Going back to The Mother's womb
Nothing left or remain due
Just one goal, focused, attuned
Live life like the Divine clue...
In the real warmth and hue
Of infinite ocean or dunes
It's her care and love onto
To live life in her magnitude...
Thank you for the birth in body too
The self aspiring, aspiration to be true
To the original spirit's ample beatitude
And the life alive in sheer gratitude...
Immensely grateful dear Lord and beloved Mother...
How specifically the Day is made!
You have told that for each one this day is special!
“Yes, it is truly a special day in one’s life. It is one of those days in the year when the Supreme descends into us – or when we are face to face with the Eternal – one of those days when our soul comes in contact with the Eternal and, if we remain a little conscious, we can feel His Presence within us. If we make a little effort on this day, we accomplish the work of many lives as in a lightning flash. That is why I give so much importance to the birthday – because what one gains in one day is truly something incomparable. And it is for this that I also work to open the consciousness a little towards what is above so that one may come before the Eternal. My child, it is a very very special day, for it is the day of decision, the day one can unite with the Supreme Consciousness. For the Lord lifts us on this day to the highest region possible so that our soul which is a portion of that Eternal Flame, may be united and identified with its Origin.
This day is truly an opportunity in life. One is so open and so receptive that one can assimilate all that is given. I can do many things, that is why it is important.
It is one of those days when the Lord Himself opens the doors wide for us. It is as though He were inviting us to rekindle more powerfully the flame of aspiration. It is one of those days which He gives us. We too, by our personal effort, could attain to this, but it would be long, hard and not so easy. And this – this is a real chance in life – the day of the Grace.” TM
Thank you...
- Morli Pandya
October, 2017
Flower Name: Gladiolus Xhortulanus
Garden gladiolus
Significance: Supramentalised Receptivity
The receptivity of tomorrow
Garden gladiolus
Significance: Supramentalised Receptivity
The receptivity of tomorrow
Receptivity - the power to receive the Divine Force and to feel its presence and the presence of the Mother in it and allow it to work, guiding one's sight and will and action. SA
The help is always there. It is you who must keep your receptivity living. The Divine Help is much vaster than what any human being is able to receive.TM
The help is always there. It is you who must keep your receptivity living. The Divine Help is much vaster than what any human being is able to receive.TM
A Voice ill-heard shall speak, the soul obey,
A Power into mind's inner chamber steal,
A charm and sweetness open life's closed doors
And beauty conquer the resisting world,
The Truth-Light capture Nature by surprise,
A stealth of God compel the heart to bliss
And earth grow unexpectedly divine.
In Matter shall be lit the spirit's glow,
In body and body kindled the sacred birth;
Night shall awake to the anthem of the stars,
The days become a happy pilgrim march,
Our will a force of the Eternal's power,
And thought the rays of a spiritual sun.
A few shall see what none yet understands;
God shall grow up while the wise men talk and sleep;
For man shall not know the coming till its hour
And belief shall be not till the work is done.
BOOK I: The Book of Beginnings
CANTO IV: The Secret Knowledge 55
A strange and grandiose symbol was his birth
And immortality and spirit-room
And pure perfection and a shadowless bliss
Are this afflicted creature's mighty fate
BOOK III: The Book of the Divine Mother 340And immortality and spirit-room
And pure perfection and a shadowless bliss
Are this afflicted creature's mighty fate
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