Friday, 30 November 2018

The role ... inherited ...

How ridiculous is the activities of the brain?
Owns up everything that comes as it is, as!

The real function is far greater than!
The Intellect is not for just processing that.

To receive from, the middle of the chest
The True center of Knowledge is there.

The brain must be serene and in quiet 
Absorb the current, to deliver the best.

The power is not in to disperse or reject.
Consciously be centered, from that poise, act.

The Intellect knows the role it has inherited 
To be the Divine instrument, in consecrated rest.

Thank you...

December, 2018

“It is difficult to put the distinction in langu­age and, even if one could, it would be very inadequate and partial. If you take the mental being of man you will find that there is what may be called the pure mental part of it, which is high above the head and com­municates through the brain with the physical life.  It is the – “thinking mind”. It is concerned chiefly with reasoning, creations of mental forms and the activity of the mental will. Then there are the emotions and sensations which are not really mental in their origin and stuff but they rise from the vital being and, coming up into the mind, they take up mental forms – mental emotions and mental sensations. That I call the mental-vital.  According to some, it is purely vital. So from the head to the centre of speech (neck), so to say, you have the mental being.” SA

*A.B Purani,
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo, vol 2, p 227.

Disciple : Is it true that when the Higher Consciousness comes the brain stops thinking?
Sri Aurobindo: The brain is not the seat of thinking. It is the mind that thinks, the brain only reacts to it.  There is a

parallelism between the movements of the brain and those of the higher mind. But the brain is only a communicating channel; it is only a support for the higher activity. If the mind is passive it receives things from above – from the Higher Mind – and passes them on to the brain.   Now, if the brain is dull, the mind cannot transmit its action correctly, it does it imperfectly. Sometimes – not always – the lapse in Sadhana(spiritual practice) also is due to the brain getting tired.

Disciple : Is it not always due to that?
Sri Aurobindo : No, in the bright period the Progress is maintained. But when the physical brain flags and refuses to support the effort of the will and mind, then you find a dull condition in Sadhana ( spiritual practice) intervenes.

“Since 1908 I never think with my head or brain—it is always in the wideness generally above the head that the thoughts occur.”
“... all things on the physical plane are merely devices – they are a system of notation, – just like the wireless or telegraphic notation. It is a convenient device for sending messages, but often we get too busy with the device and mistake it for the thing that is behind the device.”

*A.B Purani,
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo, vol 1, p 205.

Flower Name: Tagetes erecta
African marigold, Aztec marigold, Big marigold
Significance: Mental Plasticity
Indispensable for true knowledge.
Energy of a Plastic Mind
Does not draw back from any effort to progress.

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