Beware of thoughts, forms, names!
That are calling out for specific acts.
Within one's mind, emerge and stay
Pushes one, orders one to obey.
Matter of rejection or get entertained
Identification with it leads to operate.
Reacts unknowingly to any such ignitions.
Unaware, unlearned! Caught up in situations.
Owns up those suggestions continuous,
Ends up closing the openness to know further.
But, If being is very unified and in the union
Essential tools are they in the Divine correspondence.
Lord...your ways!
Thank you...
November, 2018
This concentration proceeds by the Idea, using thought,form and name as keys which yield up to the concentrating mind the Truth that lies concealed behind all thought, form and name; for it is through the Idea that the mental being rises beyond all expression to that which is expressed, to that of which the Idea itself is only the instrument. By concentration upon the Idea the mental existence which at present we are breaks open the barrier of our mentality and arrives at the state of consciousness, the state of being, the state of power of conscious-being and bliss of conscious-being to which the Idea corresponds and of which it is the symbol, movement and rhythm. Concentration by the Idea is, then, only a means, a key to open to us the superconscient planes of our existence; a certain self-gathered state of our whole existence lifted into that superconscient truth, unity and infinity of self-aware, self-blissful existence is the aim and culmination; and that is the meaning we shall give to the term Samadhi. Not merely a state withdrawn from all consciousness of the outward, withdrawn even from all consciousness of the inward into that which exists beyond both whether as seed of both or transcendent even of their seed-state; but a settled existence in the One and Infinite, united and identified with it, and this status to remain whether we abide in the waking condition in which we are conscious of the forms of things or we withdraw into the inward activity which dwells in the play of the principles of things, the play of their names and typal forms or we soar to the condition of static inwardness where we arrive at the principles themselves and at the principle of all principles, the seed of name and form.
*The Synthesis of Yoga
The Yoga of Integral Knowledge
Concentration 321
Obedience is necessary so as to get away from one's own mind and vital and learn to follow the Truth.
In yoga obedience to the Guru or to the Divine and the law of the Truth as declared by the Guru is the foundation of discipline. SA
In yoga obedience to the Guru or to the Divine and the law of the Truth as declared by the Guru is the foundation of discipline. SA
Flower Name: Dianthus chinensis
Rainbow pink
Rainbow pink
Significance: Perfect Obedience
Without reserve or hesitation, joyous obedience in every sphere to the Divine command.
ObedienceWithout reserve or hesitation, joyous obedience in every sphere to the Divine command.
To learn to obey is good; to obey only the Divine is better.
Detailed Obedience
The obedience to the Divine Will ought to be total.
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