Monday, 2 October 2017

True sincerity ...

True sincerity makes feel insincere 
Yet a scope to be more sincere...

Irrespective of whether a point or period
Sincerty leads to road sincere...

Backbone of the practices integral
Aspire, surrender, reject! Be sincere...

Pull through only by being harmonious
Concentrated, gathered sincere...

Mind, body, life - naturally conditioned
Single pointed, oriented actively sincere..

Honest transparent persistent actions
Reiterate, confirm intentions sincere...

Special Divine gift for those chosen
They know they are, thus cherish 'sincere'...

The first requisite for - to be on the path of integral yoga - is to be sincere.

Even if, initially, only one part of the being showcases, sincerely believes and demonstrates sincerity, the reward it draws automatically pulls other parts too, to be part of the same drive. 

The outcomes that this passion of persistence brings, makes oneself addicted to be sincere on cost of anything. At the same time, the sincere one knows that nothing can cost if one remains sincere.

To be sincere is a natural phenomenon for integral yoga practices. Those who practice they know that they can not be otherwise. To be sincere is then a natural state and a way of life sincerity so much so that sincerity leads, makes one further sincere. 

This encompasses every manifestation associated with human i.e. thought, image, intend, action, expression and that too for any reference. 

Sincerity, then is the divine protection and the Divine's loving embrace...

From previously published expressions...

If one wants, sincerely
Ask and ask, sincerely

Be persistent, sincerely 
Even in belief, sincerely

As has only way, sincerely
With all faith, sincerely

Firm to get answer, sincerely
With sincerity,  sincerely

'Morli', To be sincere, sincerely
Then Divine armours sincerely...

To be sincere...
To be in conviction for persistent...
Not to miss out even one time...
Driven by almost like an urge...

Possible only when the whole being is in harmony. Sincere one does not have heart and head dilemma. 

One would do for the sake of doing and keep doing no matter what from the other end. 

The intention, thought, expression, action...the whole sequence is in does what it is suppose to...

There is not strain and struggle, debate and confusion between the preference and power.

Sincerity is from heart domain. If doubt persist, consistency of other things can not survive. So consecutively, continuously doing things with same intention and there by concerned actions is not possible.

It is a matter of some thing which come from within, a type of behaviour with a specific backbone...a character which forms personality...

Sincere ones are those who even the Divine would prefer the most. Because one is either sincere or not. There is no in-between...These ones are trust-worthy in deliverables...

Sincere ones are with package of concern, compassion and with somewhat dare...

Thank you...

* February, 2017

If sincerity is the force, 
The drive to the surest destined.

Nothing stops, is circumstanced
To do, that is, what retrieves. 

Shapes anything towards shine
The vigour brings that refines.

The persistence is the surprise
No matter what, never leaves aside.

In whichever area inclined, strikes 
Blooms and flourishes without divide.

Sincerity, the key to the quality survive
'Morli', worth to spare the self for, everytime...


Something true of oneself.

Something, one can not adopt or wear. 

Something, one can never manage if one does not naturally have that.

Something, one can never understand, believe and trust if one is not blessed with this valuable character of oneself.

Something, one would always want in others, in relationships and in profession but feels short for oneself.

Something, however one strives and be cent percent sincere, still feels a scope for improvement.

Something, imperative than honesty and truthfulness because that makes one and keeps one be theose two.

Sincerity is the one goodness that even the Divine will look for. Those blessed with divine grace are the ones who are most and in every possible way sincere.

My sincere gratitude to the Divine...

Thank you...

* January, 2017

And Sincerity is such a blessed element that even the Divine Mother follows it and always remains by its side. 

Bestows the sincere Sadhak with her compassion and love sincerely, never fails or give up.

Immense gratitude Lord for such a wonderful force!

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
October, 2017

Flower Name: Aster amellus
Italian aster
Significance: Simple Sincerity
The beginning of all progress.
Sincerity means more than mere honesty. It means that you mean what you say, feel what you profess, are earnest in your will. As the sadhak aspires to be an instrument of the Divine and one with the Divine, sincerity in him means that he is really in earnest in his aspiration and refuses all other will or impulse except the Divine's.

A sincere heart is worth all the extraordinary powers in the world. SA

True sincerity consists in following the way because you cannot do otherwise, in consecrating yourself to the divine life because you cannot do otherwise, in striving to transform your being and emerge into the Light because you cannot do otherwise, because it is the very reason for which you live. TM

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