Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Thus ... remains ...

The form changes
Thus journey remains
The Divine refuses to cease, 
Thus the form to become formless...

The essence is constant
Thus in any form remains 
The Divine stays essential 
Thus everytime essence extends...

The constancy is the game
Thus in any case, any way, remains
The Divine means multiplicity 
Thus the 'constant' is endless...

In any which way, the Divine that showcase...

Thank you...

May 2019

The Divine is that from which all comes, in which all lives, and to return to the truth of the Divine now clouded over by Ignorance is the soul's aim in life. In its supreme Truth, the Divine is absolute and infinite peace, consciousness, existence, power and Ananda.

The Divine has three aspects for us:
It is the Cosmic Self and Spirit that is in and behind all things and beings, from which and in which all is manifested in the universe - although it is now a manifestation in the Ignorance.
It is the Spirit and Master of our own being within us whom we have to serve and learn to express his will in all our movements so that we may grow out of the Ignorance into the Light.
The Divine is transcendent Being and Spirit, all bliss and light and divine knowledge and power, and towards that highest divine existence and its Light we have to rise and bring down the reality of it more and more into our consciousness and life. SA

Flower Name: Vernonia eleagnaefolia
Curtain creeper
Significance: Aspiration for the Divine Consciousness
Blossom, 0 precious flower, and never close again.

Sunday, 28 April 2019

જીવંત દ્રષ્ટાંત ...

શ્રુતિ, શ્રવણ, લેખન, વાંચન -
માધ્યમો પ્રતિ સત્યજોડાણ.
જીવંત દ્રષ્ટાંત સહુથી ધારદાર
સાતત્યનું સત્ય જીવી જાણ.

નથી સીમિત, ન કૌશલ્યમર્યાદ
કે કોઈ એક ભાગ પૂરતું સીમાંત 
સમગ્ર અસ્તિત્વે સત્યને પોકાર
ને સાહજિકતાથી સત્ય સ્વીકાર.

અમલીકરણે જ સત્ય સ્થપાય
આચરણમાં જ સત્યનો સત્કાર 
વર્તને સત્ય જ સત્યને બહુમાન 
સત્યએ ઉગવ્યો જ સાચો આચાર...

સત્-રૂપ પ્રભુને ...

એપ્રિલ, ૨૦૧૯

Flower Name: Solandra maxima
Chalice vine, Cup-of-gold vine
Significance: Absolute Truthfulness
Must govern one’s life if one wants to be close to the Divine.

સાંભળી લે આ દિવ્ય વિધાન

"હે નિમ્નમાનુષતત્વ! નમી જા!
સાંભળી લે આ દિવ્ય વિધાન.

તું કરી લે હિંસા ખૂનામરકી ને ભેદભાવ
સરમુખત્યારતત્વો તળે દબી જા!

અસત્- અસહ્યને સામ્રાજય સામ્રાજ્ઞ બનાવ 
અમાનવીય હરકતોને શીરે ચડાવ!

પીડા, પીડન, પીડિત વલણથી ભીતિ ફેલાવ
હીનકૃત્યો દ્વારા સત્તાધીશ થા!

છતાં, ક્ષણિક કે સમય પૂરતો જ છે તારો તાપ.
તને ઘડનાર તું નથી, નથી તારી ક્ષમતા અમર્યાદ.

નહીં બની શકે તું વસ્તલ કે સર્જનહાર
ઊઠીને સજાગ થવું રહેશે ત્યજી નિમ્નવાદ.

તારો સર્જક છે દિવ્યચૈતન્ય અતિમનસપ્રકાશ.
ગ્રસી ગ્રસીને વિસર્જિત થાય છે તારું કર્યું તમામ.

નિરંતર કાર્યરત છે એ ચેતનબળ અપાર
પરિવર્તિત થતું, પ્રત્યેક તારું કૃત્ય, ઓગાળી અભિશાપ.

જા, થાય એટલું કરી લે, બહુ સમય નથી તારી પાસે આમ..."

એપ્રિલ, ૨૦૧૯

Flower Name: Helianthus
Significance: Consciousness turned towards the Supramental Light
It thirsts for truth and will find its satisfaction only in the truth.

Saturday, 27 April 2019

હંફાવે તો ... શરૂઆત કર ...

સમય હંફાવે તો ઘડીથી શરૂઆત કર 
પ્રત્યેકમાં ખૂંપી પુર પૂરું બળતણ

રસ્તો હંફાવે તો ડગથી શરૂઆત કર 
પ્રત્યેકમાં ભર બળ, પકડી, દૂરંદેશીનું ઘડતર

ભાવિ હંફાવે તો અત્રથી શરૂઆત કર 
પ્રત્યેકમાં પૂર્ણ જોશ, હોશ, ધરપત શ્વસ 

અતિત હંફાવે તો નવીન શરૂઆત કર 
પ્રત્યેકમાં સમતા એકત્વ ચિદાનંદ ભારોભાર ચિતર

ચલન હંફાવે તો સહજથી શરૂઆત કર 
પ્રત્યેકમાં સ્વયંભૂ સાહજિક પ્રામાણિક ઈરાદો મૂક

વ્યવહાર હંફાવે તો વલણથી શરૂઆત કર 
પ્રત્યેકમાં નિષ્પક્ષ નિશ્ચિંત સદ્-ભાવને વણ

જિંદગી હંફાવે તો શ્વસન સમ શરૂઆત કર 
પ્રત્યેકમાં અહોભાવથી આપોઆપ આપ-લેની યથાર્થતા સમજ...

પ્રભુ જોડીદાર...

એપ્રિલ, ૨૦૧૯

Flower Name: Ipomoea lobata Mina lobata
Spanish flag
Significance: Thirst to Learn
One of the qualities that facilitate integral progress.

Friday, 26 April 2019

Turns all impossible ...

Supermind puts everything in a line
No matter how vary or weird, whatsoever 

The Consciousness Supramental, Eternal
Continuously constant keeps aligned 

Myriads of Myriad manifestations
Mobile or stagnant, yet synchronize 

The One! The Origin! The Operator! 
The same in every possible way harmonise

The worst, the crude, the cruel, the trying 
Turns all impossible into progressive wise

The Truth Supreme! The Divine Intelligence!
Owns own special system to eternal-ise

The creation throws anything unasked for
Gets converted to continue contributing in the line...

What a marvellous operation!

Thank you...

April 2019

The supramental by its very definition is the Truth­ Consciousness, Truth in possession of itself and fulfilling itself by its own power.

The Supermind is in its very essence a truth-consciousness, a consciousness always free from the Ignorance which is the foundation of our present natural or evolutionary existence and from which nature in us is trying to arrive at self-knowledge and world-knowledge and a right consciousness and the right use of our existence in the universe. The Supermind, because it is a truth-consciousness, has this knowledge inherent in it and this power of true existence; its course is straight and can go direct to its aim, its field is wide and can even be made illimitable. This is because its very nature is knowledge: it has not to acquire knowledge but possesses it in its own right .... SA

A new consciousness must manifest on earth and in man. Only the appearance of a new force and light and power accompanying the descent of the supramental consciousness into this world can raise man out of the anguish and pain and misery in which he is submerged. For only the supramental consciousness bringing down upon earth a higher poise and a purer and truer light can achieve the great miracle of transformation. . . . The integral Yoga aims at scaling all the degrees of consciousness from the ordinary mental consciousness to a supramental and divine consciousness and, when the ascent is completed, to return to the material world and infuse it with the supramental force and consciousness that have been won, so that this earth may be gradually transformed into a supramental and divine world. TM

Flower Name: Scadoxus multiflorus [Haemanthns multiflorus]
Blood lily, Football lily
Significance: Supramental Manifestation
It will be welcome.

Thursday, 25 April 2019

રસ્તો જરૂર કરજે...

રુકાવટ આવે જેટલી વાર
બે ડગ વધુ જોશથી ભરજે
વંકાઈને ઝૂકીને જરાક!
પણ રસ્તો જરૂર કરજે.

અંતરાયો આવે બે-પાંચ
હારીને ન પડતી મૂકજે
જે લીધી કરવાને ઠાન
બસ! લક્ષને તાકી ટકજે.

બલિદાનની નથી આ વાત.
ઝઝૂમીને સ્વબળે જીતજે.
કે થાકીને ન સમજજે આમ,
કે "આ સંકેત છે, અટકાવવા મને!"

કંઈક નવીન પ્રતિ વિરોધભાવ 
ભવોથી ચાલ્યો આવે
એને તું ન બનાવ સ્વભાવ,
તું ખરે શું છે! સમય બતાવશે.

હતાશાને ક્રિયાશીલતા આપી સ્વને સક્રિય બનાવો...

એપ્રિલ, ૨૦૧૯

"Then, what is the place of repentance in man's life? Has it any place in the life of a Sadhak?...
The place of repentance is in its effect for the future if it induces the nature to turn from the state of things that brought about the happening. For the Sadhak however it is not repentance but recognition of a wrong movement and the necessity of its not recurring that is needed...TM

Flower Name: Chloris barbata
Significance: Repentance
The first step towards correcting mistakes.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

inner is free ...

Nobody can do any harm
When one's inner is free

Uncluttered unconditioned empty
Yet aspiring for newness from infinity

The focus is shifted to the meaning
To life purpose, the servitor one can be

No more hindrance, an opportunist perceived
Just in self-delight gifted by the Reality

The result of the fundamental change within
The freshness of the inner is with outer sync.

The Grace at it's highest forever to be...

Thank you...

April, 2019

Flower Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Significance: Charm of the New Creation (Charm of Auroville)
The New Creation is attractive to all those who want to progress.

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

તકેદારીથી ...

તકેદારીથી દર ક્ષણને તક માન
ચેષ્ટાઓ એ મન શરીર પ્રાણ
નિમ્નપ્રકૃતિવશ અચેતન અર્ધજાગ.

બેદરકારી એટલે બદલાવને અટકાવ.
લાપરવાહી લાવે ભૂમિકામાં બદલાવ
પરાજયવાદનાં બિનજરૂરી પ્રત્યાઘાત.

શંકા પણ ચકરાવે વિચાર સુકાન
છૂપાવે પાછળ અર્થહીન અનર્થનો ભાવ 
જાણે, ઘટી રહેશે આજે નહીં તો કાલ!

અનાહત સ્થાને મા-પ્રભુને સ્થાપ 
એ દિવ્યચરણે એક એક પધરાવ.
આત્મા ઉદ્ઘાટ સુધી એ ક્રમ ચલાવ.

પ્રભુચરણે અર્પણ જીવન જીવનાર
સંભાવનાઓને ક્યાં અવકાશ - સ્થાન?
લક્ષ જીવતી ઠોસ જીવનશૈલી સાકાર.

આત્મા સંચારમાં નિશ્ચિંત પ્રયાણ...

એપ્રિલ, ૨૦૧૯

Negligence truly means the relaxation of the will which makes one forget his goal and pass his time in doing all kinds of things which, far from contributing towards the goal to be attained, stop you on the path and often turn you away from it. Therefore the flame of aspiration makes the Bhikkhu shun negligence. Every moment he remembers that time is relatively short, that one must not waste it on the way, one must go quickly, as quickly as possible, without losing a moment. And one who is vigilant, who does not waste his time, sees his bonds falling, every one, great and small; all his difficulties vanish, because of his vigilance; and if he persists in his attitude, finding in it entire satisfaction, it happens after a time that the happiness he feels in being vigilant becomes so strong that he would soon feel very unhappy if he were to lose this vigilance.

It is a fact that when one has made an effort not to lose time on the way, any time lost becomes a suffering and one can find no pleasure of any kind in it. And once you are in that state, once this effort for progress and transformation becomes the most important thing in your life, the thing to which you give constant thought, then indeed you are on the way towards the eternal existence, the truth of your being.

Certainly there is a moment in the course of the inner growth when far from having to make an effort to concentrate, to become absorbed in the contemplation and the seeking of the truth and its best expression—what the Buddhists call meditation—you feel, on the contrary, a kind of relief, ease, rest, joy, and to have to come out of that in order to deal with things that are not essential, everything that may seem like a waste of time, becomes terribly painful. External activities get reduced to what is absolutely necessary, to those that are done as service to the Divine. All that is futile, useless, precisely those things which seem like a waste of time and effort, all that, far from giving the least satisfaction, creates a kind of discomfort and fatigue; you feel happy only when you are concentrated on your goal.
Then you are really on the way.

*14 February 1958

Flower Name: Magnolia grandiflora
Significance: Perfect Vigilance
Nothing is neglected in its observation

Monday, 22 April 2019

Just walk, carefree!

Just walk, carefree!
In freedom true! Indeed.

The spreaded psychic light
Glorious in the entire being 

Takes care of the needed liberty
To walk the talk in freedom genuine 

A trace, a look back, a tiny hint!
No, no. All are gone in the light steady.

Just a walk. Firm, assured, steady
With a glow radiant of the entirety...

Lord! That's YOU.

Thank you...

April 2019

Liberation signifies an emergence into the true spiritual nature of being where all action is the automatic self-expression of that truth and there can be nothing else.

Deep, intense, convincing, common to all who have overstepped a certain limit of the active mind-belt into the horizonless inner space, this is the great experience of liberation, the consciousness of something within us that is behind and outside of the universe and all its forms, interests, aims, events and happenings, calm, untouched, unconcerned, illimitable, immobile, free....

In the spiritual order of things, the higher we project our view and our aspiration, the greater the Truth that seeks to descend upon us, because it is already there within us and calls for its release from the covering that conceals it in manifested Nature. SA

By physical liberation (liberation from Karma) one becomes the master of his destiny.
By vital liberation (liberation from desires) the personal will gets identified with the Divine Will.
By emotional liberation (liberation from suffering) one realises the supramental unity.
By mental liberation (liberation from ignorance) one obtains the mind of light and the gnostic consciousness. TM

The sense of release as if from jail always accompanies the emergence of the psychic being or the realisation of the self above. It is therefore spoken of as a liberation, mukti. It is a release into peace, happiness, the soul's freedom not tied down by the thousand ties and cares of the outward ignorant existence. SA

Flower Name: Careya arborea
Significance: Liberation
The disappearance of the ego.

Sunday, 21 April 2019

લાગણીઓનું એવું!

લાગણીઓનું એવું! 
સહેજ છેડાય ને પ્રગટે પ્રખર કથાકાર 
તોડીમરોડી ખુદને સાચી ઠેરવે
ને બનાવી મૂકે વાર્તા જોરદાર.

સંવેદન જે છંછેડાયું
વલોવે પડી રહેલો 'અતિરેક'ભાવ
હકીકતથી વધુ, વધારીને ઘડે
ને પ્રભાવક બનાવે મુદ્દો ભરી માલ!

ઊભરો સાથે જે વહ્યું
એમાં અભિવ્યક્તિનો પણ અદનો  કિરદાર
પ્રતિસંવેદન મેળવવા વરસાવે
અતિશયોક્તિભરી અતિવૃષ્ટિનો વરસાદ!

સ્વસ્થ સમભાવી સાક્ષીપણું
અસરકારક ને સંતુલનમાં મૂકે અતિ કે મર્યાદ 
એ માપદંડે મન પક્વતામાં પાકે
ને નિયંત્રીત કરે લાગણીનું સામ્રાજ્ય.

વિચાર અને સંવેદન, 
બંને મનની પેદાશ 
એટલે જ, 
મન એમનો પ્રધાન...

પ્રભુ ઘડે પ્રાવધાન...

એપ્રિલ, ૨૦૧૯

“In this perfection too there is no question of a severe ascetic insensibility, an aloof spiritual indifference or a strained rugged austerity of self-suppression. This is not a killing of the emotional nature but a transformation. All that presents itself here in our outward nature in perverse or imperfect forms has a significance and utility which come out when we get back to the greater truth of divine being.”

“Love will not be destroyed, but perfected, enlarged to its widest capacity, deepened to its spiritual rapture, the love of God, the love of man, the love of all things as ourselves and as beings and powers of the Divine; a large, universal love, not at all incapable of various relation, will replace the claimant, egoistic, self-regarding love of little joys and griefs and insistent demands afflicted with all the chequered pattern of angers and jealousies and satisfactions, rushings to unity and movements of fatigue, divorce and separation on which we now place so high a value. Grief will cease to exist, but a universal, an equal love and sympathy will take its place, not a suffering sympathy, but a power which, itself delivered, is strong to sustain, to help, to liberate. To the free spirit wrath and hatred are impossible, but not the strong Rudra energy of the Divine which can battle without hatred and destroy without wrath, because all the time aware of the things it destroys as part of itself, its own manifestations and unaltered therefore in its sympathy and understanding of those in whom are embodied these manifestations. All our emotional nature will undergo this high liberating transformation; but in order that it may do so, a perfect equality is the effective condition.”
*The Synthesis of Yoga, Part Four: The Yoga of Self-Perfection, Chapter 11, The Perfection of Equality, pp. 677-678

Emotion is an excellent and indispensable thing in human nature, in spite of all its shortcomings and dangers .... [But] our aim is to go beyond emotion to the height and depth and intensity of the Divine Love and there feel through the inner psychic heart an inexhaustible oneness with the Divine which the spasmodic leapings of the vital emotions cannot reach or experience.

Emotion is a good element in yoga; but emotional desire becomes easily a cause of perturbation and an obstacle. Turn your emotions towards the Divine, aspire for their purification; they will then become a help on the way and no longer a cause of suffering.

Not to kill emotion, but to turn it towards the Divine is the right way of the yoga.
But it must become pure, founded upon spiritual peace and joy, capable of being transmuted into Ananda. Equality and calm in the mind and vital parts, an intense psychic emotion in the heart can perfectly go together. Awake by your aspiration the psychic fire in the heart that burns steadily towards the Divine - that is the one way to liberate and fulfill the emotional nature. SA

Flower Name: Aster amellus
Italian aster
Significance: Emotional Sincerity
Does not try to falsify the emotions.

Saturday, 20 April 2019

સર્વે ઝગમગશે.

મૂંગુ મૂંગુ ઘણું જીવ્યાં, હવે તો ફૂટી રહેશે.
મા-પ્રભુનો પ્રકાશ દર કણે દિપી ઉઠશે.

સૂક્ષ્મ હો કે સ્થૂળ, સંલગ્ન પલ્ટી રહેશે.
આ દેહધારીને લગતું સર્વે ઝગમગશે.

પ્રત્યેક વિષય કે હેતુ લગતું, ખીલી રહેશે.
જીવનજન્ય દર કાર્યવસ્તુ તેજે પૂર્તિ પામશે.

હર એક દિશાઓ જીવતરની, નવગતિ ભરશે.
દોમદોમ સમૃદ્ધિ દિવ્યતાથી ઉતરતી રહેશે.

દ્રવ્ય કે નિર્વાહન, પ્રભુ સંકેતે નિયમન બનશે
મબલખ વિતરણને મધ્યે મા-પ્રભુનો હસ્ત હશે.

જે નિર્મે જીવને, પ્રભુ! તવ નિરંતર નિર્માણ હશે
હસ્ત પસારતી 'મોરલી' અહીં તવ નિષ્ઠાવાન હંમેશ હશે...

એપ્રિલ, ૨૦૧૯

Light is not knowledge but the illumination that comes from above and liberates the being from obscurity and darkness.

Our sense by its incapacity has invented darkness. In truth there is nothing but Light, only it is a power of light either above or below our poor human vision's limited range. For do not imagine that light is created by the Suns. The Suns are only physical concentrations of Light, but the splendour they concentrate for us is self-born and everywhere. God is everywhere and wherever God is, there is Light.

Even if there is much darkness — and the world is full of it and the physical nature of man also - yet a ray of the true Light can prevail eventually against a tenfold darkness. Believe that and cleave to it always. SA

Flower Name: Cestrum diurnum
Night jessamine
Significance: Light
Light and airy, it radiates.