Sunday, 15 April 2018

અહં ... તું પણ અહીં છે કર્મચારી...

અહંકાર તો સમયે મઢી વ્યાધિ 
જીવ તો નિરંતર આત્મસ્થિતી.

અહંકાર, ન ભૂલ તું મનુષ્યગતિ.
વાલિયો પરિવર્તે છે વાલ્મિકી.

દર મનુષ્યમાં મળે ડાકુ ને ૠષિ
બસ! સમયની વાર ને પક્વઘડી!

પળવારમાં પલટાઈ શકે જીવની
અંદરુની ઉલટપલટથી નવીન દ્રષ્ટિ.

ન માન અહં કે તું હંમેશ શકીશ રહી,
જો બોલતો ભવ હશે તો તું પણ નમીશ.

તું જાણે સમય તારો છે ને તું અધિકારી!
સમજી લે કે તું પણ અહીં છે કર્મચારી.

તારું ભાન ને ગુમાન, સમયપૂરતું યોગદાની
ચડતીપડતી ને પછી પળપળ સમર્પણગતિ..

જય હો પ્રભુ...


- મોરલી પંડ્યા 
એપ્રિલ, ૨૦૧૮

A greater Personality sometimes
Possesses us which yet we know is ours:
Or we adore the Master of our souls.
Then the small bodily ego thins and falls;
No more insisting on its separate self,
Losing the punctilio of its separate birth,
It leaves us one with Nature and with God.
In moments when the inner lamps are lit
And the life's cherished guests are left outside,
Our spirit sits alone and speaks to its gulfs.
* Savitri
BOOK I: The Book of Beginnings 47

Afflicting Nature with the dual's lie,
Their twin values whetted a forbidden zest,
Made evil a relief from spurious good,
The ego battened on righteousness and sin
And each became an instrument of Hell.
* Savitri
BOOK II: The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds 205

He saw a city of ancient Ignorance
Founded upon a soil that knew not Light.
There each in his own darkness walked alone:
Only they agreed to differ in Evil's paths,
To live in their own way for their own selves
Or to enforce a common lie and wrong;
There Ego was lord upon his peacock seat
And Falsehood sat by him, his mate and queen:
The world turned to them as Heaven to Truth and God.
Injustice justified by firm decrees
* Savitri
BOOK II: The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds 208 209

Our struggling ego cannot change her course:
Yet is it a conscious power that moves in us,
A seed-idea is parent of our acts
And destiny the unrecognised child of Will.
* Savitri
BOOK II: The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds 272

When we have passed beyond individualising, then we shall be real Persons. Ego was the helper; Ego is the bar.
* "Thoughts and Glimpses" Vol. 16, p. 377

It is the same thing for the ego, the self. In order to pass on to a higher plane, one must first exist; and to exist one must become a conscious, separate individual, and to become a conscious separate individual, the ego is indispensable, otherwise one remains mingled with all that lies around us. But once the individuality is formed, if one wants to rise to a higher level and live a spiritual life, if one wants even to become simply [new p. 368]a higher [old p. 368]type of man, the limitations of the ego are the worst obstacles, and the ego must be surpassed in order to enter the true consciousness.
* Collected Works of The Mother, First Edition, Volume 08, pp. 367-68

“What we call oneself is only the ego. Our true self is the Divine.” TM

“Human nature is shot through in all its stuff with the thread of the ego; even when one tries to get away from it, it is in front or could be behind all the thoughts and actions like a shadow. To see that is the first step, to discern the falsity and absurdity of the ego-movements is the second, to discourage and refuse it at each step is the third, - but it goes entirely only when one sees, experiences and lives the One in everything and equally everywhere.

Our ego, boasting of freedom, is at every moment the slave, toy and puppet of countless beings, powers, forces, influences in universal Nature. The self-abnegation of the ego in the Divine is its self-fulfilment; its surrender to that which transcends it is its liberation from bonds and limits and its perfect freedom.” SA

Flower Name: Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus, Australian gum, Gum tree, Ironbark, Stringybark
Significance: Abolition of the Ego
One exists only by the Divine and for the Divine.

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