Flower Name: Callistephus chinensis
China aster
Significance: Psychic Transparency
Manifests fully only when the psychic is perfectly developed.
Flower Name: Callistephus chinensis
China aster
Significance: Psychic Transparency
Manifests fully only when the psychic is perfectly developed.
Flower Name: Hibiscus hirtus
Significance: Eternal Youth
It is a gift the Divine gives to us when we unite with Him.
Flower Name: Viola X Wittrockiana
Pansy, Ladies' delight, Heart's ease, Stepmother's flower
Significance: Integrally Pure Thoughts
An effect of the Divine Grace
Flower Name: Impatiens balsamina
Garden balsam, Rose balsam
Significance: Manifold Generosity
All in nature is spontaneously generous.
Flower Name: Iochroma cyaneum
Significance: Seeking the Light in the Lower Vital
Does more work, makes less fuss.
Flower Name: Sinningia speciosa
Florists' gloxinia, Gloxinia, Brazilian gloxinia, Violet slipper gloxinia
Significance: Broadening of the Being
All the parts of the being broaden in order to progress.
Flower Name: Caesalpinia coriaria
Significance: Intuitive Knowledge
Innumerable and vast for exploration, it is pure and fragrant.
Flower Name: Rosa
Significance: Human Passions Changed into Love for the Divine
May they become a real fact, and their abundance will save the world.
Flower Name: Lobularia maritima
Sweet Alison, Sweet alyssum
Significance: Goodwill
Modest in appearance, does not make a show but is always ready to be useful.
Flower Name: Hibiscus mutabilis
Cotton rose, Confederate rose mallow
Significance: The Divine Grace
Thy goodness is infinite, we bow before Thee in gratitude.
Flower Name: Hibiscus mutabilis
Cotton rose, Confederate rose mallow
Significance: Victorious Love
Sure of itself, fearless, generous and smiling.
Flower Name: Stapelia
Carrion flower, Starfish flower
Significance: Conquest of the Armies
Brutal and material, it does not bring joy.