Monday, 2 April 2018

... No more the impulsive world ...

O Senses!

You have tasks to do
Receive as per the psyche - the 'Duke'.

Not the ways usual, crude!
From the inner guide, through real clues.

You are no more the impulsive world,
You have purpose to prove.

Time to scale up! Get brewed!
Expand sensory growth for the good.

You remain till you are needed.
The time Supramental will then lead you.

Till then be faithful!
To the Soul kind thus optimally improve.

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
April, 2018

“We receive the perceptions of the five senses, sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell and translate them into knowledge in our sense-mind. The term used for this in the philosophy of India is Manas. This sense mind accepts the sensations of the senses and translates them into an indirect experience or knowledge of the objects of the senses. But this sense mind is larger than and independent of these five senses. It can experience directly through direct modifications in its purest form of action. The changes we perceive known as emotions are an example of modifications directly affecting the sense mind and our becoming aware of them through direct experience. Love, hate, anger, fear all create waves that change the substance of the sense-mind and thus our experience of them. These emotions, while often conditioned by specific triggered impulses coming through the five senses, in fact are independent of them and can arise spontaneously within without a specific trigger at a specific time, through the action of memory, reflection or even sympathy.

While the senses make us feel and treat the world as different and other, in fact, they are distorting the deeper truth of the oneness of all the manifested universe. This leads us to the opportunity to experience the world directly through Manas without necessarily using the intermediary of the senses and thus getting a more direct experience, or even, developing new and additional senses beyond the five that we are comfortable with using through long habit, to extend the range of experience that the Sense-Mind is able to explore.

It is because of the long-standing habit of the sense mind relying on the five senses that we do not ordinarily experience or recognize the direct cognition capabilities of the sense mind. In various states such as hypnosis or dream, we can see the sense mind in some cases liberated from the senses, and a whole new world of experience begins to open up. This is an indication of a capability that can be potentially developed and extended even in the waking consciousness.”
* The Life Divine, Chapter 8, The Methods of Vedantic Knowledge

A STILLNESS absolute, incommunicable,
Meets the sheer self-discovery of the soul;
A wall of stillness shuts it from the world,
A gulf of stillness swallows up the sense
And makes unreal all that mind has known,
All that the labouring senses still would weave
Prolonging an imaged unreality.
* BOOK III: The Book of the Divine Mother 310

There Matter is the Spirit's firm density,
An artistry of glad outwardness of self,
A treasure-house of lasting images
Where sense can build a world of pure delight:
The home of a perpetual happiness,
It lodged the hours as in a pleasant inn.
The senses there were outlets of the soul;
Even the youngest child-thought of the mind
Incarnated some touch of highest things.
* BOOK III: The Book of the Divine Mother 328

This mind no silence knows nor dreamless sleep,
In the incessant circling of its steps
Thoughts tread for ever through the listening brain;
It toils like a machine and cannot stop.
Into the body's many-storeyed rooms
Endless crowd down the dream-god's messages.
All is a hundred-toned murmur and babble and stir,
There is a tireless running to and fro,
A haste of movement and a ceaseless cry.
The hurried servant senses answer apace
To every knock upon the outer doors,
Bring in time's visitors, report each call,
Admit the thousand queries and the calls
And the messages of communicating minds
And the heavy business of unnumbered lives
And all the thousandfold commerce of the world.
* BOOK VII: The Book of Yoga 478 479

The frontiers of the Ignorance shall recede,
More and more souls shall enter into light,
Minds lit, inspired, the occult summoner hear
And lives blaze with a sudden inner flame
And hearts grow enamoured of divine delight
And human wills tune to the divine will,
These separate selves the Spirit's oneness feel,
These senses of heavenly sense grow capable,
The flesh and nerves of a strange ethereal joy
And mortal bodies of immortality.
* BOOK XI: The Book of Everlasting Day 710

Flower Name: Clitoria ternatea
Blue pea, Blue vine, Butterfly pea. Mussel-shell creeper, Pigeon wings
Significance: Krishna’s Light in the Senses
A first step towards transformation.
Purified Senses
Can only be obtained by total surrender to the Truth.

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