O Body! You are a blessed system,
You have a mission to accomplish.
Full on! On automode forever, indeed!
The only tangible apparatus intrinsic.
Equipped with organic, cellular - simply!
Through fibers, liquids, substance - really..
Thousands of connected wire grid
Alive flesh, bone, blood, nerves - stringed.
Strength, stamina, suppleness, hygiene
Your very atom has all, whatever needs.
Be aware! The power that you are born with,
Be ready! Remember the purpose! Time to fulfill...
O Lord! O Divine Mother!
The protecting Guides eternal...
Be with the Body element forever...
Thank you...
- Morli Pandya
May, 2018
When I speak of the physical consciousness, I mean the physical mind and the physical vital as well as the body consciousness proper. SA
In my view the body as well as the mind and life has to be spiritualised or, one may say, divinised so as to be a fit instrument and receptacle for the realisation of the Divine. It has its part in the Divine Lila, even, according to the Vaishnava Sadhana, in the joy and beauty of Divine Love. That does not mean that the body has to be valued for its own separate sake or that the creation of a divine body in a future evolution of the whole being has to be contemplated as an end and not a means - that would be a serious error which would not be admissible. In any case, my speculations about an extreme form of divinisation are something in a far distance and are no part of the preoccupations of the spiritual life in the near future. SA
Have you never watched a forest with all its countless trees and plants simply struggling to catch the light - twisting and trying in a hundred possible ways just to be in the sun? That is precisely the feeling of aspiration in the physical - the urge, the movement, the push towards the light. Plants have more of it in their physical being than men. Their whole life is a worship of light. Light is of course the material symbol of the Divine, and the sun represents, under material conditions, the Supreme Consciousness. The plants have felt it quite distinctly in their own simple, blind way. Their aspiration is intense, if you know how to become aware of it. TM
In my view the body as well as the mind and life has to be spiritualised or, one may say, divinised so as to be a fit instrument and receptacle for the realisation of the Divine. It has its part in the Divine Lila, even, according to the Vaishnava Sadhana, in the joy and beauty of Divine Love. That does not mean that the body has to be valued for its own separate sake or that the creation of a divine body in a future evolution of the whole being has to be contemplated as an end and not a means - that would be a serious error which would not be admissible. In any case, my speculations about an extreme form of divinisation are something in a far distance and are no part of the preoccupations of the spiritual life in the near future. SA
Have you never watched a forest with all its countless trees and plants simply struggling to catch the light - twisting and trying in a hundred possible ways just to be in the sun? That is precisely the feeling of aspiration in the physical - the urge, the movement, the push towards the light. Plants have more of it in their physical being than men. Their whole life is a worship of light. Light is of course the material symbol of the Divine, and the sun represents, under material conditions, the Supreme Consciousness. The plants have felt it quite distinctly in their own simple, blind way. Their aspiration is intense, if you know how to become aware of it. TM
Flower Name: Tithonia rotundifolia
Mexican sunflower
Significance: Physical Consciousness Entirely Turned Towards the DivineMexican sunflower
It thirsts for the Divine and wants nothing but Him.
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