Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Result of your ...

When a task accomplishes 
Result of Perfection in your will...

In its thoroughness completes
Result of your force that was with...

Such detail that the trashes vanish
Result of your consciousness progressive...

The way removes the past imprints
Result of your compassion, irrespective...

Delineate the forward move in journey
Result of your given faith and sincerity...

O Lord! Master of all ... mastering in any!

Thank you...

July, 2018

Work is part of the Yoga and it gives the best opportunity for calling down the Presence, the Light and the Power into the vital and its activities; it increases also the field and the opportunity of surrender.

The one true reward of the works of love is to grow ever in capacity and delight of love up to the ecstasy of the spirit's all-seizing embrace and universal passion; the one reward of the works of right Knowledge is to grow perpetually into the infinite Light; the one reward of the works of right Power is to harbour more and more of the Force Divine, and of the works of purity to be freed more and more from egoism into that immaculate wideness where all things are transformed and reconciled into the divine equality. To seek other reward is to bind oneself to a foolishness and a childish ignorance; and to regard even these things as a reward is an unripeness and an imperfection. SA

Flower Name: Cochlospermum religiosum
Silk-cotton tree. Yellow silk-cotton tree
Significance: Success in Supramental Work
The result of a patient labour and perfect consecration.

Monday, 30 July 2018

જગ - જણ વચાળે સાંકળી ...

અવિરત કૃપાવર્ષા વરસાવતી,
પ્રસાદમાં મળી છે એ વાદળી.
મસ્તિષ્ક ઊર્ધ્વે કરી છે સ્થાપિત,
જેમાં શ્રી મા-પ્રભુ છે બિરાજીત.

એ વાદળીમાં ભરી છે શાંતિ,
જ્ઞાન, સાયુજ્ય ને માધુરી
દિવ્યશક્તિ, ઊર્જા પ્રકાશિત
જેમાં શ્રી મા-પ્રભુ છે આચ્છાદિત. 

સતત, અંદર બાહર કાયમી,
દિવ્યકર્મો કાજે જરૂરી બુનિયાદી,
વાતાવરણ જ્યાં સુરક્ષિત સ્થાયી
જેમાં શ્રી મા-પ્રભુની છે વ્યાસપીઠ. 

હવે, જગ - જણ વચાળે સાંકળી
દિવ્યતા ભરતી એક મજબૂત કડી
પરિવર્તનકારી, ઊર્ધ્વગામી
જેમાં શ્રી મા-પ્રભુની મોહર મંજૂરી. 

તવ કૃપાવિધાન ... 
સાષ્ટાંગ દંડવત્ વંદન.

જુલાઈ, ૨૦૧૮

Create Your Own Atmosphere:
Sweet Mother, here it is written: "A spiritual atmosphere is more important than outer conditions. if one can get that and also create one's own spiritual air to breathe in and live in it, that is the true condition of progress. "*How can one get that and also create one's true spiritual atmosphere?

...It is by... precisely by inner discipline; you can create your atmosphere by controlling your thoughts, turning them exclusively towards the sadhana, controlling your actions, turning them exclusively towards the sadhana, abolishing all desires and all useless, external, ordinary activities, living a more intense inner life, and separating yourself from ordinary things, ordinary thoughts, ordinary reactions, ordinary actions; then you create a kind of atmosphere around you.

 For example, instead of reading any odd thing and chatting and doing anything whatever, if you read only what helps you to follow the path, if you act only in conformity with what can lead you to the divine realisation, if you abolish in yourself all desires and impulses turned towards external things, if you calm your mental being, appease your vital being, if you shut yourself against suggestions coming from outside and become immune to the action of people surrounding you, you create such a spiritual atmosphere that nothing can touch it, and it no longer depends at all on circumstances or on whom you live with or on the conditions you live in, because you are enclosed in your own spiritual atmosphere. And that is how one obtains it: by turning one's attention solely to the spiritual life, by reading only what can help in the spiritual life, by doing only what leads you to the spiritual life, and so on. Then you create your own atmosphere. But naturally, if you open all the doors, listen to what people tell you, follow the advice of this one and the inspirations of that one, and are full of desires for outside things, you cannot create a spiritual atmosphere for yourself. You will have an ordinary atmosphere like everybody else.

* Sri Aurobindo, Bases of Yoga.
THE MOTHER Vol.6, p. 356-357

Flower Name: Azadirachta indica
Neem, Margosa
Significance: Spiritual Atmosphere
Light, fluid, clear, transparent and so clean.

Sunday, 29 July 2018

The love is controlled...



When the love is controlled, confined 
Used for leisure, lust besides
Gets stale, eats the host, alive!

The owner in swell, in pride
Immersed with, 'No lover is like I',
‘I am the protector of that love, that of mine!

In fact, the element Love is eternal sublime
Not for mere use of vital exchange and vibes
Or meager ownership, possession or allied...

Way grand utilitarian and servitor high
For everyone, everywhere and every kind
Floats as that ever existence, bliss delight...

Lord! let the purity prevail...
Thank you...

July, 2018

First learn to know yourself perfectly and then to control yourself perfectly. You will be able to do it by aspiring at every moment. It is never too early to begin, never too late to continue.

You may be sure that becoming conscious of the Divine Presence in oneself considerably changes one's whole way of being and gives an exceptional control over all activities, mental, vital and physical. And this control is infinitely more powerful and luminous than anything one can obtain through external means. TM

Flower Name: Billbergia pyramidalis
Significance: Control
Control over the lower impulses is the first step towards realisation.

Saturday, 28 July 2018

અધિકાર જ્યારે કેદ હોય ...

હક માટે બારણાં ન ખખડાવ 
કર્તવ્ય-કર્મથી ખુલવા દે કમાડ
સદાયને રહેશે, પછી ખુલ્લા અફાટ...

અધિકાર જ્યારે કેદ હોય આમ
અપક્વ બુદ્ધિમાં જડબેસલાક 
બેબુનિયાદ બનાવે દર પ્રસ્તાવ!

શાને વ્યર્થ માથાકૂટ, મૂકવી વાત!
જેને જે ગમ્યું, જેવો જેનો સ્વભાવ.
હક માટે તે વળી દાવ? પેચ? પછાડ?

ફરજમાં ખૂંપવું, ક્યાં તો છોડવી ગાંઠ.
ધીરજ, ધરપતનો લેવો સંગાથ.
નિર્બળતા કે લડત! બંને નથી સમાધાન.

હક ને ફરજનો સમન્વય જ ધારદાર
સમાનાધિકાર જરૂરી સંબંધને કાજ.
સન્માન આપે એ જ ખરો ભાગીદાર.

આભાર પ્રભુ...

જુલાઈ, ૨૦૧૮

Equanimity and peace in all conditions, in all parts of the being is the first foundation of the yogic status. Either Light (bringing with it knowledge) or Force (bringing strength and dynamism of many kinds) or Ananda (bringing love and joy of existence) can come next according to the trend of the nature. But peace is the first condition without which nothing else can be stable. SA

The more a person is quiet in front of all occurrences, equal in all circumstances, and keeps a perfect mastery of himself and remains peaceful in the presence of whatever happens, the more he has progressed towards the goal. TM

Flower Name: Iberis
Significance: Equanimity
Immutable peace and calm.

Friday, 27 July 2018

The pure winner...

For hours, sit in a corner
With certain breathing, affirmations
Strict with a posture and a vision
Or suppressing thought and ideation
Great efforts for meditation...

Wherever, with whoever for whatever
Just a single pointed focus
Along with normal movement and action
For a particular name, mantra or assistance
For any reason, concentration works.

For one cause or the other
Branches and ways to perform under,
With techniques and patterns to sequence
For specific stipulated gradations
Meditation proves wonders...

Like a sharp edge, clear
The entire inward, inwardly inward!
On one such solution, a way forward
Gathered in, without the surface in tension
Concentration by far the best method.

Better to practice the both, subsequent,
'Either or' even than none ever!
But understand one thing clear
Meditation needs certain set up
Concentration is the backdrop real.

Concentration remains the key forever
For the future spiritual arrival
To discern, to reject, to surrender
To stick back to Faith in sincere
The ultimate tool for appropriate identification.

The Masters suggest unbound power
Without dependence on ritual or riot,
For any area, theme or level spontaneous
From the centered within to the outer projection
Concentration that is, the pure winner...

Why not try and cultivate till own up...?

Thank you...

July, 2018

Concentration: It is well known that the value of a man is in proportion to his capacity of concentrated attention; the greater the concentration the more exceptional is the result, to the extent that a perfect and unfailing concentrated attention sets the stamp of genius on what is produced. TM

Concentration is a state one must be in continually, whatever the outer activity. By concentration I mean that all the energy, all the will, all the aspiration must be turned only towards the Divine and His integral realisation in our consciousness. TM

Our one objective must be the Divine himself to whom, knowingly or unknowingly, something always aspires in our secret nature. There must be a large, many-sided yet single concentration of the thought on the idea, the perception, the vision, the awakening touch, the soul's realisation of the one Divine. There must be a flaming concentration of the heart on the All and Eternal and, when once we have found him, a deep plunging and immersion in the possession and ecstasy of the All- Beautiful. There must be a strong and immovable concentration of the will on the attainment and fulfilment of all that the Divine is and a free and plastic opening of it to all that he intends to manifest in us. SA

Flower Name: Euphorbia milii
Crown of thorns, Christ thorn
Significance: Concentration
Does not aim an effect, but simple and persistent.

Thursday, 26 July 2018

ઓ પૂજ્ય ગુરુ ...

ઓ પૂજ્ય ગુરુ, 
એકમેવ સ્વરૂપ, પરમપૂર્ણ ચૈતન્યરૂપ
શ્રી મા - પ્રભુ ત્વમૈવ સર્વ સ્વરૂપ...

સાંઈ, વિવેકાનંદ, અવધૂત, પરમહંસ
રહીમ, ઈસુ, નાનક, મહાવીર, બુદ્ધ
સમગ્ર તત્વત્વ તુજ મહીં અનુરૂપ...

અગ્નિ, વરુણ, ઈન્દ્ર, બ્રહ્મા, વિષ્ણુ, રુદ્ર,  
ચતુર્ભુજ મહાભગવતી સન્મુખ 
સમગ્ર કૃષ્ણ, શક્તિ તુજ કાજે અનુકૂળ...

દેહધરી હજી સદી પૂર્વે હતાં મૌજુદ!
શુદ્ધિ ભક્તિ સિદ્ધિ ભુક્તિ મય સંપૂર્ણ 
સમગ્ર જાત, પૃથ્વી સાક્ષી ને અભિભૂત!

વંદુ! હે દિવ્યો! હે અવતારી મા-પ્રભુ !
મમ ભવ ભાગ કે તવ હ્રદય માણું ઐક્ય...

'મોરલી' વંદન...

ધન્ય ધન્ય પ્રભો....


જુલાઈ, ૨૦૧૮

गुरु ब्रह्मा गुरुर् विष्णुः
गुरु देवो महेश्वरः ।

गुरु साक्षात् परब्रह्म
तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः॥

The Guru is Brahma,
The Guru is Vishnu,
The Guru Deva is Maheswara (Shiva),
The Guru is Verily the Para-Brahman (Supreme Brahman);
Salutations to that Guru.

भावार्थ :
गुरु ब्रह्मा है,
गुरु विष्णु है,
गुरु हि शंकर है;
गुरु हि साक्षात् परब्रह्म है;
उन सद्गुरु को प्रणाम ।

God is Sachchidananda. He manifests Himself as infinite existence of which the essentiality is consciousness, of which again the essentiality is bliss, is self-delight.

That which has thrown itself out into forms is a triune Existence-Consciousness-Bliss, Sachchidananda, whose consciousness is in its nature a creative or rather a self-expressive Force capable of infinite variation in phenomenon and form of its self-conscious being and endlessly enjoying the delight of that variation. It follows that all things that exist are what they are as terms of that existence, terms of that conscious force, terms of that delight of being. SA

Flower Name: Hedychium
Ginger lily. Garland lily
Significance: Sachchidananda
Strong and pure, it stands erect with its creative power

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

તું મંગળ જીવન માણ...

ચાલ, બની તું સાવિત્રી 
યમરાજને હંફાવ,
અર્પણ-સમર્પણના માર્ગી
તું દિવ્યસૃષ્ટિ ઉઘાડ...

ચાલ, પકડી તું પ્રેમપગથી
નવીન ચીલો પાડ,
પ્રજનન-મનોરંજનથી વધી
તું દિવ્યપ્રેમ ઊગાડ...

ચાલ, વ્યક્તિત્વને તું ઝંઝોળી
યોગ્ય ખૂણે સજાવ,
અત્ર તત્ર સર્વત્ર મૂળ જગવી
તું અસ્તિત્વે દિવ્યત્વ સ્થપાવ...

ચાલ, જીવીને તું સાક્ષાત્કારી
સેતુ ઘડી બતાવ,
ત્યાગ- ભોગને સમાવી વટાવી
તું દિવ્યસમન્વય શીખવાડ...

ચાલ, મા-પ્રભુનો હાથ ધરી
શ્રદ્ધા-વિશ્વાસે ચાલ,
ખોળે ચરણે જણ-જીવ-જીવની
તું મંગળ જીવન માણ...

ધન્ય ધન્ય પ્રભો....


જૂલાઈ, ૨૦૧૮

Flower Name: Zinnia elegans
Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Significance: Victorious Endurance
It will endure till the end of the battle.

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Enemies are they!

Vanity and Obscurity
Both are faces of the same party!

The self is the center 
Not the higher but the outer, shallower worldly.

The focus and service
To the attentions and demands petty.

With 'I me myself mine'
Vanity, not ready to diminish even slightly.

Mask of worthless shadow
Obscurity, not able to face, front or side.

Enemies are they!
Against the truth self and the purpose of life.

But, here...here...
a way forward bright,
Offer both persistently, and there! deep beneath the Soul light...

Celebrate! Get up...take a dive...

Lord...with one and all...

Thank you...

July, 2018

Flower Name: Eucharis X grandiflora
Amazon lily, Eucharist lily, Madonna lily
Significance: Light without Obscurity
All-powerful in its simplicity.

Monday, 23 July 2018

પાર્થિવ પ્રસારમાં ...

ધરામાં ધરબાયેલા રેતકણો વચ્ચે
 શ્વસતા અંધકારને જાણું છું...
ને એ જ અંધારને હંફાવી જડમૂળને 
પોષતા ખેતને માણું છું. 

સમગ્રે વહેતી રજકણો વચ્ચે 
ડોકાતા રિક્તરાગને જાણું છું...
ને એ જ વિખરાવ વચ્ચેથી 
પ્રવેશતાં તેજકિરણોને માણું છું.

સાગરમાં હિલ્લોળાતાં ફેનિલનાં 
ક્ષણિક અસ્તિત્વને જાણું છું...
ને એ જ સ્ફટિક શા ટોચકાં નીચે
 વહેતી  લહેરને માણું છું.

ક્યારીમાં ડટાયેલ બીજનાં 
નિસહાય ગુંગળાટને જાણું છું...
ને એ જ અંકુરમાંથી સજતી
 કૂંપણોની લીલાશને માણું છું. 

પાર્થિવ પ્રસારમાં વહેંચાયેલ 
વીસરાયેલ હાર્દને જાણું છું 
ને એ જ ફેલાવનાં મૂળે 
પહોંચાડતા પ્રસાદને માણું છું...

જય હો પ્રભો...

જુલાઈ, ૨૦૧૮

My blessings are for the Will of the Lord to be done, with full force and power. So it is not necessary that there should always be a success. There might be a failure also, if such is the Will of the Lord. And the Will is for the progress, I mean the inner progress. So whatever will happen will be for the best. TM

Flower Name: Scabiosa atropurpurea
Mournful widow, Sweet scabius, Pincushion flower, Egyptian rose
Significance: Blessings
Pure and innumerable, manifesting themselves infinitely.
Blessings on the Material World
Puissant and innumerable, they answer all needs.

Sunday, 22 July 2018

'The chemistry'!

Superficial, artificial displaying
The very 'in' thing - 'the chemistry'!

Created perception and hypocrisy

It's a show off, a ‘so called’ reality.

Not the 'chemistry' between the two

But the harmony that is long lasting...

The former may be sensational, throbbing

But the harmony is the origin of bonding...

The former certainly has a component physicality

The later not necessarily have physical as a party...

Innate spontaneous overarching...

Flowing in resonance is the Harmony…

Thank you...


July, 2018

Flower Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Significance: Power of Harmony
Simple, noble, dignified, powerful and charming.

Saturday, 21 July 2018

નતમસ્તક ... આવકારું ...

આ દ્રશ્ય ને કેવું અદભૂત નજરાણું!
હે દિવ્યમા, તારે ઉરેથી પ્રગટ્યું
દૈવ સ્વરૂપો, શક્તિઓનું વહેણું...

વધાવે આ દીન હ્રદય આંગણું

જે હતું તવ કૃપા પૂર્વે, ઊણું વામણું
બસ!  ઉત્તમ ઉત્કૃષ્ટ બની રહે ઠેકાણું...

હનુમંત, ગૌરીસુત સંગ શંભુ, વિષ્ણુ

અદિતિ પ્રવેશે ધરી રૂપો ભગવતી ચતુર્
પધારો, પધારો નતમસ્તક ... આવકારું...

અર્પણ, તવ ચરણે...પ્રણામ શ્રી મા - પ્રભુ...


જુલાઇ, ૨૦૧૮

Flower Name: Bougainvillea
Significance: Protection of the Gods
Luminous and clear-visioned.