Action speaks louder
Intent speaks deeper
Both leave effect on the physical, the subtel!
One creates results
Another, the reward!
Both ignite powers of the respective worlds!
Awareness, the driver
Offering seals the rough edge
Both are the tools to significantly manifest!
Not only cyclical
But cease the bondage
Both are the ways-means to meaningful process...
Your directives...Lord!
Thank you...
Though this looks the sequence of desires but if minutely served, systematically followed, needs whole lot of sincerity and purpose.
Actions are not always desire driven, if intentions are pure and contributing to the world and to the universal good!
But to carry that drive and vision all the time and act accordingly, to dedicate each deed to that larger focus, is possible only with awakened awareness.
However healthy the action can be but the intend behind is not contributory, though hidden to physical world, leaves its print on the subtel thereby the results achieved if any, can not leave mark.
Intention can fly and reach to another though invisible and not tangible.
The unity of the two, at the same time can create marvel and for the doer, pure start!
Step back before act and check...
Thank you...
- Morli Pandya
March, 2018
“At first she is physical Nature building her firm field according to a base of settled truth and law but determined by a subconscient knowledge she does not yet share with her creatures. Next she is Life growing slowly self-conscious, seeking out knowledge that she may move seeingly in them along her ways and increase at once the complexity and the efficacy of her movements, but developing slowly too the consciousness that knowledge must be pursued for a higher and purer end, for truth, for the satisfaction, as the life expression and as the spiritual self-finding of the soul of knowledge. But, last, it is that soul itself growing in truth and light, growing into the absolute truth of itself which is its perfection, that becomes the law and high end of her energies.”
“At first there is the return of skill and effectual intelligence–and her own need explains sufficiently why she gives the rewards of life not, as the ethical mind in us would have it, to the just, not chiefly to moral good, but to the skilful and to the strong, to will and force and intelligence,–and then, more and more clearly disengaged, the return of enlightenment and the satisfaction of the mind and the soul in the conscious use and wise direction of its powers and capacities and, last of all, the one supreme return, the increase of the soul in light, the satisfaction of is perfection in knowledge, its birth into the highest consciousness and the pure fulfilment of its own innate imperative. It is that growth, a divine birth or spiritual self-exceeding its supreme reward, which for the eastern mind has been always the highest gain,–the growth out of human ignorance into divine self-knowledge.”
“At first there is the return of skill and effectual intelligence–and her own need explains sufficiently why she gives the rewards of life not, as the ethical mind in us would have it, to the just, not chiefly to moral good, but to the skilful and to the strong, to will and force and intelligence,–and then, more and more clearly disengaged, the return of enlightenment and the satisfaction of the mind and the soul in the conscious use and wise direction of its powers and capacities and, last of all, the one supreme return, the increase of the soul in light, the satisfaction of is perfection in knowledge, its birth into the highest consciousness and the pure fulfilment of its own innate imperative. It is that growth, a divine birth or spiritual self-exceeding its supreme reward, which for the eastern mind has been always the highest gain,–the growth out of human ignorance into divine self-knowledge.”
* Rebirth and Karma, Section III, Chapter 16, The Higher Lines of Karma, pg. 154
Flower Name: Clivia miniata
Kaffir lily
Significance: The Aim of Existence is RealisedKaffir lily
Exists only by and for the Divine.
Conversion of the Aim of Life from the Ego to the Divine
Instead of seeking one’s own satisfaction, to have service of the Divine as the aim of life.
The true aim of life is to find the Divine's Presence deep within oneself and to surrender to it so that it takes the lead of the life, all the feelings and all the actions of the body. This gives a true and luminous aim to existence. TM
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