Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Growth ...

Growth remains mandatory 
Whichever way one perceives...

Sin - virtue or reverted deeds
From ancestors or to get cleanse,

For "this is my fate", "lesson me"
"Punishes God", "anguised deity"...

Whichever formation or feel unique
Comes forth and ressonates with...

The respective lead that proceeds
Stepping stone to escalate within...

Growth knows 'what's in grow for each'!
The ultimate result! progressive every...


Something innate with life in whichever form, element or period...

At every level and in every possible way growth is inevitable constant and processive.

At mental, vital, physical, psychic, universal level one can grow and expand the potential.

Every cell and every breath lead every living being to grow. 

Human being may consciously use the growth spurt in significant and integral way. To gather meaning of growth and there by life and of living.

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
October, 2017

Flower Name: Primula
Significance: Growth
It will multiply and assert its right to be.

Monday, 30 October 2017

1400th ... સમાઈ જા દિવ્ય ખોળે ...

પ્રવાહી બની તરલ તાલમાં
વાતાવરણને પ્રવાહ દે
અટકાવ ઓગળે પ્રભાવમાં 
વહી, ખળખળ વધે...

આભારનાં અહોભાગમાં
વહેળે વહેળાં આળેટે
વાતાવરણનાં જડ ઝાંઝવા
વહી ક્ષિતિજો ભીંજવે...

વહાવ સ્થળ કાળનાં
સરકતાં ભવ ભાવ પરે
અનંતોની વૃદ્ધિમય સઘળાં
વહી જીવને લય નોતરે...

પ્રવાહી દાતા વિધાતા
પ્રવાહી આતમખેપ મૂળે
રહી મૂળભૂત સ્વભાવમાં
વહી, સમાઈ જા દિવ્ય ખોળે... 

લય, લચીલાપણુ ને લહેર છે સમય ને સમયનું જોડાણ...

અવરોધવામાં આવે ત્યારે જ ડહોળાય છે. એટલે વહાવમાં જ સૌંદર્ય અને મજા છે. 

બધું જ મૂળે વહેતું છે એટલે જ બાંધી શકાતું નથી. 
બંધ બાંધ્યા પછી મૂળભૂત પ્રવાહ પણ રહેતો નથી. કુદરતીપણું નીકળી જાય છે પછી!

ખરી વહનશીલતા પ્રભાવક હોય છે. ગમે તેટલાં સજજડ સ્તંભોને પણ ઊંડાં નિશાનો આપી પલાળી જાણે છે.

વાતાવરણમાં ભીનાશ ન આવે તો પલળાયું શું કામનું?

જ્યાં સુધી સર્વ કાંઈ રંગાતું નથી ત્યાં સુધી ઉત્સવ અધૂરો રહે છે.

ગત અને ભાવિની સદીઓથી સમય બધું જ વહેણામાં વહાવી રહ્યો છે ત્યાં મનુષ્ય જડત્વ કેટલું અડીખમ રહી શકે? 

સ્વભાવ છે એટલે જ તો પ્રકૃતિ જરૂર સમજશે
 અને દિવ્યતા ધરશે...

જય હો...પ્રભુ!


- મોરલી પંડ્યા 
ઓક્ટોબર, ૨૦૧

Flower Name: Tagetes erecta
African marigold, Aztec marigold, French marigold, Big marigold
Significance: Supramentalised Plasticity
One of the stages on the way to transformation.
Always ready for the necessary progress.
Mental Plasticity
Indispensable for true knowledge.
Energy of a Plastic Mind
Does not draw back from any effort to progress.
Physical Plasticity
One of the important conditions for transformation.
Detailed Plasticity
The plasticity needed to constantly progress.

“That which can easily change its form is "plastic". Figuratively, it is suppleness, the capacity to adapt to circumstances or necessities. When I ask you to be plastic in relation to the Divine, I mean not to resist the Divine with the rigidity of preconceived ideas and fixed principles.
The physical being and physical consciousness must be very plastic to be able to lend themselves to all the necessary changes, so as to be one way one day, another way the next, and so on.
Supramental plasticity is an attribute of finally transformed Matter. The supramental body which has to be brought into being here has four main attributes: lightness, adaptability, plasticity and luminosity. . . . Supramental plasticity will enable it to stand the attack of every hostile force which strives to pierce it: it will present no dull resistance to the attack but will be, on the contrary, so pliant as to nullify the force by giving way to it to pass off. Thus it will suffer no harmful consequences and the most deadly attacks will leave it unscathed.” TM

Sunday, 29 October 2017

... The "reality" very unreal!

Refrain to remain in 
memory and imaginations
Series of desires, attachments, 
course expectant!

Mirror of gone past and 
future unreavel
Futile occupation and 
never ending obsession.

Both with perception of 
the "reality" very unreal!
Impression or imaginary 
mere dependent sensorial!

The favouring or incrementing 
of incidents 
Except respective mind
 no where existent!

Drive away from present 
marvel and wonder 
Clutches overpowering 
sheer human potential!

Let go! Just habits! clear, 
turn to be truely real,
Honest, simple, clean, 
truthful, sincere...

Something always goes on in the inner mind...

The impressions of the moments gone, bygones or the formations of what to come...keep on coming...clustering...dispersing...forming...evaporating to replace!

A kind of film screen is always active and referencing to recall or reframe...to past or future...

That keeps one away from being in now...what is at hand...in every present moments.

This most of the times one finds oneself getting hindsights... a dash of regret..."only if...!"

Catch oneself varying, filming thus deviating. 

Be there...
Be in now...
Be in oneself...
Be with one's self...
Be one with one's own being...

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
October, 2017

Flower Name: Cassia fistula
Golden-shower tree, Purging cassia, Indian laburnum, Pudding pipe tree
Significance: Imagination 
Abundant and varied, may be charming, but must not be substituted for Truth.

Imagination is a fundamental energy of consciousness, and this marvellous, indomitable energy works on without caring whether she is put to use or misuse or no use at all; she exists merely for the sake of delight in her own existence. SA

The outward and the immediate are our field, 
The dead past is our background and support; 
Mind keeps the soul prisoner, we are slaves to our acts; 
We cannot free our gaze to reach wisdom's sun. 
Inheritor of the brief animal mind, 
Man, still a child in Nature's mighty hands, 
In the succession of the moments lives; 
To a changing present is his narrow right; 
His memory stares back at a phantom past, 
The future flees before him as he moves; 
He sees imagined garments, not a face.
BOOK I: The Book of Beginnings
CANTO IV: The Secret Knowledge 53

Saturday, 28 October 2017

તું વૈશ્વિક માનવ બન...

પાપ-પુણ્ય ત્રાજવા ત્યજી 
કર્તવ્ય નિષ્કામ ભર...

ધર્મ છીછરી શાખ છોડી 
અધ્યાત્મની રાહ પકડ...

અભેદ્ય સાશંક કવચ ચીરી 
શ્રદ્ધા ચરણે પડ...

નિર્મળ વાક-વિચાર ધરી 
સ્ફૂરણને સ્થિત કર...

લાગણીની આવનજાવન ત્યજી 
સ્થિર અંતઃકરણ જણ...

ક્ષતિગ્રસ્ત મનની પકડ મૂકી 
અતિમનસ સ્તર ધર...

અંતરે દિવ્યનામ ધરી 
પળ પળ પરમમય તર...

આતમનો ઉદ્દઘાટ ધરી 
તું વૈશ્વિક માનવ બન...

જય હો...પ્રભુ!

“Be only a burning fire for progress, take whatever comes to you as an aid to your progress and immediately make whatever progress is required.”

“It is especially the will for progress and self-purification that lights the fire. The will for progress. When those who have a strong will turn it towards spiritual progress and purification, they automatically light the fire within themselves.”

“The thirst for progress, the thirst to know, the thirst to transform yourself, and above all the thirst for Love and Truth - if you keep that, you go faster. Truly a thirst, a need, you know, a need. All the rest has no importance, what you need is that.
No more bonds - free, free, free, free! Always ready to change every- thing, except one thing: to aspire. That thirst. The "Something" we need, the Perfection we need, the Light we need, the Love we need, the Truth we need, the supreme Perfection we need - and that's all. The formulas - the fewer the formulas, the better. A need, a need, a need . . . which only the Thing can satisfy, nothing else, no half measure. Only That. And then, move on, move on! Your path will be your path, it doesn't matter; any path, any path whatever.” TM


- મોરલી પંડ્યા 
ઓક્ટોબર, ૨૦૧

Flower Name: Catharanthus roseus
Madagascar periwinkle, Old maid, Cayenne jasmine, Rose periwinkle
Significance: Progress 
This is why we are on earth.

Friday, 27 October 2017

Thank you for the birth ...

Going back to The Mother's womb
Nothing left or remain due
Just one goal, focused, attuned
Live life like the Divine clue...

In the real warmth and hue
Of infinite ocean or dunes
It's her care and love onto
To live life in her magnitude...

Thank you for the birth in body too
The self aspiring, aspiration to be true
To the original spirit's ample beatitude
And the life alive in sheer gratitude...

Immensely grateful dear Lord and beloved Mother...

How specifically the Day is made!

You have told that for each one this day is special!

“Yes, it is truly a special day in one’s life. It is one of those days in the year when the Supreme descends into us – or when we are face to face with the Eternal – one of those days when our soul comes in contact with the Eternal and, if we remain a little conscious, we can feel His Presence within us. If we make a little effort on this day, we accomplish the work of many lives as in a lightning flash. That is why I give so much importance to the birthday – because what one gains in one day is truly something incomparable. And it is for this that I also work to open the consciousness a little towards what is above so that one may come before the Eternal. My child, it is a very very special day, for it is the day of decision, the day one can unite with the Supreme Consciousness. For the Lord lifts us on this day to the highest region possible so that our soul which is a portion of that Eternal Flame, may be united and identified with its Origin.

This day is truly an opportunity in life. One is so open and so receptive that one can assimilate all that is given. I can do many things, that is why it is important.
It is one of those days when the Lord Himself opens the doors wide for us. It is as though He were inviting us to rekindle more powerfully the flame of aspiration. It is one of those days which He gives us. We too, by our personal effort, could attain to this, but it would be long, hard and not so easy. And this – this is a real chance in life – the day of the Grace.” TM

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
October, 2017

Flower Name: Gladiolus Xhortulanus
Garden gladiolus
Significance: Supramentalised Receptivity
The receptivity of tomorrow

Receptivity - the power to receive the Divine Force and to feel its presence and the presence of the Mother in it and allow it to work, guiding one's sight and will and action. SA

The help is always there. It is you who must keep your receptivity living. The Divine Help is much vaster than what any human being is able to receive.TM

A Voice ill-heard shall speak, the soul obey, 
A Power into mind's inner chamber steal, 
A charm and sweetness open life's closed doors 
And beauty conquer the resisting world, 
The Truth-Light capture Nature by surprise, 
A stealth of God compel the heart to bliss 
And earth grow unexpectedly divine. 
In Matter shall be lit the spirit's glow, 
In body and body kindled the sacred birth; 
Night shall awake to the anthem of the stars, 
The days become a happy pilgrim march, 
Our will a force of the Eternal's power, 
And thought the rays of a spiritual sun. 
A few shall see what none yet understands; 
God shall grow up while the wise men talk and sleep; 
For man shall not know the coming till its hour 
And belief shall be not till the work is done.
BOOK I: The Book of Beginnings
CANTO IV: The Secret Knowledge 55

A strange and grandiose symbol was his birth 
And immortality and spirit-room 
And pure perfection and a shadowless bliss 
Are this afflicted creature's mighty fate
BOOK III: The Book of the Divine Mother 340

Thursday, 26 October 2017

The joy ...

The joy that is felt
The psychic eloquent 
Stream constant intense
The divine call is magnet!

The moment command said.
Right from then, since that
The whole being celebrates
The moment to be in Thy lap!

The immensity that is felt
In Thy feet and in loving embrace
The entire being melts
In Thy arms evaporates!

O Lord! This grateful self
With graced life and soul scale 
With your light of moon state
Rested 'Morli' in the Mother's care!

Bow to you Lord!

“A hidden Bliss is at the root of things.
A mute Delight regards Time’s countless works:
To house God’s joy in things Space gave wide room,
To house God’s joy in self our souls were born.
This universe an old enchantment guards;
Its objects are carved cups of World-Delight
Whose charmed wine is some deep soul’s rapture-drink:
The All-Wonderful has packed heaven with his dreams,
He has made blank ancient Space his marvel-house;
He spilled his spirit into Matter’s signs:
His fires of grandeur burn in the great sun,
He glides through heaven shimmering in the moon;
He is beauty carolling in the fields of sound;
He chants the stanzas of the odes of Wind;
He is silence watching in the stars at night;
He wakes at dawn and calls from every bough,
Lies stunned in the stone and dreams in flower and tree.
Even in this labour and dolour of Ignorance,

On the hard perilous ground of difficult earth,
In spite of death and evil circumstance
A will to live persists, a joy to be.
There is a joy in all that meets the sense,
A joy in all experience of the soul,
A joy in evil and a joy in good,
A joy in virtue and a joy in sin:
Indifferent to the threat of Karmic law,
Joy dares to grow upon forbidden soil,
Its sap runs through the plant and flowers of Pain:
It thrills with the drama of fate and tragic doom,
It tears its food from sorrow and ecstasy,
On danger and difficulty whets its strength;
It wallows with the reptile and the worm
And lifts its head, an equal of the stars;
It shares the faeries’ dance, dines with the gnome:
It basks in the light and heat of many suns,
The sun of Beauty and the sun of Power
Flatter and foster it with golden beams;
It grows towards the Titan and the God.”


- Morli Pandya 
October, 2017

Flower Name: Alpinia zerumbet
Shell ginger, Pink porcelain lily
Significance: Eloquence
We know how to express ourselves in a convincing way.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

... મુક્ત છે ને મુક્તિ થા ...

ક્ષણ ક્ષણ સજાવતો થા
યા મર્મ જાણી વાગોળતો થા!
જીંદગી મળી છે મહામૂલી
તું ખુશ રહે ને ખુશી થા...

કળી થકી તું પૂર્ણ થા
યા પુષ્પ મટી ખરવાને થા!
સફર માણ ધરી પ્રગતિગતિ
તું સમૃદ્ધ છે ને વૃદ્ધિ થા...

પરોઢ ભાનુ હજી! તપ્ત થા,
મધ્યાહ્નનો થઈ પ્રખર થા!
પ્રભારી સ્પર્શ મળ્યો છે ધરાર્થી!
તું મુક્ત છે ને મુક્તિ થા...

"Liberation signifies an emergence into the true spiritual nature of being where all action is the automatic self-expression of that truth and there can be nothing else."

"Deep, intense, convincing, common to all who have overstepped a certain limit of the active mind-belt into the horizonless inner space, this is the great experience of liberation, the consciousness of something within us that is behind and outside of the universe and all its forms, interests, aims, events and happenings, calm, untouched, unconcerned, illimitable, immobile, free...." SA

"In the spiritual order of things, the higher we project our view and our aspiration, the greater the Truth that seeks to descend upon us, because it is already there within us and calls for its release from
By physical liberation (liberation from Karma) one becomes the master of his destiny.
By vital liberation (liberation from desires) the personal will gets identified with the Divine Will.
By emotional liberation (liberation from suffering) one realises the supramental unity.
By mental liberation (liberation from ignorance) one obtains the mind of light and the gnostic consciousness." TM

"The sense of release as if from jail always accompanies the emergence of the psychic being or the realisation of the self above. It is therefore spoken of as a liberation, mukti. It is a release into peace, happiness, the soul's freedom not tied down by the thousand ties and cares of the outward ignorant existence." SA

જય હો...પ્રભુ!


- મોરલી પંડ્યા 
ઓક્ટોબર, ૨૦૧

Flower Name: Berrya cordifolia [Berrya ammonilla]
Significance: Liberation 
The disappearance of the ego.
Liberation in the Vital
Another result of conversion

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Bridging those seven ...

Thank you Lord!

Bridging those seven kingdoms!
In white beam from the Sun glorious!

Each with it's lotus - wide and open,
Luminous, colourful, specific nature!

Subtle within, around the body human
Man once reaches, the switch happens.

Each receptor thus receiver becomes
Shining Sun to moonlight, learns to earn!

Allows life to be a spectator forever...
Grows and growth nurtures the progress further...

“[The soul] is, according to our psychology, connected with the small outer personality by certain centres of consciousness of which we become aware by yoga .... The inner centres are for the most part closed or asleep - to open them and make them awake”

The centres or Chakras are seven in number:
The thousand-petalled lotus on top of the head.
In the middle of the forehead - the Ajna Chakra - (will, vision, dynamic thought).
Throat centre - externalising mind.
Heart-lotus - emotional centre. The psychic is behind it.
Navel- higher vital (proper).
Below navel- lower vital.
Muladhara - physical.
All these centres are in the middle of the body; they are supposed to be attached to the spinal cord; but in fact all these things are in the subtle body, sukshma deha, though one has the feeling of their activities as if in the physical body when the consciousness is awake."

“Within us there are two centres of the Purusha, the inner Soul through which he touches us to our awakening; there is the Purusha in the lotus of the heart which opens upward all our powers and the Purusha in the thousand-petalled lotus whence descend through the thought and will, opening the third eye in us, the lightnings of vision and the fire of the divine energy. The bliss existence may come to us through either one of these centres. When the lotus of the heart breaks open, we feel a divine joy, love and peace expanding in us like a flower of light which irradiates the whole being ....
When the other upper lotus opens, the whole mind becomes full of a divine light, joy and power, behind which is the Divine, the Lord of our being on his throne with our soul beside him or drawn inward into his rays; all the thought and will become then a luminosity ,Power and ecstasy…”

“The two most important things ... are the opening of the heart centre and the opening of the mind centres to all that is behind and above them. For the heart opens to the psychic being and the mind centres open to the higher consciousness and the nexus between the psychic being and the higher consciousness is the principal means of the Siddhi. The first opening is effected by a concentration in the heart, a call to the Divine to manifest within us and through the psychic to take up and lead the whole nature. Aspiration, prayer, Bhakti, love, surrender are the main supports of this part of the Sadhana - accompanied by a rejection of all that stands in the way of what we aspire for. The second opening is effected by a concentration of the consciousness in the head (afterwards, above it) and an aspiration and call and a sustained will for the descent of the divine Peace, Power, Light, Knowledge, Ananda into the being - the Peace first or the Peace and Force together.” SA

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
October, 2017

Flower Name: Canna Xgeneralis
Canna lily