You are your own sect and cult
School of thought and the world!
You are here for your own curve
Growth, atmosphere and reason!
You are your own successor
Predecessor, means and doer!
You are your own trend setter,
Executor from the Soul system!
You are your own being, the original!
Unique opening, the human contributor...
Thank you...
- Morli Pandya
April, 2018
"...must be to the Truth, the Self, the Spirit, the Divine which is in him and in all; not to subordinate or lose himself in the mass, but to find and express that truth of being in himself and help the community and humanity in its seeking for its own truth and fullness of being must be his real object of existence."
* The Life Divine, American Edition, page 930
“The animal is a living laboratory in which Nature has, it is said, worked out man. Man himself may well be a thinking and living laboratory in whom and with whose conscious cooperation she wills to work out the superman.”
* The Life Divine, p. 4.
It is very simple: when you tell people, "Be humble", they immediately think of being humble before other men, and that humility is bad. True humility is humility before the Divine - that is, the precise, exact, living sense that one is nothing, can do nothing, understands nothing without the Divine, that even if one is an exceptionally intelligent and capable person, one is nothing in comparison with the Divine Consciousness. And one has to keep that always, because always one has the true attitude of receptivity, a humble receptivity which does not put personal pretension in the way of the Divine.” TM
Flower Name: Rosa
Significance: Humility
Humility in the Love for the Divine
Delicate, effective and surrendered, but very persistent in its feelings.
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