Friday, 20 October 2017



A perspective with reasoning 
A story of a side in justifying...

Breaks and divides the entirety
Fragments of intend revealing...

Lives on gusses or likenesses 
Becomes 'right' if approval receives...

One or the other strong conditioning
Calculation, steps, theory in backing...

To get out of, insane sensing
How can unreason be a thing?

Reason-less! Uncomfortable activity
No stand in field of mental dominancy.

A world out there in spontaneous living
The Psychic! powerhouse of intuitive faculties...

Once the upper houses are silent and know that they are not going to get approval for whatever they are suggesting and instinctively driving... this super power seated within who always has a thing to convey gets sounded...

The outerself in accordance with inner quietitude starts figuring out the soft, calm indications, commands, directives, guidance if one is successful in retaining that sync and domination.

Then, without reason or qualifying the just, one gets ascertain for the right move...comes with it's own powerful force and materialises...

The mind and intellect have to obey then...

And they know now that they have to obey to this power and its force...they readily then, do with all the driven and driving reasons...

What a mechanism!

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
October, 2017

Flower Name: Artabotrys hexapetalus
Climbing ilang-ilang
The small oval fragrant yellow fruit; borne singly or in clusters.
Significance: Reason
An excellent instrument when it is at the service of the Divine.

Just is her claim the all-witnessing Gods approve, 
Clear in a greater light than reason owns: 
Our intuitions are its title-deeds; 
Our souls accept what our blind thoughts refuse.
BOOK I: The Book of Beginnings 52
For not by Reason was creation made 
And not by Reason can the Truth be seen 
Which through the veils of thought, the screens of sense
Hardly the spirit's vision can descry
BOOK II: The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds 256

Reason that scans and breaks, but cannot build 
Or builds in vain because she doubts her work.
BOOK IX: The Book of Eternal Night 594

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