Geography is fading...
Countries are vanishing...
Borders are aggresive...
History is repeating...
Revengive drives in collectives!
War mode is everyday living.
Soul and Truth! Ignored! Kept aside!
Only Life forces are directives
Is this new Future in emerging?
Merging borders and boundries,
The Divine forces are unifying.
The whole for WHOLE is in shedding...
O Lord! Your compassion...Your Force...
Thank you...
- Morli Pandya
March, 2018
“The world is in perpetual change – perpetual, it doesn’t remain the same for one second – and the general harmony expresses itself more and more perfectly; so nothing can remain as it is, and in spite of all contrary appearances, the WHOLE is always in constant progression: the harmony grows increasingly harmonious, the truth grows increasingly true in the Manifestation. But in order to see that, one must see the whole, and man only sees … not even just the human field, but his own tiny, so tiny, microscopic field – he can’t understand.
It is a double thing that grows towards completion (same intertwined gesture), and with a reciprocal action: as the Manifestation grows more conscious of itself, its expression grows more perfect, and also truer. The two movements go together.
That’s one of the things that was seen very clearly the other day, when there was that Knowledge-Consciousness: when the Manifestation has sufficiently emerged from the Inconscient for that whole need for struggle created by the presence of the Inconscient to ,become progressively and increasingly unnecessary, it will disappear quite naturally, and instead of taking place in effort and struggle, progress will begin to take place harmoniously. That’s what the human consciousness envisions as a divine creation on earth – it will still be only a stage. But to the present stage, it’s a sort of harmonious culmination that will change universal progress (which is constant) from a progress in struggle and suffering into a progress in joy and harmony…”
* Mother's Agenda August 26 1967
Flower Name: Bixa orellana
Annatto, Lipstick tree, Achiote
Significance: New WorldAnnatto, Lipstick tree, Achiote
The result of transformation.
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