The Power of the consciousness Supramental
The ultimate goal of the Life divine in the matter.
Just a level below that, the Overmental existent
You brought that down on the earth, now here.
The light of Krishna and the consciousness pertinent
Attained that Siddhi in Your body as an initiator.
Each conscious being can bring down the portions
As yet not fully ready to completely convert
The time will come that changes the definition 'Human'
The real advancement of the race continues to be further
The journey from animal to the mind conscious
Witnesses the whole world and each human alert...
The process progress does not mean to stop here
The Mind has to climb to the significant upwards.
The whole new Light there, with its combinations
Expand and escalate! And be the resident permanent.
The Divine consciousness is there for everyone
To guide, to light, for all the possible protections.
Any point in the current life can be the point, to enter
Initiation is the key, the rest the Lord has envisioned.
Keep living the precious life with dutiful nature
Keep the Divine in center and everything peripheral.
The meaning, the purpose, the goal become natural
They all come and make the life joyfully significant.
Lord! How marvelous is the living and the life in particular
The Soul-Spirit-Self gives new meaning to every instant!
Grateful 'Morli' forever...
November, 2018
The Grace expressed on previous Siddhi Days, 24th November...
Thank you,
O Krishna!
Blessed is the world
With You as descent
Every subtel region
Fills with You natural...
Blessed is the creation
With You as a prevision
Every part and particle
Glazes You as a cover...
Blessed is the succession
With You and your progression
Every possible existence
Emanates You in best possible...
Blessed is the earth
With You in breathe, an atom
Every succeeded in nature
Enterprise You in nook and corner...
Thank you Lord...The Divine...The Creatrix...
O Krishna!
Blessed is the world
With You as descent
Every subtel region
Fills with You natural...
Blessed is the creation
With You as a prevision
Every part and particle
Glazes You as a cover...
Blessed is the succession
With You and your progression
Every possible existence
Emanates You in best possible...
Blessed is the earth
With You in breathe, an atom
Every succeeded in nature
Enterprise You in nook and corner...
Thank you Lord...The Divine...The Creatrix...
Even this aspiration is yours,
As you want example to set froth!
Thank you! For choosing this taskforce,
All are divine children, surrendered souls...
Surround us, with the Mind luminous,
Gift us, the Vital pure, aspirant persistent,
The bodies from your awakened Matter,
The ever lit Psychic with your presence...
We, the family, together rise,
In your abode, dwell and abide,
Through your light, navigate and derive,
With your Spirit, shine and spiritualise...
O Divine! You and from yours, define,
Your aspiration goes straight up in line,
The embodied consciousness enshrined
You only, the aspiration, the aspired child...
You bless your universe with golden light
You only bring down, pour sparkling shine,
The Entire unlike now, then divine paradise
Harmony, peace 'Morli', in Krishna divinise.
Thank you Lord...
Thank you The Mother…
As you want example to set froth!
Thank you! For choosing this taskforce,
All are divine children, surrendered souls...
Surround us, with the Mind luminous,
Gift us, the Vital pure, aspirant persistent,
The bodies from your awakened Matter,
The ever lit Psychic with your presence...
We, the family, together rise,
In your abode, dwell and abide,
Through your light, navigate and derive,
With your Spirit, shine and spiritualise...
O Divine! You and from yours, define,
Your aspiration goes straight up in line,
The embodied consciousness enshrined
You only, the aspiration, the aspired child...
You bless your universe with golden light
You only bring down, pour sparkling shine,
The Entire unlike now, then divine paradise
Harmony, peace 'Morli', in Krishna divinise.
Thank you Lord...
Thank you The Mother…
તું જ માત પિતા ને સાથી સદા !
આ ભવોભવ તું મમ ભાંડુ સખા !
તું જ પથ, રથ ને સારથિ સદા!
આ સફરમાં તું મમ જોમ ઊર્જા!
તું જ લક્ષ્ય, પ્રણ ને પારધી સદા!
આ ઊદ્દેશમાં તું મમ વેધ નિશાન!
તું સ્ત્રોત- આધાર નિર્ધારિત સદા!
સંબંધોમાં મમ ઊપરી તું જ્યાં!
તું જ કારણ, ફળ ને નિર્મિત સદા!
જીવનમાં તું, મમ ધ્યાનાભ્યાસ!
તું જ પ્રજ્ઞ-તત્વ-સત્ શક્તિ સદા!
આ અંતરે નિતરે 'મોરલી' પ્રવાહ!
આ ભવોભવ તું મમ ભાંડુ સખા !
તું જ પથ, રથ ને સારથિ સદા!
આ સફરમાં તું મમ જોમ ઊર્જા!
તું જ લક્ષ્ય, પ્રણ ને પારધી સદા!
આ ઊદ્દેશમાં તું મમ વેધ નિશાન!
તું સ્ત્રોત- આધાર નિર્ધારિત સદા!
સંબંધોમાં મમ ઊપરી તું જ્યાં!
તું જ કારણ, ફળ ને નિર્મિત સદા!
જીવનમાં તું, મમ ધ્યાનાભ્યાસ!
તું જ પ્રજ્ઞ-તત્વ-સત્ શક્તિ સદા!
આ અંતરે નિતરે 'મોરલી' પ્રવાહ!
Above head, a little a far,
Reservoir of abundance last
Peace, Joy, Power, Knowledge
Ample in that divine jar!
A touch in Gathered
At a point above the matter
Flows stream in white
Smooth nectar of glossy light!
Slowly, penetrates each shrine
With fluid from divine height
Ignite actions in accord
Makes all move in feathery light!
Just a focus away
Descent pours in no time
Opening from behind brain
Thin sleek run up till tail!
How wondrous is the bathe? ‘Morli’
Even a drop! Affluent Divine Grace!
Reservoir of abundance last
Peace, Joy, Power, Knowledge
Ample in that divine jar!
A touch in Gathered
At a point above the matter
Flows stream in white
Smooth nectar of glossy light!
Slowly, penetrates each shrine
With fluid from divine height
Ignite actions in accord
Makes all move in feathery light!
Just a focus away
Descent pours in no time
Opening from behind brain
Thin sleek run up till tail!
How wondrous is the bathe? ‘Morli’
Even a drop! Affluent Divine Grace!
* 2014
Flower Name: Plumbago auriculata
Cape leadwort
Cape leadwort
Significance: Krishna’s Ananda
Manifold, abundant and so full of charm.
Manifold, abundant and so full of charm.
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