Sunday, 25 November 2018

Create one's own consciously...

Do not succumb to the atmosphere that touches subtly 
Rather create one's own, surrounds one with, consciously.

However strong, firm one's is and has internally 
The outer influences, too, influence considerably!

The real practitioner knows those intruders specifically 
The real power is to remain untouched significantly!

The purer the inner, the attractive ground for penetrating 
By those unnecessary, distracting impressions, activities ...

Be aware! Create a shield around purposely 
That does not let everything come and go unknowingly.

The openness should only be towards the divine blessings
Nothing can give that joy and delight unconditionally. 

Create one's own, filled with the grace  divinity
Wear that all the time, radiate, in that live constantly ...

Thank you, Lord! Your grace...

November, 2018

Sweet Mother, here it is written: "A spiritual atmosphere is more important than outer conditions; if one can get that and also create one's own spiritual air to breathe in and live in it, that is the true condition of progress." How can one get that and also create one's true spiritual atmosphere?

Get what? This--it is by... precisely by inner discipline; you can create your atmosphere by controlling your thoughts, turning them exclusively towards the sadhana, controlling your actions, turning them exclusively towards the sadhana, abolishing all desires and all useless, external, ordinary activities, living a more intense inner life, and separating yourself from ordinary things, ordinary thoughts, ordinary reactions, ordinary actions; then you create a kind of atmosphere around you.

For example, instead of reading any odd thing and chatting and doing anything whatever, if you read only what helps you to follow the path, if you act only in conformity with what can lead you to the divine realisation, if you abolish in yourself all desires and impulses turned towards external things, if you calm your mental being, appease your vital being, if you shut yourself against suggestions coming from outside and become immune to the action of people surrounding you, you create such a spiritual atmosphere that nothing can touch it, and it no longer depends at all on circumstances or on whom you live with or on the conditions you live in, because you are enclosed in your own spiritual atmosphere. And that is how one obtains it: [old p. 357]by turning [new p. 357]one's attention solely to the spiritual life, by reading only what can help in the spiritual life, by doing only what leads you to the spiritual life, and so on. Then you create your own atmosphere. But naturally, if you open all the doors, listen to what people tell you, follow the advice of this one and the inspirations of that one, and are full of desires for outside things, you cannot create a spiritual atmosphere for yourself. You will have an ordinary atmosphere like everybody else.
*Words of The Mother
6 October 1954

When we are in close contact with the Divine, a protection can come which helps or directly guides or moves us; it does not throw aside all difficulties, sufferings or dangers, but it carries us through them and out of them - except where for a special purpose there is need of the opposite. SA

When you think of the Lord's Peace it acts as a call, and the more you think of it the " more you surround yourself with it, which is the most powerful protection. TM

Flower Name: Bougainvillea
Significance: Protection
Let us give ourselves entirely and sincerely to the Divine and we shall enjoy His protection.

Attempt towards Protection
Irregular and not always effective efforts.

Discreet Protection
Does its work discreetly without drawing attention.

Psychic Protection
The protection resulting from surrender to the Divine.

Emotional Protection
Surrender to the Divine is the best emotional protection.

Vital Protection
Surrender to the Divine is the best vital protection.

Physical protection
Is possible only with a total surrender to the divine and absence of all desire.

Triple Protection
Protection in the mind, the vital and the physical.

Integral Protection
That which can be given only by the Divine.

Manifold Protection
A protection working not only on life as a whole but on each of its details.

Protection of the Gods
Luminous and clear-visioned.

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