The form changes
Thus journey remains
The Divine refuses to cease,
Thus the form to become formless...
The essence is constant
Thus in any form remains
The Divine stays essential
Thus everytime essence extends...
The constancy is the game
Thus in any case, any way, remains
The Divine means multiplicity
Thus the 'constant' is endless...
In any which way, the Divine that showcase...
Thank you...
May 2019
The Divine is that from which all comes, in which all lives, and to return to the truth of the Divine now clouded over by Ignorance is the soul's aim in life. In its supreme Truth, the Divine is absolute and infinite peace, consciousness, existence, power and Ananda.
The Divine has three aspects for us:
It is the Cosmic Self and Spirit that is in and behind all things and beings, from which and in which all is manifested in the universe - although it is now a manifestation in the Ignorance.
It is the Spirit and Master of our own being within us whom we have to serve and learn to express his will in all our movements so that we may grow out of the Ignorance into the Light.
The Divine is transcendent Being and Spirit, all bliss and light and divine knowledge and power, and towards that highest divine existence and its Light we have to rise and bring down the reality of it more and more into our consciousness and life. SA
The Divine has three aspects for us:
It is the Cosmic Self and Spirit that is in and behind all things and beings, from which and in which all is manifested in the universe - although it is now a manifestation in the Ignorance.
It is the Spirit and Master of our own being within us whom we have to serve and learn to express his will in all our movements so that we may grow out of the Ignorance into the Light.
The Divine is transcendent Being and Spirit, all bliss and light and divine knowledge and power, and towards that highest divine existence and its Light we have to rise and bring down the reality of it more and more into our consciousness and life. SA
Flower Name: Vernonia eleagnaefolia
Curtain creeper
Significance: Aspiration for the Divine ConsciousnessCurtain creeper
Blossom, 0 precious flower, and never close again.