Whatever difficulties and hesitations may ensue, they cannot eventually prevail against the power of the experience that has turned the current of the life. The call, once decisive, stands; the thing that has been born cannot eventually be stifled. Even if the force of circumstances prevents a regular pursuit or a full practical self-consecration from the first, still the mind has taken its bent and persists and returns with an ever-increasing effect upon its leading preoccupation.
There may at first be only a vivid intellectual interest, a forcible attraction towards the idea and some imperfect form of practice. Or perhaps there is an effort not favoured by the whole nature, a decision or a turn imposed by an intellectual influence or dictated by personal affection and admiration for someone who is himself consecrated and devoted to the Highest. In such cases, a long period of preparation may be necessary before there comes the irrevocable consecration; and in some instances it may not come. There may be some advance, there may be a strong effort, even much purification and many experiences other than those that are central or supreme; but the life will either be spent in preparation or, a certain stage having been reached, the mind pushed by an insufficient driving-force may rest content at the limit of the effort possible to it.Even if it fails in the present or arrives only at some preparatory stage or preliminary realisation, it has yet determined the soul’s future.
The complete self-consecration requires a constant and complete focus of the being. The secret of success in Yoga is to regard it not as one of the aims to be pursued in life, but as the whole of life.
*The Synthesis of Yoga Part One: The Yoga of Divine Works, Chapter 2, Self Consecration, pp. 64-65
Flower Name: Lilium candidum
Annunciation lily, Easter lily, Madonna lily
Significance: Purity Arising from Perfect ConsecrationAnnunciation lily, Easter lily, Madonna lily
If one lives only for the Divine and by the Divine, the result is perfect purity.
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