Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Respecting for respecting us ...

Respecting the Universe
In it's very wave and particle...

Respecting for allowing us,
In space, time and with place...

Respecting for respecting us,
As dwellers, explorers we become...

Respecting for the principle innate
Collaborative nature, connected thread...

Respecting for so much out there
Yet each in sole, harmonious progress...

Respecting as the existence of wholeness
From ages in constant bond as well process...

Wow! Lord! What a marvel!
From point to gross, all in your universe!

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
April, 2018

 “The supreme being of the Divine is beyond manifestation: the true sempiternal image of him is not revealed in matter, nor is it seized by life, nor is it cognizable by mind…. What we see is only a self-created form, rupa, not the eternal form of the Divinity, svarupa. There is someone or there is something that is other than the universe, inexpressible, unimaginable, an ineffably infinite Godhead beyond anything that our largest or subtlest conceptions of infinity can shadow. All this weft of things to which we give the name of universe, all this immense sum of motion to which we can fix no limits and vainly seek in its forms and movements for any stable reality, any status, level and point of cosmic leverage, has been spun out, shaped, extended by this highest Infinite, founded upon his ineffable supracosmic Mystery. It is founded upon a self-formulation which is itself unmanifest and unthinkable.

The sum of all manifested creatures and forms cannot equal the supreme Divine, and they do not contain the Divine, nor limit and define the Divine in its entirety. They are contained within the larger being of the Supreme. “In the unthinkable timeless and spaceless infinity of his existence he has extended this minor phenomenon of a boundless universe in an endless space and time.”
* Essays on the Gita, Second Series, Part I, Chapter 5, The Divine Truth and Way, pp. 297-298

"In my explanation of the universe I have put forward this cardinal fact of spiritual evolution as the meaning of our existence here", Sri Aurobindo wrote to a disciple. "Behind the appearances of the universe", he explained, "there is the Reality of a Being and Consciousness, a Self of all things, one and eternal... This One Being and Consciousness is involved here in Matter. Evolution is the method by which it liberates itself." SA

Flower Name: Cordia sebestena
Geiger tree
Significance: Adoration
Manifold, smiling, regular, it offers itself tirelessly.

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