Saturday, 31 March 2018

Just in a beholder's way ...


How in bundles and bunches and branches
The Human you have created!
All almost same. 
Just in a beholder's way differentiated!

How in functions and the features and in facts
The Organic Human you carved!
All almost same 
Just because its inside story, thus invisible remains!

How in shapes and treatments and in senses
The beauty of Human you crafted!
All almost same 
Just a genetic weave. The outer structure variates!

From you side Lord!
All almost same,
Just in numbers, 
Thus in myriad combinations, they rotate!

Lord! Your creation...Kudos!

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
April, 2018

“ The world is a differentiated unity. It is a manifold oneness, that generates an infinite variety of lifeforms and substances. The lifeforms and substances are stretched out on a wide range, from physical matter to a pure form of spiritual being, where the subject becomes fully aware of itself as spirit.”

“ the ideal of human unity will no more remain an unfulfilled ideal but an accomplished fact and its preservation come into charge of the united human peoples. Much will depend, according to Sri Aurobindo, on the intellectual and moral capacity of humanity to carry out what is evidently the one thing needful, namely, a concentrated effort at the spiritual change that can sustain a global and united human family.” SA

Flower Name: Hoya carnosa
Wax plant, Honey plant
Significance: Power of Collective Aspiration
A harmonious collective aspiration can change the course of circumstances.

Friday, 30 March 2018

પ્રભુ સુણાવે સાર...

પ્રભુ સુણાવે સાર...

"હું ક્યાંય નથી છતાં પણ હું છું.
હું અજ્ઞાત નથી છતાં ગુહ્ય છું.

હું સમક્ષ નથી છતાં પણ સમગ્ર છું.
હું મુખર નથી છતાં પણ મર્મ છું.

હું  આમુખ નથી છતાં પણ અર્થ છું.
હું  જન્મવત્ નથી છતાં પણ જન્ય છું.

હું કાળગ્રસ્ત નથી છતાં પણ ક્ષણ છું.
હું શબ્દ સીમાંત નથી છતાં પણ નીરવ છું.

હું બીજ-શાખ નથી છતાં પણ અંકુર છું.
હું એકાક્ષર નથી છતાં પણ ॐ છું."

નમન પ્રભો...જય હો ...


- મોરલી પંડ્યા

માર્ચ, ૨૦૧૮

“I use the word Godhead because it expresses at once the essence of Divinity and its powers - it opens the door on both the impersonal and the personal aspects without stressing either.

The Godhead with whom the soul of man has to enter into this closest oneness, is indeed in his supreme status a transcendent Unthinkable too great for any manifestation, Parabrahman; but he is at the same time the living supreme Soul of all things. He is the supreme Lord, the Master of works and universal nature. He at once exceeds and inhabits as its self the soul and mind and body of the creature. He is Purushottama, Parameshwara and Paramatman and in all these equal aspects the same single and eternal Godhead.
It is an awakening to this integral reconciling knowledge that is the wide gate to the utter release of the soul and an unimaginable perfection of the nature. It is this Godhead in the unity of all his aspects to whom our works and our adoration and our knowledge have to be directed as a constant inner sacrifice.

He is the one Existence: he is the original and universal Delight that constitutes all things and exceeds them: he is the one infinite Consciousness that composes all consciousnesses and informs all their movements; he is the one illimitable Being who sustains all action and experience; his will guides the evolution of things towards their yet unrealised but inevitable aim and plenitude. To him the heart can consecrate itself, approach him as the supreme Beloved, beat and move in him as in a universal sweetness of Love and a living sea of Delight. For his is the secret Joy that supports the soul in all its experiences and maintains even the errant ego in its ordeals and struggles till all sorrow and suffering shall cease. His is the Love and the Bliss of the infinite divine Lover who is drawing all things by their own path towards his happy oneness.” SA

Flower Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Significance: Godhead

Pure and perfect, puts forth its force in the world.

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Is this new Future in emerging?

Geography is fading...
Countries are vanishing...
Borders are aggresive...

History is repeating...
Revengive drives in collectives!
War mode is everyday living.

Soul and Truth! Ignored! Kept aside!
Only Life forces are directives 
Is this new Future in emerging?

Merging borders and boundries,
The Divine forces are unifying.
The whole for WHOLE is in shedding...

O Lord! Your compassion...Your Force...

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
March, 2018

“The world is in perpetual change – perpetual, it doesn’t remain the same for one second – and the general harmony expresses itself more and more perfectly; so nothing can remain as it is, and in spite of all contrary appearances, the WHOLE is always in constant progression: the harmony grows increasingly harmonious, the truth grows increasingly true in the Manifestation. But in order to see that, one must see the whole, and man only sees … not even just the human field, but his own tiny, so tiny, microscopic field – he can’t understand.

It is a double thing that grows towards completion (same intertwined gesture), and with a reciprocal action: as the Manifestation grows more conscious of itself, its expression grows more perfect, and also truer. The two movements go together.

That’s one of the things that was seen very clearly the other day, when there was that Knowledge-Consciousness: when the Manifestation has sufficiently emerged from the Inconscient for that whole need for struggle created by the presence of the Inconscient to ,become progressively and increasingly unnecessary, it will disappear quite naturally, and instead of taking place in effort and struggle, progress will begin to take place harmoniously. That’s what the human consciousness envisions as a divine creation on earth – it will still be only a stage. But to the present stage, it’s a sort of harmonious culmination that will change universal progress (which is constant) from a progress in struggle and suffering into a progress in joy and harmony…”
* Mother's Agenda August 26 1967

Flower Name: Bixa orellana
Annatto, Lipstick tree, Achiote
Significance: New World
The result of transformation.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

તું જ અદિતિ તું જ સકળગતિ...

દર એ હૈયે જ્યાં તું બિરાજે 
દર એ મનમાંડવે જ્યાં તું સરતાજે
દર એ પ્રાણતાંતણે જ્યાં તું ધબકારે
દર એ તન રગે જ્યાં તું શ્વસાવે...

વંદન એ સહુ સંસ્પર્શ જે તું રણઝણાવે
વંદન એ સહુ રાગ જે તું સુણાવે
વંદન એ સહુ સાદ જે તું પરખાવે
વંદન એ સહુ સ્વાદ જે તું મમળાવે...

તું જ બલિહારી તું જ જગદાત્રી
તું જ સામ્રાજ્ઞી તું જ અધિષ્ઠાત્રી 
તું જ તત્વસિદ્ધી તું જ સિદ્ધેશ્વરી
તું જ અદિતિ તું જ સકળગતિ...

જય હો ... જય હો ... જય હો ...


- મોરલી પંડ્યા

માર્ચ, ૨૦૧૮

...But we see in the Veda that Aditi, the Mother of the Gods, is described both as the Cow and as the general Mother; she is the Supreme Light and all radiances proceed from her. Psychologically, Aditi is the supreme or infinite Consciousness, mother of the gods, in opposition to Danu or Diti,1 the divided consciousness, mother of Vritra and the other Danavas – enemies of the gods and of man in his progress. In a more general aspect she is the source of all the cosmic forms of consciousness from the physical upwards; the seven cows, sapta gāvaḥ, are her forms and there are, we are told, seven names and seven seats of the Mother.”


Chapter XIII. Dawn and the Truth

She is the golden bridge, the wonderful fire.
The luminous heart of the unknown is she,
A power of silence in the depths of God;
She is the force the inevitable Word,
The magnet of our difficult ascent,
The Sun from which we kindle all our suns,
The light that leans from the unrealised Vasts,
The joy that beckons from the impossible,
The might of all that never yet came down.
* Savitri

Aditi - The Mother. Aditi is the indivisible consciousness, force and Ananda of the Supreme; the Mother, its living dynamis, the supreme Love, Wisdom, Power. SA

Flower Name: Nelumbo nucifera 'Alba'
Sacred lotus, East Indian lotus
Significance: Aditi-the Divine Consciousness
Pure, immaculate, gloriously powerful.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

There's a catch!

There is a plan
In every lane straight, bumpy and underpass
In every twist, turn, narrow bypass...

There is the sight 
That sees curve, flat or zigzag mark
And perceives - unusual or different stark!

There, it is inside
That receives! Ugly or simply blowned by
That creates multiplicity or stone dark!

There's a catch! Alright!
That checks the blanks. Take nights towards light!
That works insatiate to set right the plan Divine... 

Thank you Lord!

- Morli Pandya 
March, 2018

“Earth-life is not a lapse into the mire of something undivine, vain and miserable, offered by some Power to itself as a spectacle or to the embodied soul as a thing to be suffered and then cast away from it: it is the scene of the evolutionary unfolding of the being which moves towards the revelation of a supreme spiritual light and power and joy and oneness, but includes in it also the manifold diversity of the self-achieving spirit. There is an all-seeing purpose in the terrestrial creation; a divine plan is working itself out through its contradictions and perplexities which are a sign of the many-sided achievement towards which are being led the soul’s growth and the endeavor of Nature.”
* The Life Divine Book 2, Part 2, Chapter 16, The Integral Knowledge and the Aim of Life; Four Theories of Existence

The Absolute, the Perfect, the Immune,
One who is in us as our secret self,
Our mask of imperfection has assumed,
He has made this tenement of flesh his own,
His image in the human measure cast
That to his divine measure we might rise;
Then in a figure of divinity
The Maker shall recast us and impose
A plan of godhead on the mortal's mould
Lifting our finite minds to his infinite,
Touching the moment with eternity.
This transfiguration is earth's due to heaven:
A mutual debt binds man to the Supreme:
His nature we must put on as he put ours;
We are sons of God and must be even as he:
His human portion, we must grow divine.
Our life is a paradox with God for key.
* BOOK I: The Book of Beginnings 67

Impenetrable, a mystery recondite
Is the vast plan of which we are a part;
Its harmonies are discords to our view
Because we know not the great theme they serve.
* BOOK II: The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds 160

For out of danger and pain heaven-bliss shall come,
Time's unforeseen event, God's secret plan.
This world was not built with random bricks of Chance,
A blind god is not destiny's architect;
A conscious power has drawn the plan of life,
There is a meaning in each curve and line.
It is an architecture high and grand
By many named and nameless masons built
In which unseeing hands obey the Unseen,
And of its master-builders she is one.
* BOOK VI: The Book of Fate 460

Flower Name: Clerodendrum inerme
Indian privet
Significance: Perfect Planning of Work
Can only be obtained with the consciousness of the Divine.

Monday, 26 March 2018

વંદન...નિષ્ઠાને નિષ્ઠાપૂર્વક...

નિરંતર એકનિષ્ઠ પ્રવર્તો 
બ્રહ્મ અખંડસમ સમગ્રે નીપજો...

અવિરત સંનિષ્ઠ નીતરજો
સંદર્ભ, સમય ન સ્પર્શજો...

એકબિંદ નિષ્ઠા પરિણમજો
સદાનંદે સદૈવ સ્થિત રહેજો...

ગ્રહણશીલ નિષ્ઠાવાન હોજો
દર માનસે ગ્રાહ્ય વસજો...

નિષ્ઠ વર્તન, વલણ, વિચારો
અભિન્ન હો શ્વસનસમ જીવનો...

હે પ્રભુ! અસ્તિત્વ અરૂપ તમો
નિષ્ઠાગ્રસ્ત વ્યસનપરસ્ત વિસ્તરો...

વંદન...નિષ્ઠાને નિષ્ઠાપૂર્વક...

જય હો પ્રભુ...


- મોરલી પંડ્યા
માર્ચ, ૨૦૧૮

There was no falsehood of soul-severance,
There came no crookedness of thought or word
To rob creation of its native truth;
All was sincerity and natural force.
* BOOK II: The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds 127

Outlined in the sincerity of that ray
Her springing childlike thoughts were richly turned
Into luminous patterns of her soul's deep truth,
* BOOK IV: The Book of Birth and Quest 356

“Sincerity means more than mere honesty. It means that you mean what you say, feel what you profess, are earnest in your will. As the sadhak aspires to be an instrument of the Divine and one with the Divine, sincerity in him means that he is really in earnest in his aspiration and refuses all other will or impulse except the Divine's.

A sincere heart is worth all the extraordinary powers in the world.” SA

“True sincerity consists in following the way because you cannot do otherwise, in consecrating yourself to the divine life because you cannot do otherwise, in striving to transform your being and emerge into the Light because you cannot do otherwise, because it is the very reason for which you live.” TM

Flower Name: Aster amellus
Italian aster
Significance: Simple Sincerity
The beginning of all progress.
Emotional Sincerity
Does not try to falsify the emotions.
Sincerity in the Vital
The sure way to realisation.

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Reach to the 'peace' plateau!

Leave aside phases of 'Pain-Pleasure'
Get out of the wave 'see-saw'
Reach to the 'peace' plateau!

No high or ups or extremes in a row
No low or down or sorrow
Just plain pure peace unborrowed!

The reach available to men of hope
Who seek in sincere and live to follow
The peace descends then and flows...

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
March, 2018

“Peace was the very first thing that the yogis and seekers of old asked for and it was a quiet and silent mind - and that always brings peace -that they declared to be the best condition for realising the Divine.

Peace is a deep quietude where no disturbance can come- a quietude with a sense of established security and release.

Peace is a calm deepened into something that is very positive amounting almost to a tranquil waveless Ananda.” SA

Flower Name: Crinum
Crinum lily, Spider lily
Significance: Peace
To want what You want always and in every circumstance is the only way to enjoy an unshakable peace.
Joy of Integral Peace
Calm and tranquil, an unfailing smile.

Saturday, 24 March 2018

... દેહ ને આત્માની સંગોષ્ઠિ ...

જીવન મૂળે દેહ ને આત્માની સંગોષ્ઠિ
એકમેકની પૂંઠે અન્યોન્યની સિદ્ધિવૃદ્ધિ 

આત્મા પામે સંસાધન થકી દેહપુષ્ટિ
દેહ ધરે આત્મન જ્યાં પરમવાસી સૃષ્ટિ 

દેહ ભલે દીસે, વિકસે. છે આત્માઊર્જિત!
આત્મા જ ઊપરી, સંચાલક સર્વ વૃત્તિ.

ખરી પડશે સમય પાક્યે. અજાણ દેહકૃતિ
આત્મા થકી જ પામશે ચિરાયુ નિવૃત્તિ

દ્વિપક્ષી વિકાસ થકી પક્ષાપક્ષ પ્રવૃત્તિ 
એકલક્ષી જ્યાં પરમપક્ષે! ને પરમે સદગતિ...

પ્રણામ પ્રભુ!


- મોરલી પંડ્યા 
માર્ચ, ૨૦૧૮

But Savitri replied to the dire God:
"Yes, I am human. Yet shall man by me,
Since in humanity waits his hour the God,
Trample thee down to reach the immortal heights,
Transcending grief and pain and fate and death.
Yes, my humanity is a mask of God:
He dwells in me, the mover of my acts,
Turning the great wheel of his cosmic work.
I am the living body of his light,
I am the thinking instrument of his power,
I incarnate Wisdom in an earthly breast,
I am his conquering and unslayable will.
The formless Spirit drew in me its shape;
In me are the Nameless and the secret Name."
* Book X The Debate of Love and Death
Conto III Section 2 Running section number 142

Flower Name: Canna Xgeneralis
Canna lily
Significance: Connection
Connection between the Light and Physical
Physical centre touched by the Light. Awakens to the necessity of growth and blossoming.
Connection between the Supermind and the Physical
Physical centre open and full of the Supramental Light. On the way to transformation, generous and powerful.