Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Time has come ...

The Truth prevails 
All false, lie, secret 
Pop up in self confess...

Time has come
No wrong can stay silent
Every hidden will show face...

The Truth force is so dense
The pressure no false can take
They give up in defence...

In coming times, such case
In frequency and in various context
Automatically, will showcase...

Your Power...Your Force Lord!

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
April, 2018

Victory over Falsehood:
The lords of Falsehood hold, at present, almost complete sway over poor humanity. Not only the lower life-energy, the lower vital being, but also the whole mind of man accepts them. Countless are the ways in which they are worshipped, for they are most subtle in their cunning and seek their ends in variously seductive disguises. The result is that men cling to their falsehood as if it were a treasure, cherishing it more than even the most beautiful things of life. Apprehensive of its safety, they take care to bury it deep down in themselves; but unless they take it out and surrender it to the Divine they will never find true happiness.
Indeed the very act of bringing it out and showing it to the Light would be in itself a momentous conversion and pave the way to the final victory. For the laying bare of each falsehood is in itself a victory—each acknowledgment of error is the demolition of one of the lords of Darkness. It may be an acknowledgment to oneself, provided it is absolutely honest and is no subtle regret apt to be forgotten the next moment and without the strength to make an unbreakable resolution not to repeat the mistake. Or it may be the acknowledgment to the Divine embodied in the Guru. As a result of direct personal confession to the Guru, your resolution remains no longer your own, because, if you are sincere, the Divine’s fiat goes forth in your favour.
...The power to make real what is true: it is the very same power that will bring about the realisation in you of the truth when you come in all sincerity, saying, “This falsehood I want to get rid of”, and the answer which you get is “Yes.”
* CWM Questions and Answers (1929 - 1931) 1930 - 1931

No human will can finally prevail against the Divine's Will. Let us put ourselves deliberately and exclusively on the side of the Divine, and the Victory is ultimately certain. TM

Flower Name: Catesbaea spinosa
Lily thorn, Spanish guava
Significance: Certitude of Victory
It is not noisy, but it is sure.
Will triumph over all obstacles.

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