In your sheer bliss..
The old impressions recede
The past memories cease
The conceptions outdated delete
The learnings exhausted release
The spontaneous reactions diminish
The automate reflections vanish
The senses interventions not motive
The impulsive actions grow dim
The hindsights not now any
The foresights specifically distinctive
The false associations, now corrective
The identifications with others, only if directives
The need to engage, only if inner suggestive
The preoccupation daily - you only...
Thank you...
November, 2018
“Ananda, a supreme Bliss eternal, far other and higher in its character than the highest human joy or pleasure is the essential and original nature of the spirit. In Ananda our spirit will find its true self, in Ananda its essential consciousness,in Ananda the absolute power of its existence. The embodied soul’s entry into the highest absolute, unlimited, unconditional bliss of the spirit is the infinite liberation and the infinite perfection.
There can be the experience of a spiritual and boundless Ananda on the plane of matter, on the plane of life, on the plane of mind as well as on the gnostic truth-plane of knowledge and above it.
There can be the experience of a spiritual and boundless Ananda on the plane of matter, on the plane of life, on the plane of mind as well as on the gnostic truth-plane of knowledge and above it.
But the integral perfection can come only by a mounting ascent of the lowest into the highest and an incessant descent of the highest into the lowest till all becomes one at once solid block and plastic sea-stuff of the Truth infinite and eternal.”
*The Synthesis of Yoga,
Part Two: The Yoga of Integral Knowledge,
Chapter 24, Gnosis and Ananda, pp. 477-478
At first a consecration, then a surrender and subordination of our human personal will, then its merger in a greater divine or greatest supreme Will is the central secret and core of intention of the Karmayoga. But this cannot be entirely done by our mental consciousness in its little human boundaries. Our Yoga must help us to leave it and enter into a greater consciousness enlightened by a truer radiance of knowledge, armed with a mightier unerring strength, open to that vaster delight in which are drowned for ever our petty human pain and pleasure. Still even what can be done within the limits of our human consciousness brings a great liberation.
But even to do that little is not easy to the physical mind of man, even when his higher mind and will consent and demand it. There is something in us wedded to ignorance, eternally in revolt against all surrender, attached to its own blind activity, its own freedom of will, a “freedom” that rattles its hundred chains at every step; — but to that element in us even that seems a divine music. And our human mind will invent a hundred good reasons against any such surrender to something not ourselves or even to our highest Self, — unless that be nothing more than a magnified reflection of our ego; for then it will be willing enough to surrender. And even our highest spiritual achievement on the mental plane is tainted and limited, when it is not distorted, by this ever unredeemed element in our nature.
Our only safety is to push on beyond the mind to a Truth-consciousness with a larger dynamic light in it that is ever free by its inherent knowledge and illumined power from these pettinesses and this egoistic darkness. For in this supramental consciousness is the Truth and there we meet it and its Master. The supermind is the primal creative and organic instrument of the Supreme Will, the Will that is free from error because eternal, one and infinite.
*Essays Divine and Human
Writings from manuscripts 1910 - 1950
Partial Systems of Yoga
Karma Yoga: The Yoga of Works p.143
Karma Yoga: The Yoga of Works p.143
Significance: Ananda
Calm, tranquil, equal, smiling and very sweet in its truly simple austerity.
Ananda in the Physical
May it be welcome, even if it manifests itself rarely.
Ananda in the Centres
This will be one of the benefits resulting from physical conversion.
Ananda in the Physical Body
Purified of all desire and all repulsion, with perfect equality and surrender, the physical body is ready to enjoy the Divine Ananda.
Calm, tranquil, equal, smiling and very sweet in its truly simple austerity.
Ananda in the Physical
May it be welcome, even if it manifests itself rarely.
Ananda in the Centres
This will be one of the benefits resulting from physical conversion.
Ananda in the Physical Body
Purified of all desire and all repulsion, with perfect equality and surrender, the physical body is ready to enjoy the Divine Ananda.
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