O Body!
O Instrument in matter!
You are such a vessel
For any movement an instant indicator.
Such a marvel of structure!
Yet anywhere any bit! and response generator.
Such a magnanimous ruler!
Any intake! Be it food or force! digester.
Such a powerful processor!
Negating elements! Popped, recognised and offered.
Such a sacred Temple!
Beloved Mother and Lord made their sectorum.
Such a sincere receptor!
Every Drop unwasteful, in assimilation.
Lord! Your power and your force in action...
Thank you...
March, 2019
“Material energy would be then Life packed into the density of Matter and feeling out in it for its own intenser recognisable power which it finds within itself in the material concealment and liberates into action. Life itself would be an energy of a secret mind, a mind imprisoned in its own forms and quivering out in the nervous seekings of life for its intenser recognisable power of consciousness which it discovers within the vital and material suppression and liberates into sensibility….Mind too might only be an inferior scale and formulation derived from a much greater and supramental consciousness, and that consciousness too with its greater light and will a characteristic originating power of spiritual being, the power which secret in all things, in mind, in life, in matter, in the plant and the metal and the atom assures constantly by its inevitable action the idea and harmony of the universe.”
“Therefore all things here are expression, form, energy, action of the Spirit; matter itself is but form of spirit, life but power of being of the spirit, mind but working of consciousness of the spirit. All Nature is a display and a play of God, power and action and self-creation of the one spiritual Being.”
“Therefore all things here are expression, form, energy, action of the Spirit; matter itself is but form of spirit, life but power of being of the spirit, mind but working of consciousness of the spirit. All Nature is a display and a play of God, power and action and self-creation of the one spiritual Being.”
Flower Name: Erythrina variegata
Coral tree
Significance: Matter Prepares Itself to Receive the SupramentalCoral tree
Matter strives to free itself from old habits in order to prepare for the new realisation.
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