથી માન્ય. ન ઝંખે પૂર્ણતા પ્રાર્થી

પલાયન નથી પર્યાય. પૂર્ણતા વીર વ્યાધિ
નીરસતા નથી માર્ગ. પૂર્ણતા સુચારુ વૃૃૃત્તિ.  

અધુરામાં નથી સમાધાન. પૂર્ણતા પૂર્ણસ્થિતિ.
સમસ્તમાં પૂર્ણ ચરિતાર્થ. પૂર્ણતા સ્વભાવ કુદરતી.

પ્રભુની કૃતિ પ્રભુ ચરણે...

માર્ચ, ૨૦૧૯

An aimless life is always a troubled life. Every individual should have an aim. But do not forget that the quality of your aim will depend the quality of your life. Your aim should be high and wide, generous and disinterested; this will make your life precious to yourself and to others. Whatever your ideal, it cannot be perfectly realized unless you have realized perfection in yourself.

Not complete inaction, which is an error, a confusion, a self-delusion, an impossibility, but action full and free done without subjection to sense and passion, desireless and unattached works, are the first secret of perfection.

Everyone has in him something divine, something his own, a chance of perfection and strength in however small a sphere which God offers him to take or refuse. The task is to find it, develop it & use it. The chief aim of education should be to help the growing soul to draw out that in itself which is best and make it perfect for a noble use.

Sin and virtue are a game of resistance we play with God in His efforts to draw us towards perfection.

The liberated individual being, united with the Divine in self and spirit, becomes in his natural being a self-perfecting instrument for the perfect outflowering of the Divine in humanity.

This outflowering has its two terms; first, comes the growth out of the separative human ego into the unity of the spirit, then the possession of the divine nature in its proper and its higher forms and no longer in the inferior forms of the mental being which are a mutilated translation and not the authentic text of the original script of divine Nature in the cosmic individual.

In other words, a perfection has to be aimed at which amounts to the elevation of the mental into the full spiritual and supramental nature. Therefore this integral Yoga of knowledge, love and works has to be extended into a Yoga of spiritual and gnostic self-perfection. As gnostic knowledge, will and ananda are a direct instrumentation of spirit and can only be won by growing into the spirit, into divine being, this growth has to be the first aim of our Yoga. The mental being has to enlarge itself into the oneness of the Divine before the Divine will perfect in the soul of the individual its gnostic outflowering. That is the reason why the triple way of knowledge, works and love becomes the key-note of the whole Yoga, for that is the direct means for the soul in mind to rise to its highest intensities where it passes upward into the divine oneness
*The Synthesis of Yoga

Flower Name: Beloperone guttata
Shrimp plant, Mexican shrimp plant. Shrimp bush, False hop
Significance: Thirst for Perfection
Constant and manifold aspiration.

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