Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Never ending ...

Don't settle for
 small short easy
Yoga is not a one time, 
temporary activity 

Asks for 
persistence and purity
Along with perseverance 
and sincerity 

Select any path, 
way or journey
Must go on progressing, 
must for the within

Without savouring devouring 
or being sticky
Every experience and 
the state keep on offering

Don't believe to be stationed 
or "the end is this"
Never ending voyage is 
the yoga for human being...

Thank you Lord!

July 2019

True courage, in its deepest sense, is to be able to face everything, everything in life, from the smallest things to the greatest, from material things to things of the spirit, without a shudder, without physically . . . without the heart beginning to beat faster, without the nerves trembling, without the slightest emotion in any part of the being. Face everything with a constant awareness of the Divine Presence, a total self giving to the Divine, and the whole being unified in this will; then you can go forward in life and face anything whatever. TM

Flower Name: Zinnia elegans
Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age
Significance: Courageous Endurance
Strong and energetic, never complains.

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