Monday, 18 March 2019

Visit that corner ...

Appreciate a little void
And retain always a bit
Take a break in between 
Visit that corner, may be for a brief

That touch helps to de-link
To regain and recharge in swift
To be aware about how momentary indeed
The life and the course than they seem

Not to get lost and vanish
But to re-enter with objectivity.
It is an art to use the space empty.
Must create a corner precious for precious within...

Thank you...

March, 2019

THE minute one stops going forward, one falls back. The moment one is satisfied and no longer aspires, one begins to die. Life is movement, it is effort, it is a march forward, the scaling of a mountain, the climb towards new revelations, towards future realisations. Nothing is more dangerous than wanting to rest. It is in action, in effort, in the march forward that repose must be found, the true repose of complete trust in the divine Grace, of the absence of desires, of victory over egoism.

True repose comes from the widening, the universalisation of the consciousness. Become as vast as the world and you will always be at rest. In the thick of action, in the very midst of the battle, the effort, you will know the repose of infinity and eternity.

The rest must be an ascent into the Light, into perfect Peace, total Silence, a rest which rises up out of the darkness. Then it is true rest, a rest which is an ascent. TM

Flower Name: Clerodendrum ugandense
Butterfly bush
Significance: Repose
Opens out in calm relaxation. The true repose is that of perfect surrender to the Divine.

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