O Awareness! You be active and the earnest
Percolate in every part, in every interlinkage...
Let the system be aware of the presence vibrant
Thus, shall not overlook and function abrupt.
Let threads spread in every nook and corner
Activate every passive, pushy to be moderate.
Your aliveness may light up the entire base
In light and enlightened pace then operate.
You are the consciousness, in dynamic ways
Here, the being invites to reside for the endless...
Thank you...
November, 2018
“When we thus draw back into the soul, we find ourselves to be not the mind, but a mental being who stands behind the action of the embodied mind, not a mental and vital personality,–personality is a composition of Nature,–but a mental Person, manomaya purusha. We become aware of a being within who takes his stand upon mind for self-knowledge and world-knowledge and thinks of himself as an individual for self-experience and world-experience, for an inward action and an outward-going action, but is yet different from mind, life and body. This sense of difference from the vital actions and the physical being is very marked; for although the Purusha feels his mind to be involved in life and body, yet he is aware that even if the physical life and body were to cease or be dissolved, he would still go on existing in his mental being. But the sense of difference from the mind is more difficult and less firmly distinct. But still it is there; it is characterised by any or all of three intuitions in which this mental Purusha lives and becomes by them aware of his own greater existence.”
* The Synthesis of Yoga,
Part Four: The Yoga of Self-Perfection,
Chapter 4, The Perfection of the Mental Being, pg. 607
Flower Name: Commelina
Widow's tears, Dayflower
Significance: First Conscious Reception of the Light in NatureWidow's tears, Dayflower
The origin or starting-point of the will to progress. Nature has an instinctive thirst for Light.
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