Tuesday, 11 December 2018

One multiple!

Appearance! indeed an arrangement.
Really! Sheer senses percept!

Something that clusters create
For the visioning eye to understand.

In myriad forms and shapes segregated.
The division from the absoluteness.

In reality, all is One in the essence.
Marching towards One for the Oneness.

One multiple! From the stream Single
To create recreate the same Supreme intent...

Lord! Your world ... your ways ...

Thank you...

December, 2018

All existence, whatever its appearance or its process of being, is and draws its substance, origin, energy, truth from a Spirit which is the beginning, middle and end of all — itself being eternal, infinite, self-existent beyond end or beginning, beyond Space and Time, beyond Form and Quality and Circumstance as well as in Space and Time, in Form and Quality and Circumstance. This is the fundamental Reality which is hidden from our knowledge, the one Truth on which all other truths depend, those that affirm it as well as those that seem to contradict it. To be conscious of this Reality and its right relations with the other truths or appearances of existence, to live in it and govern by its Truth all our being, consciousness, nature, will, action would then be the law of a perfect life. If human life is imperfect, it is because its consciousness moves seeking, groping, experimenting in a fundamental ignorance of the real truth of its own being and is therefore unable to know or to effectuate the true law of its life. It is only if man can overcome this ignorance and inability that he can hope to perfect his life and nature. If there is no means of doing that, then he can never hope to escape from his imperfection — and the suffering which is its consequence.

He can only either die in his ignorance escaping from an incurable imperfection and suffering by a physical extinction or escape out of it by a spiritual extinction gained through an awakening of the soul to the illusoriness of birth and world and Nature or [...] and hope to get [out] of it into some other supraterrestrial state of existence. Human life on earth can then never grow into anything fundamentally other, better or more perfect than it is now. The hope that by using our reason and observing or utilising the laws of Nature we can arrive at a perfect life here is futile, for our nature here being itself ignorant and imperfect cannot arrive at anything better than a mitigated imperfection and ignorance. But if there is a means by which we can arrive at a true knowledge of the reality behind things and enter into its Truth and Light and Power then there is no reason why our life here should not become divine and perfect. It is through Yoga that this means can be found and this emergence become possible.
*Essays Divine and Human
Writings from manuscripts 1910 -1950
God: The One Reality
The Divine Eternal and Infinite 2

Flower Name:Cananga odorata
Ylang ylang
Significance: Correct Perception
A perception that does not deform the Truth.

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