Saturday, 28 April 2018

Equanimity and Equality ...

Equanimity and Equality 
Similar? No! Distinctly different.
The first is a poised state conditioned,
The second; a face of profound presence...

Equanimity is from cultivation 
In outer approach and projection
Equality is through Grace nurtured
Stabled inner's outer manifestation...

Equanimity - kind of; dry, indifferent
A distant look without concern!
Equality - phenomenon humble,
Out of compassion emerged...

Equanimity brings dead end forever
Apathy, distance in deal whatever!
Equality is far more, above and over,
Empathetic, progressive, undisturbed...

Equanimity is a firm state mental
Through affirmation, reiteration settles.
Equality is a flow from the psyche awakened
Witness, beholder is the host instrumental...

Equanimity essential for Integrality of foundation
For yoga to influence equally to the participants 
Equality imperative for any progress spiritual
The system from here on to the aimed transformation. 

Equanimity; must lead to Equality station,
Fuitile is the power if; only in surface habitual,
The boiling inside with differentiation critical,
To advance in integration and for the Self search.

Equality then is the reason for quiescence
The entire being in established natural envelope 
Nothing shakes, stirs, hits, breaks or diverts
As instilled now within that divine character...

At you Lotus Feet Lord...
May all aspirant be blessed...

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
April, 2018

“for in all he sees two things, the Divine inhabiting every being equally, the varying manifestation unequal only in its temporary circumstances. In the animal and man, in the dog, the unclean outcast and the learned and virtuous Brahmin, in the saint and the sinner, in the indifferent and the friendly and the hostile, in those who love him and benefit and those who hate him and afflict, he sees himself, he sees God and has at heart for all the same equal kindliness, the same divine affection. Circumstances may determine the outward clasp or the outward conflict, but can never affect his equal eye, his open heart, his inner embrace of all. And in all his actions there will be the same principle of soul, a perfect equality, and the same principle of work, the will of the Divine in him active for the need of the race in its gradually developing advance towards the Godhead.”
* Essays on the Gita, First Series, Chapter 18, The Divine Worker, pg. 174

Whatever the unpleasantness of circumstances, however disagreeable the conduct of others, you must learn to receive them with a perfect calm and without any disturbing reaction. These things are the test of equality. It is easy to be calm and equal when things go well and people and circumstances are pleasant; it is when they are the opposite that the completeness of the calm, peace, equality can be tested, reinforced, made perfect.

Equanimity and peace in all conditions, in all parts of the being is the first foundation of the yogic status. Either Light (bringing with it knowledge) or Force (bringing strength and dynamism of many kinds) or Ananda (bringing love and joy of existence) can come next according to the trend of the nature. But peace is the first condition without which nothing else can be stable. SA

The more a person is quiet in front of all occurrences, equal in all circumstances, and keeps a perfect mastery of himself and remains peaceful in the presence of whatever happens, the more he has progressed towards the goal. TM

Flower Name: Iberis
Significance: Equanimity
Immutable peace and calm.

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