Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Speaks out louder...

Does not need certification
Rather it speaks out louder...

For Soul-Self to emerge from within,
Come out and position firmly...

For purity to reflect in daily dealings,
In testing and trial, stay firmly...

For sincerity to sustain and stick solid,
In any circumstances remain firmly...

For faith to overpower opponents any,
With steadfastness operate firmly...

For receptivity to receive incessantly 
In complete discretion yet in action firmly...

In each...Divine willfullness firmly!

Thank you...

June 2019

There is only one thing to do: to proceed on one's way keeping one's own faith and certitude, and not bother about contradictions and denials. There are people who need the support and trust and certitude of others to feel comfortable and to be at ease; they are always unhappy because, of course, they will always come across people who do not believe, and so they will be upset and it will trouble them. One must find one's own certitude within oneself, keep it in spite of everything and go one's way whatever the cost, to the very end. The victory is for the most enduring. To maintain one's endurance in spite of all opposition, the support must be unshakable, and one support alone is unshakable, that of the Reality, the Supreme Truth. TM

Flower Name: Platycodon grandiflorus
Balloon flower, Chinese bellflower
Significance: Unostentatious Certitude
It does not attract attention or try to convince anyone.
Assured and calm, it never argues.
Certitude of Victory
It is not noisy, but it is sure.

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